Terfs vs Trans, round infinity

25  2018-08-01 by Lepicklez


This is why we need mayocide.


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What's that? I couldn't hear you from the wrong side of history


Oh no terfs are definitely real. They believe women aren’t women unless they have XX chromosomes. Transphobia is real and alive and it’s not something feminists are immune to just because they’re feminists. Some second wave feminists are/were transphobic towards trans women. I will say that terfs are probably a small demographic of feminists tho.

I'm a lesbian, and I fucking love dick


current year

When will the $current_year end?!

Traps aren't gay.

Not being able to ping hurts so much

Some imbued with so much power shouldn't be capable of being hurt.

I'm a lesbian, and I fucking love dick

edit: fite me


No but seriously what the fuck?

Word don't have any meaning anymore. We really do live in a society

banking on them being a "transbian"

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God created trannies." - Voltaire

Saying that all men have penises ignores trans men who don’t have penises.

  1. the year that the "anything you believe can be real wheeeee~" talk of the fairies in our childrens's books has finally become reality

Are we seriously getting to the point where alleged trannies are too lazy to even transition?

They always were. The amount of trans people who refuse to get an operation out number the ones.who have.