Mods at r/killthosewhosedisagree lock post due to antifa and 'libruls' disagreeing over whether killing fascists is cool or not

18  2018-08-01 by spongish


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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lol that mod is the same dude that got mad that I suggested that AHS should also be against leftist violence. Because being killed for being a small business owner is okay as long as you're not a minority lol

In the r/shitliberalssay post, /u/tech4days says that:

I swear liberals think we want to kill EVERYONE who isn't a communist/anarchist/leftist/whateverelse. We very literally just want to kill actual, no doubt about it nazis and the bourgeoisie who are counter-revolutionary.

So these guys aren't all bad. They just want to nazis and any bourgeoisie counter-revolutionaries (i.e. anyone who doesn't want to take part in the whole scale killing of people during a revolution, or just in general opposed to authoritarian socialism/communism), so they're really not violent and hateful at all, you see.

Was browsing /top of that sub and found it strange indeed. Lo and behold he's been a mod for only a month.

Nah, worsethanahipster actually believes that type of shit.

To a bunch of new low karma accounts who mysteriously post on metasubreddits despite being only a couple months old? Why not? AHS is not for anyone who hates anything. We specifically focus on communities who promulgate discrimination and violence against protected classes. We’re not particularly fond of tankies either, and we ban them all the time as well (and they subsequently run to other communities to spread lies about what they got banned for how we’re secretly right wing, just like this dork trying to claim we’re crypto commies or some shit), however “capitalist” is not a protected class. Not in our eyes, and not in the eyes of the law. We cover things like age, race, sexuality, gender, disability, religious minorities, etc. We do not cover hate towards political affiliations, or gamers, or bitcoin, or any other such nonsense.

That was in reference to posting the infamous /r/LateStageCapitalism call for violent revolution on /r/AgainstHateSubs. It wasn't considered enough hate. Meanwhile, the top comments on AHS...

Metacanada user calls for Justin Trudeau to be hanged. +25

Someone in /r/metacanada wants to murder the moderators of /r/canada for not giving out courtesy messages. I told the /r/canada mods.

r/The_Donald called for a second Civil/Revolutionary War over a former Supreme Court justices's opinion on gun control. After four months and 1.9k upvotes, it was never removed.

So...yeah. He's not doing it for drama, he's just retarded. But that's actually good for drama, so maybe the ends justify the means.

That degree finally paying off

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This bot needs to go to finishing school to figure out what's a quote and what's not.

I've seen some shitty bots, but this is the worst one I've seen in a while.

Whoever made it should Keep Yourself Safe

Ummm, "Supreme Court Justice" is not a protected class.

Wow yea. Doesn't seem so strange now. Also totally misread AnAntichrist as AnnArchist (our top mod)

might just be someone from here making some drama

in MY /r/drama?!

Good way to get ur car keyed there mate.

Ever showing political interest on vehicle or clothing.

implying Portland mega-chad couldn't just crumple up that car with his bare hands

It should be. Progress won't happen if these kind of people are allowed to exist in peace and spread their horrid beliefs.
