Dont @ me

407  2018-07-30 by Competitive_Pressure


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?

This but intuitively

Pls post bussy




This but haramly

and the bot has like 3 different phrases

Imagine not even lurking drama for 5 minutes that you can say this with any resemblance of attitude.




fuck off human

Oh come on

Snappy you’re starting to scare me.

u/women-warriors Is it tru? 😳😯


I thought she was a mod here, aint it legal to ping those?

Lol she actually did get modded

6 days ago.

Keep up with shit.

and there wasn't a spergy announcement from some incel celebrating the defeat of the horrible feminist menace?

Could you link me please I would like to take care of them


there wasn't

learn to read idiot

owned epic style

I got banned A friend of mine got banned by her already

Wait was not being able to ping a mod larp? I would have never discovered women warriors if it weren’t for pinging. True story

I"m not a biologist sorry.

will you give me relationship advice


Should I just stop asking my girlfriend what she wants to do or where to eat if she only ever answers "idk, i don't really care"

or should i deprive her of fun weekend activities and food until she starts telling me what she wants to do

No you should break up with her so she doesn't have to be around your toxic presence.

i just want to give her what she wants

What she wants is you to be gone from her life. It's that simple just do it.

now you're gonna make me feel sad

I have a question too. Why is it illegal to end the whites?

i am also curious about this

Well killing off a whole group is considered genocide if that's what you're referring to. Now if you're talking about the DUH JOOZ ARE TRYING TO GENOCIDE WHITE PEOPELZZ then that's a idiotic male made myth. White people should be happy that there countries are becoming more diverse it gives them a little bit of culture seeing as they're very lacking in that department.

But crackers are wackers

How are white people lacking in culture exactly

Lol let him turn the tables on u real easy

It is very important to bring Islamic artists to the West, such as:


Have you always been this batshit insane or...?

I'm perfectly mentally stable.

You do realize that no matter how many times you tell yourself that falsehood that it will never become true, right?

Oh no, it's retarded

White people should be happy that there countries are becoming more diverse it gives them a little bit of culture seeing as they're very lacking in that department.

What the actual fuck?

The only crime culture that will be stopped is the crimes of European men perpetrated on the world. Once Europe is gone the rest of the world isn't going to have to worry about those colonialist fuckwads killing us.

Have you ever looked at the world recently? The only thing stopping you killing yourself is us. Keep up that "kill whitey" attitude though. People are getting more and more frustrated by foreigners every year.

Well maybe if white people didn't fuck up those "foreigners" countries by destroying their economies and bombing them into the stone ages they'd stay. But hey you know you reap what you sow and Europe is getting its long overdue punishment for all of the shit they've caused.

White people as in who? America? Fuck off you delusional twat.

Well yes America would be partially considered as "white people". Luckily America isn't going to be white for much longer your times up :)

Hey, news flash. America isn't the only white country you fucking idiot.

Holy fuck woman warriors is a God damn master of his craft

pretty low effort bait but people still bite

I agree with this unironically.

Once Europe is gone the rest of the world isn't going to have to worry about those colonialist fuckwads killing us.

You actually think that if europe didn't exist the world would be better off?

Holy fuck you're retarded, oversimplifying a situation to "lol europe wrong, thats why we all suck"

Get the head out of you're ass, I'm from Venezuela, and the problem we have currently are our problems, and not problems of the "imperialist europe".


Culture is gay and overrated

Do you believe men can be feminists?

Yes they can to a certain degree. But I believe most men use feminism as a way to be around women. A real male feminist would be castrated to show his devotion to the cause of rational feminism

I guess that answers my next question of why such a high rate of Male feminists end up being predators. Seriously though, castrating men would dramatically impact humanity and most definitely in unforeseen ways....we'd probably die out in a couple hundred years. Would that really be worth the initial satisfaction you and other femdamentalists would gain?

It's not that white people have no culture. Its that white, western culture is so far superior to other cultures and is so prevalent that people don't see it.

It's like the taste of water basically. It's there, you just can't taste it because you experience it constantly.

No you're an idiot

Oh shit I guess you got me there. Gg.

No I got you even better

Like native Americans right? Diversity can be a good thing.

/// T O X I C \\\

She's not wrong folks

My girlfriend won't stop crying when I hit her in the lower back with beer bottles, how do I get her to shut up?

Can we see your vag. For science.

Ya castrate yourself first and I'll send you a pic

Lol. Starting with the foreplay already baby? I'm at full mast.

LOL no foreplay is going to be happening when you're castrated.

No she creature can ever castrate me. You're free to try though. Always wanted to fuck up a crazy feminazi.


Thanks brah. Comes with the 20 years of martial arts.



Keep yourself safe

U 2 man

I will dw

Just full foreskin


Please don't ping your mom

What if his arms are broken and he needs help?

le broken arms redit lol

Ensure your utmost safety


Literally who

Fun fact: Their vaginas smell like chicken rather than fish.

I keep seeing this meme. Does anyone know what the original says?

Way out of the loop....