A user comes to /r/trasyboners to condemn whores. A civil debate over Utah salt begins.

35  2018-07-29 by Ghdust2


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I'm itching to ping him.

Cute is as cute does. Conservative women are much hotter than any out there and less likely to kill you with aids or be fucking your mailman while you work to keep a roof over their heads.

Maybe some people, you know, just want to fuck someone at a party?

Aldebaran333 is 100% not jealous.


She’s a hoo-ah!

She was a thoroughbred 😫

LOL at them blaming SRD for their troubles

I mean. He's not wrong. Letting some dude I'm a crowd go knuckle deep in you on camera is pretty whorish.

God bless her.

Literally getting fingered in public is A-OK, saying otherwise is slutshaming. Only your typical r/mensrights MAGAer would be against it.

Mass tagger seems pretty useful for knowing which people are dogshit retarded and not worth talking to. Like you post to Tia which means you're probably a massive faggot that cares about shit like SJWssssss

I'm also jewish, wanna put a star on me?

I'm also jewish, wanna put a star on me?

Jewish people are pretty smart for the most part so idk seems pointless.

Now tell me, how many hours have you wasted playing your computer toys... or worse, watching other people play computer toys on Twitch, my dude?

Probably a lot.

holyshit you reach the GAMREEEEEEEEGATE point pretty fast, impressive :)

Unironically caring about either side of gamer gate makes you a gigantic retard. Objective fact.

You moron, I mock you for playing videogames. What logic exactly makes you think I give the smallest shit about it, you utter retard.

What logic exactly makes you think I give the smallest shit about it

Probably all your posts about the p o l i t i c s o f v i d e o g a m e s

I made a couple of good jokes on reddit a year or two ago, let me know when you reach that point in my comment history my dude, and tell me what you think.


"haha i was just joking guys im not actually a gamer those are all jokes please still like me"

Nah that wasn't the joke I made, keep looking.

"totally not a gamer guys lol haha I hate gamers just like you!!! (pls like me)"

Anybody who cares so much that they need a mass tagger is an utter pussy.

How much caring does it require to click a button?

Caring at all is bad.

"cares so much", "caring at all is bad", what's next?

Listen man if someone posts to /r/the_donald there is a 99.9% chance they are absolutely dogshit retarded and not worth talking to. Saves time to know ahead.

A true centrist cares about nothing.

I'm not a centrist because I'm not retarded. You're trying too hard to get pats on your back from fellow drama posters. Kinda ironic.

Replying while on the toilet with diarrhea = trying

Well TIL

Clicking a button to install an extension while driving 100mph down the freeway and Redditing = trying

Well TIL

Hey dude whatever makes you happy.

Do me! Do me!

Mass taggers are a huge waste of time and only #resistance losers in Twitter and in reddit use them anymore. Even in the SRS days people decided they just didn't work and lead to lots of false positives.

Mass taggers are a huge waste of time and only #resistance losers in Twitter and in reddit use them anymore.

Yeah that doesn't describe me so I guess you're wrong.

Listen if someone is a regular poster in /r/the_donald they're retarded, I don't value their opinions/posts and this lets me know to not bother engaging.

Progressiveness is a step backwards.

I mean, he is right. If she's not a whore, who's a whore then?

I would slay slut unless she is charging for it.

She's a whore to you; she's a nympho to her man. The difference is, you ain't getting any from a whore.

If people talked about black people the way they talk about white people from red states, this would turn in a modern day pre-Civil War South before our eyes.

For science is there an all male/gay version of that sub? To much disgusting gussy there.