RedPillers try to rationalize why they don't have any friends. It's because they're just TOO alpha, you see.

139  2018-07-30 by QueenOfTheIncels


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Ladies and gentlemen, how can u be alpha of you not only still can't get laid, but don't even have rights to claim and lie that someone is friendzoning you?

How to be alpha: not have any friends(friends are gaylol), be a kissless virgin (women are for gays lol), live with your parents (to help them, obvs), avoid superior education (to avoid the juice, obvs), avoid hobbies (they're for pussies, obvs), be a NEET (to avoid being a wagecuck, obvs). Did I miss any other "requirement"?

Anime and vydia, you forgot those fam.

Hmm. You're right

Wear a "Don't Tread on Me" snek shirt

That's part of the "be a kissless virgin"

What it's Metallica's Don't thread on me shirt?

Yes, they have that on Black Album cover.

Trigger the libs

Ebic. You're right

I think I'm going to start selling my tears to right wingers, that's an awesome business opportunity that no one's exploiting. "Liberal tears cried by a real, actual liberal! Buy yours today!"

goddamn, I think you hit on a goldmine opportunity. Sell them your tear-stained hankies too!

And risk witnessing them rage-jerk off with it immediately? Naw.

But these guys almost universally have single mothers who cry often over the sad state of their sons, they've got an unlimited supply of liberal tears.

This is the most radical centrist comment here.

Maybe it could be some variant of camwhoring - people pay to "trigger" you and you cry live on stream for them. I think they'd unironically shell out money for that.

This would make it go from meme to real fetish that Magacels would actually jack to.

"Do not fear me liberal,all I want from you is your tears"

Those have been sold for a while.


No longer a challenge.

I enjoy this excerpt from pizzashill's diary

Literally the only way to get women is to memorize pick up scripts and mind manipulation techniques and blurt them out to absolute strangers you find attractive.

Also, the only and best way to make a sale is an absolute cold call to a random stranger. You've just got to be able to repeat the best cold scripts. I know I just love all of those unsolicited calls I get from over-the-phone salesmen, they're truly the creme of the crop.

yeah it's like if you want to be a world class salesman, then just do it man. be yourself

Better then being a telemarketer lol.

Isn't literally anything better than being a telemarketer?

Being a TRPer isnt

Excuse me, "over-the-phone salesman".

"I may not be a defense attorney, but I can still get you off."

Glengarry Glen Ross, but for sex-starved NEETs.

The best dating advice I ever got came from a cartoon: cast a wide net, and, if you don't succeed, lower your standards.

Be closet gay.

Lord how could I've been so blind

Edit 2: also be a closet homosexual.

Did I miss any other "requirement"?

lift weights but never for aesthetics only for the brute force necessary to curb your enemies (the nieghborhood teens who call you fat tits)

That's what cars are for

Working out for aesthetics by itself isn't hard. Watch your diet and don't have complete fuck-around-itis.

Autism Speaks enough as it is, so please stop talking.

I'm sorry Chad, but this a free speech zone. Go back to fingering your anus while you can

Go back to fingering your anus

Is this supposed to be an insult you faggot?

Do you really need to use alts, pussyboy? It wasn't an insult: it was an advice. Since you sweaty retards can't find a way to cope with your extruding homosexuality, you should insteas find a way to adjust to it.

Damn that was fast, I can't believe a gamer like yourself has no life


I could rape you

You'd wish you homo. There isn't a gayer thing than making an alt just to respond to some stranger online. Pussy. I can smell your cholesterol and broken dreams from over here.

Yeah you're definitely an unattractive nerd, I wouldn't even bother raping your cheeto crusted ass

Also lol at the insta downvotes, nice to know you don't take this website seriously, you faggot πŸ˜‚

Said the mongoloid who spends time making alts. Pussyboy.

How much can you lift?

I know that you're already hard from the thought of my muscular arms carring you and your fat ass in your filth-covered bedroom for a quick one, but I'll have you know that I'm already taken. Pussy

muscular arms

games poster


nice joke brah πŸ˜‚

I can smell your social ineptitude and unwashed pits from over here, Pussyboy. If that's the best you've got,then there's no reason to watch you sperg out any more than I've already did.

unwashed pits

Duh, why would I wash away my pheromoans retard?

Post pics so I can rate you

I don't post spank material for free, sorry Pussyboy. Especially for retards that use around 21 alts.

Interesting that you assumed he took a finger out of his ass whilst posting on reddit

Congrats, you described reddit

Dude I'm looking at pictures of my dad hugging and kissing me when I was a baby. What a fucking faggot lol.

He needs to realize his realtionship with his dad is just out of convienience and that any interaction with any other human is a waste of time.

Really the most alpha thing redpillers can do is become an hero. They should all follow suit.

I would be so fucking disappointed and heartbroken if I were that dad. Trying to help him get on track and he takes it the completely wrong way and further entrenches. God damn.

Everyone knows those guys who literally do not speak to anyone about anything unless they’re either their boss or a woman they think they can bang. Somehow they never seem like alpha though πŸ€”

I actually don't know any of those guys, mostly because I don't speak to anyone unless... oh

He then shoved a huge red pill in my throat

The only part of the story i don't have any problem in believing in.

A throbbing, meaty red pill, wet with the glisten of pure male enlightenment

And then he got Cockburn-t.

A red-pill stuffed with that thicc oozing zinc-rich white liquid. I wonder what it tastes like, let's ask him.

Can I ask what a supreme Alpha like yourself is doing shitposting non-stop on Reddit on a Monday during work hours?

I live on the other side of the globe, It' around 23:00 where I live. You can say I'm enjoying my 15 minutes of fame on the interwebz while they last. You seem to have nothing going on for you, being so quick on the replies.

live on the other side of the globe

Foreigners get out

It' around 23:00 where I live

Bitch I ain't speak french

You can say I'm enjoying my 15 minutes of fame on the interwebz while they last

Such autism

You seem to have nothing going on for you, being so quick on the replies.

I post in /r/drama, that was a given.

Chief, you need to realize that pussy ain't that serious. Only bitches need to write and read manifestos about getting pussy. Real men just play it cool and take a bitch to Red Lobster. Panties come off once you buy her some bottomless shrimp, ya feel?

Get that bitch some flowers

You buy a bitch bottomless shrimp, a blended margarita and some $5 carnations and it's pretty much a one-way ticket to pussypalooza. Just make sure you wear your best checkered shirt and tons of cologne

sounds expensive, could you recommend a cheaper method?

Join the military and frequent the local bars.

This seems like dangerous advice.

/u/Snallygaster wouldn't lead you astray and put you on a path that gets you shot at by angry foreigners. Don't be silly.

Volunteer fireman is probably the cheapest, easiest way. Same results

can i just give them like 50 dollars directly and save time?

if I buy her topless shrimp do I get to see some Bobbies?

Only on Fridays. Botties on Tuesdays. πŸ˜‰ 😜

Now I know why TGIF

I live on the other side of the globe

still wish I could be further away from you tbh

The feeling is mutual...

I bet your reflection in the mirror turns blind just to avoid seeing you

Now that I know you're a Eurofag I'm picturing you saying that fourth grade insult in a fruity accent and it's extra double funny

The feeling

I thought you took the redpill bro feelings are for normies and the dreaded females

Is that an Arabic insult? Knowing Arabs, it could just be a frequent occurence though.

Surprised that people who follow a doctrine that their needs and wants are the only thing that matters, treats women like barely sentient animals for breeding, and talk non-stop about themselves and how alpha they are have no friends.

treats women like barely sentient animals for breeding

In their minds, at least. I don't think they treat women like anything, because I don't think they interact with women period. I think their whole "monk mode" thing is just how they rationalize being completely alone.

Think about the last social outing you had. Can you remember entire paragraphs that the other person said verbatim?

no but it's only because I'm a severe alcoholic and even when I'm sober, I'm not listening to what others are saying, but rather just waiting for my turn to speak

I'm not listening to what others are saying, but rather just waiting for my turn to speak

Hate to break it to you dude, but this is 100% normal.

because most of us don't remember the exact line-by-line dialogue of the interactions we had.

Redpillers are probably massive autists with selective memory, so that thing is not even too surprising.

Redpillers are probably massive autists

They come to reddit seeking advice on how to deal with people IRL (lol) and then choose to listen exclusively to the people that even redditors despise (double lol).

That would be retardation, not autism.
Having no understanding of social interactions and trying to study them as if they were math stuff is good old 'tism.

To be fair if I was going to do one of their "field" reports, I'd probably pay more attention to that shit so I could write how alpha I was later.

I wonder how many of these dudes stick to the whole RP thing once they actually find someone, and despite the jokes here most people do find someone eventually. I'm guessing those that do can't last more than a year or two in a LTR.

well the sad thing is some of them probably will last a while in an LTR, but with a girl with extremely low self esteem who will be prone to being manipulated by their psychological abuse, like "dread game" and shit , which they advocate doing during relationships.

'm gonna be honest, ages ago i used to go to redpill for a bit cause i had no idea it was so fucked up and i was bad with women. the thought of actually treating a girl i loved the way they tell you to treat your LTR, almost made me wanna fkn cry.

The surface level advice is workout, get hobbies and remember that there's a lot of fish in the sea, so be confident and don't take rejection personally.

That is fine advice. TheRedPill is like a rotten maggot-infested apple that's covered in a thin, beautiful shiny red wax coating. Tiny little thin layer of good stuff covering a whole lotta bullshit.

from what i saw, the very core is built on the idea that men are men and have to hyper masculine, and women are inferior to men in all ways and you must treat them like children. also women are emotionless husks that only care about how masculine you are and what resources you provide.

literally every piece of dating and relationship advice spawns from that core. be vulnerable with a woman? she'll lose attraction to you immediately, gotta be masculine and like an unfeeling brick wall at all times. if she ever meets a guy with more money than you, she'll dump you for him, women only care about security resources and the most alpha man she can get. therefore you have to psychologically bully and torment any girl you date in a variety of ways in order to squash her natural impulses to cuck you or branch swing.

this involves constantly making her fear that you'll leave her "dread game", constantly rubbing in her face that other women want you and you could have them at any time in order to "demonstrate value", maintaining "frame" at all times which means never acting like you care about anything she complains about and never showing weakness or emotions, etc etc.

can you imagine actually dating that? what a fucking nightmare. imagine how many good relationships those losers ruined by just fucking with the poor girls brain until she can't take it anymore and eventually leaves.

I've known more coherent downies.

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where they date women who they know want a real relationship and then string them along while dating 3 other women at once

Take solace in the fact that most of them are probably just talking a big game and not actually doing this.

You're not going to go from incel to casanova after a handful of sociopathic Reddit posts giving you shitty advice. Most of them are either still right where they started or right where they started but now just much meaner and more bitter.

yeah, most people react like you just did, "it's ok because it's just made up". i really think most of it probably isn't. men do exaggerate their conquests, sure, but i'm quite sure a great many posters there literally have partners and do this kind of thing.

as long as they look at least average, they have access to women and girlfriends and sex, so i'm sure tons of them are actually just tormenting women and treating them like shit.

I don't know. I know a Red Piller (it's super obvious from his eerily autistic/creepy Facebook posts) and know for a fact that every single person in his life has abandoned him and he spends his nights alone being bitter at all the feeeeemales and liberals who've done him so wrong, when his real worst enemy is himself.

I don't know. You're right, maybe some of them are genuine. Who knows. I imagine it's a lot of LARPers, though.

some people are better than others at storytelling

surely you have observed this phenomenon at some point during your life

People that aren't shut in losers tend to blur their experiences together after like the fifth time.

Pretty easy to remember the one time in your life you where you actually talked to a real girl, especially when your nervous system dumps a bunch of adrenaline because the most taxing thing in your life are videogames.

This is how all men act, redpillers are just the most upfront about it.

No it's not. Find better people to be around.

If by better people you mean women then yes. I've removed all men from my life long ago and it's only brought positives.

Oh nice. Exactly the same logic as racists use.

except when you trade sex for a new kitchen.

I've never engaged in P.I.V you obviously have me confused with someone else.

weren't you the crazy chick who said she did PIV for a new kitchen? or was that someone else on that sub?

I'm not going to say names but that was one of our other members.

the same one that chewed up the bathmat?

I've removed all men from my life long ago and it's only brought positives.

Ew gussy

LoL, you seen the sub she hangs out with? Most of them are insufferable wanna be revolutionaries.

No, I don't who she is. I'm I replying to some well known redditor or something?

You can check her history, here is an example of one of her friends daring to marry someone she loves that is a DIRTY MALE

Do we have any proof this is a real person not just some troll? I want to believe so badly.

They know her in real life. The one she is ranting about, they talked on the phone and known each other for years.

Everyone is too crazy. It feels like one person created like 15 crazy burner accounts to trick me into thinking feminists are batshit crazy people like this.

I'm reading these posts and it is insane.

Yep.. if they did, they should be writing HBO shows.


OP in the linked post has a revolutionary and useful way of looking at the world which can easily be applied to literally any physical or abstract concept to pull back the curtain on the blue pills illusions. The concept of learning? Pft, just a passing moment where your sensory organs parse novel stimuli into electrical nerve signals that activate reward pathways, but eventually the reward pathways won't be triggered as the knowledge has been stored and you have "learned" aka retain knowledge as nerve impulses somewhere in your neurons. Water? Shit's just an arbitrary stable arrangement of hydrogen and oxygen atoms peddled to us by the Jews.

People really need to learn that simply stating what something is with the prefix of "That's just" is not an actual arguement. It's just a statement

I'd love to see a TRPcel take one of these pointlessly deconstructive "that's just" statements and actually try to follow through with a full argument. Yes, you deconstructed a into base components b, c, d, and you have stated that a is a sham because if you take away b, c, d, there is no a. Why is it a sham, what are you upset about/what did you expect from a, and why are your ramblings not filled with textbook logical contradictions?

people DO have notions of friendship and relationships that are based on ideals though. but if you take away b and a doesn't exist, that proves that it's not that idealistic after all. i feel like most people with common sense do relationships most relationships end over trivial bullshit, most of them are temporary, life isn't a disney movie, etc etc.

for some reason those redpill guys grew up believing in fantasy bullshit deep into adulthood, and they think they are super wise for now discovering that romance isn't really like in the movies.

Right, the problem is when you are the one who cares more about the relationship.

I have met guys that would always try the hardest on being a good friend/boyfriend and would do anything for a person who just didnt reciprocate, or a person who only reprocicated out of obligation. There is a decent number of people who buy into higher ideals like that.

They seem to be advocating for distancing oneself as a protective measure.

I think they are going too far but I am not sure I find the idea as laughable as the rest in this thread. If you check the writing of aristotles for example he mentions how most friendships are based on utility and can barely be called friendship, the "real" ones so too speak are extremely rare and can only happen between equals

oh i absolutely agree that relationships with high levels of devotion and "true love" are rare as fuck, as well as friendships. i've even said that here before many times.

but you can't deny redpillers take that shit massively too far though, they claim women aren't even capable of love AT ALL, and that relationships are all fake, so you may as well just psychologically dominate your partner and shit.

i myself am extremely picky with relationships, i don't get into them unless it's a crazy level of compatibility and deep love, and i've only had one that lasted a long time, and it lasted for 7 years, and i would say it was above average in terms of devotion, so i chose well.

i won't get into another one unless i experience the same, but i do know they are possible.

i was only commenting on the relationship part, redpill sexism and bias is so dumb that they dont realize how men do the exact same shit, and in my experience, more.

Also believe me you were lucky, 7 years is a long time. My longest relationship was 3 months old and I am 23 y.o. For some reason there is never a strong connection that goes beyond the initial passion/sex. The only two girls I felt something for wanted nothing more than a friendship with me, and I ended in that stupid situation where you are friends with a person you actually wanna date but you are afraid of breaking the friendship and losing a good friend.

yeah, well i'm jaded about them too, mainly cause i thought my relationship was so special and deep that it would never end, and now that it has, i feel they are all pointless, and all doomed to end, especially since it ended over something stupid.

so i feel pretty hesitant to ever get into another one, tbh.

Oh well, best of lucks mate

If used against a certain process that is given a halo in society, it occasionally makes sense. If we could, for example, engineer a drug that could easily simulate orgasm, it could be argued that recreationary sex is then meaningless because at its core it is basically the chase of chemical release and the physical act in itself is tertiary.

Then again I think most people already know that the romantic notions of life are mostly BS even if they don't say so openly.

The jews are behind everything, beware!

Nigga you gotta stop posting so many novel-length manifestos about how much you obsess over pussy. Getting pussy is not that serious chief. Just take a bitch to Red Lobster and she'll let you hit it.

..... And I though healthcliff was the ultimate socially awkward autist.

So many retards but cannot ping them 😭😭😭😭

To the best of my knowledge, you're allowed to reply in the thread and RESPECTFULLY let them know that they are warmly invited to join the discourse.

Shit, I'll open up my bussy for them chedder biscuits.

Irony is a normie thing, you wouldn't understand.

Seriously tho, you're 19 it's still time for you to unfuck your brain and ditch that TRP loser bullshit.


That's stupid. You're stupid. Wanna bang?

me too thanks

The ultimate red pill is that as a man, you're truly alone. All your value to others is a product of what you offer.

This needs to be a snappy quote

But by saying that, isn't he admitting that men are just as shallow as women?

I assume the response would be something like "Yeah, men are shallow, but women are shallow bitches"

I swear most of the posters on that thread are basically admitting that men are just as guilty of the things they accuse women of, but lack the slightest bit of self awareness to realise what they're saying.

I bet they're proud of being selfish cunts, that's basically a requirement for such a selfish ideology

How long do you reckon before TRPers become full blown commies?

Idk they seem too dumb to extend their logic that far. I mean their solution for "society is too individualist and capitalist" is "let's never try to create any non-transactional relationships and become ultra-individualist rocks".

No, their solution to "society is fucked" is " I am going to try and be happy in this shitshow"

The commie "lets fix society" solution requires personal sacrifice, most of the time. And not everyone is willing to do the right thing when is going to make them miserable

Have you seen the OP's post history?

What a fool, how sexist can you be in order to post such stuff.

He even seems to be laughed at by his own community, sad.

Another one who's going to die a kissless virgin.


Empty the piss bottles and hide the bussy album, kids. Polite company is over.

How old are you?

He can't be over twenty.

"Look mom! The bum is trying to mock us! Hahah!"

do you have a moment to talk about the symptoms of having autism?

You make me happy.

Hey bby

This but unironically

All those lolcows right over there and we can't even milk them :(

I know, these are dark days, but they seem to find their way here thanks to hope and prayer, inshallah


That actually makes some sense, fuck me.

No one's fucking you if you go down TRP's path buckerooni.

Did he just realise that women aren't really the problem?

Whats it feel like to be so alpha you're a loser?

Oh man, this is delicious.

Serious question: is there a difference between a redpiller and a sociopath?

A sociopath can make friends.

A sociopath can be a real player and useful. (ex. Ted Bundy).

Just think what kind of loser is calling you a "beta" behind the desktop on that sub.

PUA honestly seem like some of the most miserable losers going.

with zero self-awareness. its almost sad.

Imagine being this pathetic.

If you're so far redpilled that you lack any sense of sentimentalism, just go ahead and off yourself. So you've figured out all the secrets of the universe? Good for you, now that you've chosen to believe happiness has zero value, what are you going to do with your life? Either you have to accept that believing you know everything about the bottom level of the universe means you have no reason to exist, or you can decide that truths are less important than trying to give yourself a reason to live and focus on being happy instead.

At least when Neo took the red pill he learned kung fu and shit. What do you earn by being so enlightened about everything?

They learn that bussy is the only way. πŸ™