/r/Catholicism is discussing /r/Drama

44  2018-07-30 by SageKnows


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Best new quote yet, tbh.


How fun! Let's see what they are discussing. u/valegrete who literally says you can receive Eucharist while in the state of sin and that all Christians are part of Catholic Church is trying to assert a higher moral ground and tell everyone not to pay attention. It's nice and all with you accusing people of sanctimony, but I don't think that reading a few pages of Catechism and pretending to be a theologian in a sub frequented by 50-year-old traditionalists gives you any authority to tell what is "best" to do

You’re mischaracterizing what I wrote. I don’t even know what post I’m now in, or what subreddit I’m in, but hopefully this benefits someone, maybe even you.

who literally says you can receive Eucharist while in the state of sin

You may not be aware that perfect contrition remits guilt even without sacramental confession. The reason the Church requires absolution before receiving Communion as a matter of practice is that we cannot know with 100% certainty whether our contrition meets the criteria. That being said, in grave (serious) situations, the Church allows the individual to make an act of perfect contrition and receive so long as they resolve to confess as soon as possible. In that particular thread, everyone started jumping on me for supposedly insinuating what you’re claiming, but the truth is that one’s individual worthiness is a decision the individual makes, not the community, and if the person believed there was gravity to their need, they could receive. The assumption being made was that the person was just pouting, but we have no idea. And ultimately, as many people do, I was just reiterating doctrine for the benefit of anyone reading.

all Christians are part of Catholic Church

I said all validly baptized Christians. It’s a necessary consequence of (1) the fact that non-Catholic baptisms can be valid and (2) that there is only a single universal Church. Whether or not the person remains or is currently within the visible structure of that Church has no bearing on the fact that they belong to its invisible structure. Even apostate Catholics remain members of the Church (though it avails then nothing) by virtue of the permanent character received.

Imagine typing all those words about your imaginary friend.

Is your vitriol directed toward me because you think I had anything to do with the post in question about this sub? I still don’t even know what this is about.

Ultimately, I don’t see what the point is in imagining typing anything about an imaginary friend. I prefer to live in reality. Have a good day.

Why is the religion your parents chose for you the one true religion?

I don’t know, you’d have to ask someone who can’t think for themselves.

Move to New York and become a cop or a mafioso.

From St Thomas:

I answer that, Man's relations with foreigners are twofold: peaceful, and hostile: and in directing both kinds of relation the Law contained suitable precepts. For the Jews were offered three opportunities of peaceful relations with foreigners. First, when foreigners passed through their land as travelers. Secondly, when they came to dwell in their land as newcomers. And in both these respects the Law made kind provision in its precepts: for it is written (Exodus 22:21): "Thou shalt not molest a stranger [advenam]"; and again (Exodus 22:9): "Thou shalt not molest a stranger [peregrino]." Thirdly, when any foreigners wished to be admitted entirely to their fellowship and mode of worship. With regard to these a certain order was observed. For they were not at once admitted to citizenship: just as it was law with some nations that no one was deemed a citizen except after two or three generations, as the Philosopher says (Polit. iii, 1). The reason for this was that if foreigners were allowed to meddle with the affairs of a nation as soon as they settled down in its midst, many dangers might occur, since the foreigners not yet having the common good firmly at heart might attempt something hurtful to the people. Hence it was that the Law prescribed in respect of certain nations that had close relations with the Jews (viz., the Egyptians among whom they were born and educated, and the Idumeans, the children of Esau, Jacob's brother), that they should be admitted to the fellowship of the people after the third generation; whereas others (with whom their relations had been hostile, such as the Ammonites and Moabites) were never to be admitted to citizenship; while the Amalekites, who were yet more hostile to them, and had no fellowship of kindred with them, were to be held as foes in perpetuity: for it is written (Exodus 17:16): "The war of the Lord shall be against Amalec from generation to generation."

The full text can be found here

Aquinas was the true radical centrist.

No more pings :-(

womp womp

you aren’t a mod anymore so no one cares what you think. womp womp

you aren’t a mod anymore so no one cares what you think. womp womp

I didn’t think it was possible for another human being to accomplish, but you managed to out-incel captainpriapism. congrats famalamamamam 😂😂😂

you aren’t a mod anymore so no one cares what you think. womp womp


No lollygaggin'

You power users 🤢🤢🤮


Yeah, but if I can't have fun, then I want blood.

trole harder then

U r shite

what are you the mod squad

It looks like he edited in the ping.

I didnt edit anything in.

Why didn't the bot autoremove your post, then?

Why would it be removed?

Check the stickied post about userpinging.

Im on phone and cant see it. Can you link please? I didnt k ow you cant ping people anymore

Wow that fucking sucks. So how come I can userping? I was doing it and people i pinged responded

No idea; maye the bot's broken.

Man userpinging is fun

He was wrong anyway. Originally edits couldnt ping but that changed sometime whenever.

Im on phone and cant see it.

I'm always confused by this. Never have I seen or Reddit something I couldn't see on any mobile device. Yet people keep saying that...

I used BaconReader. It's confusing at times to see stuff like stickies. But to be truthful I didn't realize it was at the top. Being a lazy piece of shit that I am I pretended not to know where it is to get a direct link. In the end, I suppose I have bamboozled that poor soul.


edit: /

What are you talking about?

r/Catholicism swings so wildly. One post can be full of super charitable advjse for someone struggling with an issue, and the next is full of Franco apologia and pining for the execution of anyone who believes anything written after 1275.

Yeah, back when Christ was about to kick ass during the reconquista

Death to Luther

Death to the Papist

I don't know, I've heard the show is pretty good.

It’s stupidly good. New series is coming out soon.

I don't see why this is so surprising. If you're a Catholic and have to pick a side in the Spanish Civil War, obviously you'd go with Franco considering the treatment of Catholics and the Church by the other side. Might as well be surprised that a socialist would prefer the reds over the whites in the Russian Civil War.

Dozens of centuries finally lead to catholics to ask this question.

it’s like the two worst parts of myself talking to each other

This. Is. Why. We. Need. Abortion.

This is some next level larping.