I can't believe everyone is just sitting here and refusing to defend the plight of the common incel.

42  2018-08-01 by shanewater

I used to think we'd never see a day where citizens would vote for another holocaust but I'm stunned at how incels have been treated like a disgusting minority group worthy of execution. We've mocked Americans for being dumb enough to vote Drumpf into power but I'm shocked and appalled at how much the left is also attacking the most victimised subgroup since the Jews.


I would say this is pizzashill pasta but it isn't quite enough full of itself.

Sorry but the common incel IS a disgusting group of subhumans.

Allow me to construct a compelling defense: no u

Goodness me! I didn't realize we were in PeeWee's Playhouse. 🀣


Don't feel bad, all roasties burn in hell eventually anyways πŸ˜‡

No, everyone burns in hell. Except kittens.


Nah it's more like all incels burn in hell. Please edit "roastie" out of your comment please. I'm honestly really fucking sick of seeing that word use constantly around here. It's incredibly hateful towards women and is a form of body shaming.


You're probably right though. Women are the niggers of humanity, they have no souls to burn and their bodies are temples of shame πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Have you hugged an Incel today?

depends, how far are you from Manchester?

England? It's about 21 hours in a plane

I mean there's still time if you meet me at the airport.

I'll be wearing a pink carnation so you can recognize me

So Normie Girl's either a New Zealander or an arsehole Australian.

Or maybe, like, Micronesian or something.

Ausssie mate

We would have preferred Micronesian as it helps with our diversity quota.

It's all mayo incels and fat Jews around here.

HEY... Did you just assume my race? πŸ™πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸΏβ€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I would hug an incel if they were castrated.

See i don't know how to feel here because I like to laugh at incels but you're fucking retarded.

Dare you to convince r/braincels that.

Pre or post hug castration? Do you give them the hug up front and then they get castrated or do they have to prove it and then you're willing to hug them?

This is literally a pingcel sub. What more do you want?

Unironically agree :x

It's their own fault. No one made them that way. :D

I pose a question to dramanaughts, is an 8 year old virgin an incel?

They're not voluntarily celibate.

5/10. You've got the beginnings of a good pasta there, but it needs to be fleshed out.

never has a group of people struggled so hard to justify the invention of napalm

You're all volcels.

If you're unwilling to have sex with men, you're a volcel.

If you're unwilling fuck a man in a fursuit, you're a volcel.

If you're unwilling to have sex with homeless people, you're a volcel.

If you refuse to pay for sex, you're a volcel.

If you refuse to go the gym, you're a volcel.

If you refuse to fuck fat people, you're a volcel.

If you turn down a roastie, you're a volcel.

I do think incels are a societal problem caused by our changing social structure and certain cultural pressures.

I just don't care and like to bully them.