incels downvote local Chad

0  2018-07-29 by InternalCartographer


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Imagine coming here to cry about your fellow MDEtards picking on you.

imagine thinking that i'm crying you stupid fuck

Seriously though, why is everyone there an uptight puritan carefully maintaining their virginity for their wives?

They seem to think that if you simply make any angry enough face and tell women what to do that they're going to do it and it will end at that. Let's set aside the fact that most of them won't have the frame to do this and would probably melt on contact with a hot woman. The reality is you might succeed for a little while doing that shit but after a while she will start further probing your weaknesses realizing that you're substituting control for making up for your insecurities.

the frame


Come up with a better word and I'll use it cuck

Redpill terminology is so cringy. Like you've got all this weird language which requires a dictionary to understand. Consequences of peering at normal social dyamics through an autist's lens I guess.

You understand fully what I mean by frame though. It's vaguely synonymous with willpower / composure / confidence. I'm not going to write all 3 words when one word fully summarizes what I'm trying to say.

Just say confidence, m8.

I just looked up the "Redpill dictionary", are these people fucking serious?

CC, or Cock Carousel – The period of time in a woman's life where she successfully exploits her sexual value and maximizes her hypergamous tendencies by having sex with as many alphas as possible. Usually happens between ages 18 - 27. Often ends when the woman hits the wall.

Plate - Woman with whom you are in a non-exclusive sexual relationship with. Spinning plates is the act of having multiple plates simultaneously. Again, Rollo has a great article found here.

Are these guys serious? Loooooooool These guys talk about women like they're animals with predictable mating patterns - only they're animals they want to fuck.

The redpill stuff mostly works if you're not a complete autist about it tbh, it's the general "it's biotruths" structure it has that makes it completely autistic.

Femcels are similar to incels, more news at 8


this but unironically

The part where you say you aren’t a gigantic cuck

I am your father.

We are all animals though.

Tbf that definition is sort of true, but not in the way these MGTOW losers frame it.

I've never once in my entire life heard someone use "frame" like that. Try not to overdose on those redpills.

frame is a redpill term? seems like a normal word that fits what he is trying to say. I'm not up on the latest rapespeech so I could be wrong

I've never heard someone say frame outside of TRP.

I'm thinking of it like "frame of mind". how do they use it?

As a synonym for social standing/attitude.

TRP uses "holding frame" to mean "acting like an alpha Chad".

But in this context it makes no fucking sense. People would say 'frame of mind' instead maybe.

Because no one has ever shortened an idiom.

"Frame" might be used in a weird context for redpillers but I don't care enough to check.

Come up with a better word and I'll use it cuck


They're incels larping has volcels. Much like MGTOW

fug you got me

I'm amazed that you can still post with all those years in your eyes

Property’ as in something you love and cherish that is YOURS and not for others to gawk at. Not like cattle property.

The retarded logic and statement aside. What the fuck is that apostrophe doing there?


You're not a chad you're a loser cuck. Your girl is being a slut seeing what she can get away it and by the sounds of it she's reeled in a beta who's too scared to set boundaries just in case his girl might leave him. You're a pussy and I can't wait until you have to mentally justify the fact that your girl is getting dick from Tyrone

all women are sluts famalamalam. boundary was set when i said what i said. it was a boundary that didn't need to be clearly stated. that's the power of not being insecure.

You're so secure that won't even tell your girl that she's being a slut. You're just scared if you step out of line she'll leave you. Can't wait until you're not insecure about your ex spending a lot of her free time with her single male friends ;)

You're just scared if you step out of line she'll leave you

This but the complete opposite famalamalamalam. If she steps out of line, I'll leave her. And she knows this. That's the power of frame.

She's literally training you and normalising her slut behaviour. You won't do shit and you proved it already. She's got all the power in the relationship. Stop trying to make yourself to be some tough badass when you're too insecure to talk back to your girl

You don't understand how to be in a relationship with a hot woman and I'm not here to teach you ;)

She's going to cheat on you if she's not already. That's the only reason she's going out with a beta like you. She knows she can get away with anything. Don't worry you'll be on clean up duty soon enough


I see you've got no more valid points. It's great that a red flag can literally hit you in the face but you'll just ignore because you have a "hot girlfriend"

I have nothing to worry about famalam. If she were really this cheating monster you're overly worried about dating I'll just drop her and get someone else.

Lol you're too insecure to talk to any girls, period.

I'm not single are you projecting or is your girl in a poly relationship?

become a slut

Lol ragging on me isn't "becoming a slut". She's faithful to me, other shit doesn't matter.

The part where you think a girl asking if she can flash someone on the road is "being a slut" is really throwing you off.

It's not what she's saying, it's why she's saying it. It's a shit test young one. And your reaction says that you'd fail it by instantly jumping to the most insecure reaction ever.

"She's a slut. She must be cheating on me. She's going to cheat."

It's a red flag. If you are a chad just get another girl instead of clinging on to the first thing that lets you see her gussy.

I'd rather be an assertive man than a "secure" boy

Shit tests are not red flags. All women shit test. There are thermonuclear bomb shittests but this isn't one of them. This is basic daily banter with a partner and if you can't do this I'd say you are by far the more likely one to get cheated on or broken up with. Women are like this and you have to learn to understand it or you're going to end up the one holding the camera while Chad plows your girl.

You couldn't just jokingly have said that you'll leave her if she did? Then it would all just be banter and you'd have set boundaries and shown your worth. All you said is "if you want" which is the most passive agressive beta shit you could have said

You couldn't just jokingly have said that you'll leave her if she did?

Sure that's a clever reaction.

Then it would all just be banter and you'd have set boundaries and shown your worth.

I've already done that a million times over.

So your idea of showing your worth is to passively say "if you want" What else have you said to her? "You can do whatever you want", "No I'm not mad" "Yeah it's your choice if you want to hang out with your ex"

"Sure, I'm alright with sleeping on the couch if Jamal is coming over tonight."


Lmao imgaine being this insecure about casual banter. You must have 0 social skills.

And does she say "if you want"? You're from Pakistan apparently so ofcourse your cousin isn't going to go say anything against you it'll cause shame to your family.


He's a paki his girlfriend is also his sister


Personal PSA: all women you ever manage to wrangle will always cuck you, I can smell how pathetic your genetic material is through your posts.

begone out of my thread thot

LadyVentari may be a hoe, but you're a cuck.


What a faggy expression.

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So you're a redpill, MDE, and Drama subscriber? No wonder you're drowning in puss.

No wonder you're drowning in puss.

This but unironically

Look you guys its trying to fit in!

I know keeping up with retard PUA / TRP slang is a lost cause, but what the fuck is "one-itus"? Aren't these the same fags who cry that we need to return to 1950's suburban monogamy and you're a filthy degenerate otherwise?

Nah you're confusing several different vaguely rightwing groups who disagree on a lot of shit

Ahh. Thank you for the education. Sounds like they should all be gassed tbh

Black men aren't naturally alpha, suburban people are just corny as fuck and mostly white.


Nah you're confusing several different vaguely rightwing groups who disagree on a lot of shit

Nigga, I cannot stress this enough, well-adjusted people do not have time to put all of you little polo-shirt-tucked-into-ill-fitting-khakis autistic fags into little groups. You are all in the same basket, ya feel?

implying that I belong to all of these groups because I know who they are

I've synthesized TRP's knowledge, but I'm not a full blown redpiller. I agree with MDE on several things but I'm no anti semite. PUAs are just disgusting creeps and I hate them.


begone thot.


i've been on this sub for a year on multiple accounts and you think i just strolled in from MDE. wom*n are this retarded.


Please expound on this spelling choice.

it is offensive to use the "a" in womxynn as it implies that wamxynn are simply a different kind of m*n, rather than their own personage with agency and complex lives. thus it's necessary to replace the a in womxynn in order to do away with the oppressive practices of the past

Begone, sperg

I will forgive you for this. G-d will not. That's why he gave you an axe wound as an eternal mark of shame.

Tfu tfu

“I’ve synthesized”

Let me stop you right there.

There is no TRP knowledge. It's all shit.


Nah it's just a lot of biotruths which are unironically true but often people go way too far with them and start to over analyze small interactions way too deeply

No, they're not bio truths. Stop being stupid.

I don't think you know what biotruth means

lol 'biotruths' pick up on the 19th century determinism

Yet you watch hentai and know the difference between a trap and ru paul.

8 billion

Ah yes I sometimes forget that we are in fact all women.

It's like a cute little gift basket of deplorables!

not necessarily right wing but could be


Off topic but check out this gem:

Its the goalie theory. You can advocate for there to be no goalie in soccer, but its stupid not to play with one until the rules change

A) that's a stupid analogy in general and b) goalkeepers are required by the laws of the game.


lemme see if I got this right, we can't ping anymore because spergs overdid it klwhen people wouldn't even respond, the subreddit is basically fucked, and you fucking retards still downvote the lolcows. seriously you're all trash

being called a lolcow is the only time i've ever been offended in this sub 😤😤😤

That image is retarded. You can't disallow a girl to dress a certain way unless you're a legitimate authority. But in any case she can wear it or I can stay with her. Her choice lol


lol at a bunch of virgins arguing about the best way to control their women.

[–]SolipsisticNarwhal 22 points 1 day ago This type of thinking is exactly why the modern woman is in such a state of disarray. Women need guidance and protection. Allowing them complete freedom to make their own decisions is just as dangerous as doing the same for small children. We need to stop devaluing them and start being strong for them again. A woman will never learn, and very likely be permenantly misguided and broken, if you allow them to get away with this kind of thing
