TERFS are vindicated: Famous Trans Activist is discovered to be a public flasher

8  2018-07-30 by itsnotmyfault

There's a lot of people upset with trans woman Jess Bradley. She's made a name for herself trying to convince people that there's absolutely nothing wrong with using the wrong bathroom. Interviews in the news and some kind of political stuff or some shit: https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1019961977530212352 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMR8NTI3jIk

Recently it was discovered she runs http://exhibitionizm.tumblr.com and flashes people in public. http://archive.is/uNHX6 for an old version.


Screencaps: https://twitter.com/xNoMoreSilencex/status/1021093767489695745

random stuff found in #jessBradley https://twitter.com/hashtag/JessBradley?src=hash

https://twitter.com/Dora_Chance/status/1023594343125405702 which is SUPER far deep in a thread starting with https://twitter.com/DrAdrianHarrop/status/1023293678343933953 going to https://twitter.com/TORIAP2/status/1023475856868614144




Lolis are for headpats and feed them healthy food, not for lewd.


  1. http://exhibitionizm.tumblr.com - Outline

  2. http://archive.is/uNHX6 - Outline

  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art... - Outline

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Seriously. Jess just looks like a crazy man in a dress.

student officer.

I think it was already a given that she would turn out to be an utter retard.