POTUS pointing at Q cutout

12  2018-08-01 by Fancydepth


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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My sis hooked me up with that early FBI anon and Meganon posting on the boards for a little bit, like maybe mid 2016??

So for awhile, there were multiple different "anons" competing with each other before Q emerged as the victor?

Don't think they competed with each other because they didn't post at the same time. IIRC, "FBI anon" appeared shortly after pizzagate and didn't have a name or tripcode.

(sorry if that’s off - brain 🧠 not what it used to B)

You forgot the best part of that comment.

Points at crowd holding signs and says thank you.

This legitimizes my delusion

I remember back when I found out Obama was a Muslim because he used a Muslim prayer cloth I stead of a US flag.

Tom Waits once pointed at me in crowd of 65k at Shorline Amphitheatre. I mean it had to be me, he pointed center left


Shit. Ww3 when? Mayve then the Han will imperialise the world and their secret manchu overloads will finally put mankind in space to xolonize the universe by 3000 (or 4500 whatever in chinese years)

You don't get unsubbed if you get banned, right? I guarantee at least 10k are banned and at least another 10k are alts, I know I have a couple. TMOR regularly brigades and they're at 94k.

Wtf is tmor
