Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-07-31
The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 BussyShillBot 2018-07-31
Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.
I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues
1 QueenOfTheIncels 2018-07-31
Notice that nowhere in that video did it say "hate bussy"
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-07-31
1 micronenis 2018-07-31
really nines my gag
1 WithoutAComma 2018-07-31
Tbf broccoli is terrible
1 TheMayorOfHounslow 2018-07-31
Hate this comment
1 charming_tainter 2018-07-31
Yeah dude broccoli is the fucking tits
1 mukumukum3 2018-07-31
Not me. I do things out of love, like Hitler did for the sake of his people and country.
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-07-31
Hate 9gag