Mayo TERF vs Darkie TERF slapfight. Who's silencing whom? Which side is acting like libfems?

65  2018-07-31 by dramasexual

The whole thread is great, although OP has tantrum-deleted her account so you'll need to use removeddit for a lot of the juiciest bits.

Some highlights:

Who's the most racist?

Is "white feminism" real?

Should white women deliberately seek out black-owned businesses?

Entire mess


Still the best quote.

I want to get this tatted

He turned. In his hand was a revolver that the Constitution said he had every right to own. He fired at me and missed. I pulled my own gun, put a quarter in it, and fired back. The bullet lodged in a U.S.P.S. mailbox less than a foot from his head. I shot the mailbox again, on purpose.


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. Who's the most racist? -,*,

  3. Is "white feminism" real? -,*,

  4. Should white women deliberately see... -,*,,

  5. Entire mess -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

People say idpol is bad, but to be honest I fucking love idpol. It makes it so fucking easy to LARP online and create internal disagreements and flamewars in leftist communities. Even irl, literally all I have to do to argue against any ideology (radical feminism, social justice, conservatism, communism, succdemism) is to use the word "white" before it. It literally works 90%+ of the time, especially if you're arguing with wh*te leftoids

Thanks for your hard work in preventing me from getting healthcare by distracting the left over silly idpol nonsense.

I'd you deserved healthcare you would have killed them all already.

My pleasure

that which is falling should also be pushed.

you mean white healthcare?

Interestingly, the TERFs seem to not be putting up with it.

Will TERFism be the one lefty ideology to survive the IDpocalypse?

They'll be beaten to death by 6'4 bearded women before that

TERFs are literally all about identity politics, they just hyper focus on one aspect: penis = bad

I mean calling conservatism "white" won't exactly emphasize any divisions lmao

But you're not actually against conservativism, you're against white conservativism.

As radical dramasexuals you have to think outside the box.

Big tent beats it though.

This. They can't say shit to us ahahah

Found Bannons account.

Are there actual white supremacist feminists? Like, TPOCERFs?

I've never seen any. But if you can imagine it, it probably exists.

Feminazis, but unironically

Sounds like my kind of feminist.

Trans people of color exclusive rad fems?

Poor Rachel Dolezal

margaret sanger?

margaret sanger. also female wodenists tend to be this.

Some of the original feminist were racist. They felt that they as a white woman should have the right to vote before men and women of color have equal rights.

I've actually seen one or two. They talk about how they hate white men because they sold the white race out to International Jewry.

Find a slapfight and link me pls, this sounds amazing.

Are there actual white supremacist feminists?

I havent seen any that would call themselves white supremacists, but I have seen TERFs that were definitely racist. After all, they hate men in general and justify it with the fact men commit more violent crime, so why would that hate not even be more exaggerated with black men?

Two narcissists, consistently talking past one another.




nope. you're not gonna trick me into believing that's a real person.

Which one?


what if the entirety of /r/gendercritical is just /r/drama alts

inb4 Q posts this theory.

Nah, we're not that toxic.

Gendercritical is a gift for drama lol

To be honest, one of them is absolutely right about the concept of "commercial feminism". Feminism is a big business and a woman can make a lot of money off of it if she is savvy enough.

Yep, I agree. I think using "commercial feminism" would probably cause fewer retarded slapfights than "white feminism," too.

Heh, sheeple fighting over identity politics, who's equality is worth more, or faces more oppression are just easy pickings for the corporate-minded chads. 😏


Starbucks has a once-unpopular drink called a 'pumpkin spiced latte' which was cosistently a poor seller. Starbucks had a marketing guy/gal who was a little bit savvy. Said marketing guy/gal decided on a new campaign to promote the drink. Advertise it to women with the idea being 'womaning is HAAAAAARD, come buy this overpriced disgusting drink because you deserve it'. It was this second part that did it and now Starbucks has Beckys and Staceys drinking said disgusting drink so much its on their best sellers list now.

Moral of the story? Women are dumb and want to be given hugs and back-pats for nothing more that managing to exist in a world that goes to extreme lengths not to upset the vagina holders.

No it's more along the lines of men have exploited and commercialized feminism away from truewomensliberation. Feminism now a days is just a sad pathetic excuse for what it really could be. Women should be leading society and not submitting to the authority of men! We should be taking the reins and kicking men off their stolen throne and lead the world into a new age of peace!

New age feminism makes women content with their shitty hetrocaptive lives. That's why the gate keepers of feminism need to be destroyed so the proper path can be pursued.

Hell yeah!

Most women don't want to lead nor do they want equality. Feminism should be done away with entirely and removed from all institutions.

and lead the world into a new age of peace!

Now whip those cocks out! I've got the acid bucket all ready.

I thought it was all dudes making money off it...

Castro seems to have missed one.

rubs hands together trappily