r/PublicFreakout gets brigaded by rednecks who dont approve of hitting (10 y/o) racists. Sort by controversial

9  2018-07-29 by polzavatel


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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If you're a racist and you know it shoot your brains 👏 👏

...he doesn't even say anything racist in the video.

it's just a niglet girl saying "why did you say we stink?" and then she pops him in the mouth

he could have been talking about the kids there, he could have meant her family, etc.

I mean sure there's definitely a good chance he might have said "black people stink" but posting this video that starts after the fact, with that title... why should it be believed?

Who cares, he's ginger and it's funny

Yeah you are for sure arguing his innocence in good faith calling the girl a niglet.

Kill yourself you twinkish dipshit.

Aww bb don't cry