The Qultists are organizing in public lmao

82  2018-07-31 by IAmAN00bie


Jews did this


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Holy fucking shit.

These people actually exist.

I thought this was a LARP.

Well, Q is a larp, but these people definitely aren't. You can tell because actual LARPers have way better costumes

It's a more-secular equivalent of a doomsday sect.

They absolutely do. Last night at work I walked in on two older coworkers of mine on QA and talking about how Flight MH370 wasn't full of civilians, but with government employees who were killed because the Russians didn't need them anymore. It's fucking retarded.

If I'm not mistaken the "conspiracy has nothing to do with Russia.

Flight mh370 had 20 executives from Freescale onboard. Four of which were the holders of a Freescale semiconductor patent (ARM microcontroller KL-03) which is now held solely by Jacob Rothschild

He probably meant MH17

Beats me, man.

Snopes, lol. Nice try Sorosbot

It’s also not a given that if all but one of the co-holders of a patent dies, “then the remaining one patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent” as if a patent were some form of tontine to be awarded to the last man standing. Unless prior arrangements had been made in that regard, the share of the patent held by the deceased may pass to his heirs or estate through the usual inheritance process.

Knowing basic laws about how inheritance works is a Jewish conspiracy.

Laws are a Jewish conspiracy tbf. Well, Babylonian conspiracy, but the same region.

The patent wasn't assigned to Freescale (Carlyle group/Rothschild) until March 11th, 2014.

3 days after the disappearance of mh370

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what do you mean you thought it was a LARP? you really think these people arent stupid enough to believe this shit? You have way more faith in people that I do

Look at an iq distribution

Also realize that like a third of american men are unfit to fight. Either by being retarded or too obese to lose weight rapidly to mobilize

Death of the usa empire is in your future.

Just head over to /r/The_Donald if you want to see similar tards in their native environment.

T_D but can't bully tards

And this is why we need pings...

Turns out they are showing up at the T-Rallies as well, made the news

These people have reproduced, let that sink in

Chalk it up to yet something else the boomers got for free.

Stop saying chalk. It's racist.

Banning eugenics was a mistake

to be fair the three on the left look to be from the age ranges of 13-17, so not ALL of them

That guy on the left is way too busy with his duties moderating incel subs to reproduce.


I wish my family was woke...
I walk a lonely road

The young ones seem to have some sort of chromosome irregularity. Go figure.

All the downvotes over a “psyop” “BS” “cult” LOLOLOLLL You can’t stop this movement with insults and down clicks GET A JOB! Trust the plan! 2018 will be glorious!!! #

down clicks

boomers man

2018 is half over...

delete this

I did.





Is this a family reunion?

Yes, but it's also date night

😍 keeping that bloodline pure!

tfw no qt3.14 sisteraunt to love on

Imagine shilling so hard for a guy that you create one of the dumbest conspiracies in all of American history as a coping mechanism when you realize the man is guilty as fuck.

Impeachment any second now!

Just because someone is guilty doesn't mean anything will happen. Similar to how deep down you know he is guilty but it doesn't mean you care.

deep down you know he is guilty

His romance with Israel is pretty obvious.

When a guy fires the first guy investigating his campaign, tries to fire the guy investigating him two times, and moves the goalposts from "I didn't do it" to "I didn't know about it" and then finally "Even if I did do it, its not a crime", I think he might be guilty.

There is an amazing lack of awareness in your post.

a splain?

Well don't go easy on him. Explain how the deep state in his own party is setting him up.


Well for starters, and its a tip of an iceberg, Comey was fired not somehow cover Trump but for shit like this..

Mmmhmmm, which I would believe if Trump literally did not admit firing Comey for not covering for him. So... kinda a dumb argument when the man himself admitted it, isn't it?

Comey was fired for shit that happened after he was fired?

Holy shit how stupid are you

Answer: exceedingly stupid

Posting additional links about completely different nonsense doesn't change the fact that you tried to claim he was fired for shit that happened after he was fired

Wow a cth poster here on drama. Wewlad. Slip on ice this winter and embarass yourself while walking to class in highschool

Why do you guys always reply to criticism of the admin with the same exact thought-terminating one-liners? Are you incapable of actually responding to criticism with something other than 'haha Donald Trump is still your president!', 'this will truly be the end of Blormpfh!', or 'Hillary' as if that somehow invalidates what the other person says? It's weird, you'd think that a group of people who dickride an authority figure so hard would actually be able to defend him.

There's literally nothing wrong with reminding Americans that Trump will be a part of their history and their children and grandchildren will have the most surreal pleasure of learning about Trump's presidency from history textbooks. Take it as you will!

There's something wrong with the fact that you and your fellow bootlickers can't respond to criticism with anything with tired one-liners that don't even begin to address the criticism. It's like you want to be able to engage with it but your mind comes up short so you just reflexively type something you see other people repeat.

LMAO most Americans can't remember who was president a decade ago and prob think Bush Sr. and Jr. were the same person

Also there's tons of Euros on the internet who don't care about what happens in US politics and find your worship of a president like he's literally a godhead as embarrassing as when liberals did it with Obama

I went to school in the late 90s and they taught us what a shithead Reagan was so it's funny to think kids being born now are going to have a pretty good idea of what type of person Trump was, they don't have the decades of brainwashing to go on.

Congrats on the brainwashing?

Trump would be a part of our history even if he never ran though

he’s literally left his marks on the land, shitting up skylines with his eyesores

you people are weird

What do you mean you people?

you people

Silvio Berlusconi also owns the lib history books in this way.

Why would people here need to defend him?

"Oh no, a retard on reddit isn't a fan of the current admin"

Guilty of what?


Why do half of them look like downies.

This question should not have to be asked.

If you went back to 2012 and told me aging boomers and imageboard culture would collide in 2018 I would never believe you. I probably wouldn't have even believed you in 2016 tbh.

This is honestly kind of sad and scary all at once.

It is scary. Reminds me of a series of calls where some man pretending to be a police officer "tricked" restaurant managers into strip searching employees and customers. Considering that a police officer can assert so much dominance it makes me wonder what a LARPer with much wider audience can accomplish.

Is the old guy in the black t-shirt Granddaddy tick tock?

Dude on the left looks like more like a soyboy than the average urban hipster.

Also are these the #hottiesfortrump t_d was talking about? Sad!

disgusting mayogussies


You haven't heard? All of the hot chicks stay in or move to rural counties because that's where they can best take advantage of the advantages of their looks.

I want a gif!

This will be interesting.

We could have built resorts on the beaches of Titan by now.Instead, we have man-babies,fuck-nuggets and dickwaffles organizing a community circle jerk, which in itself is a miracle considering they have to use a magnifying lens to find their micro penis.

Ye continuing destabalization in the ME and russophobia is more important than mankind conquering space. Sucks man.




How are people this fucking stupid, oh wait.

Yep -- they are how I imagined.

Ugly people are gross.

Oh man I feel sorry for the daughters. They'd probably be better off with a meth addiction and hep C than a Qultist family

fat white republicans

no surprise

Can someone serious post what this whole Q deal is?

Boomers fall for 4chan larp. Fin.

This is awesome! #Q #Qanon

using hashtags on reddit