/r/Catholicism and pedophilia, Round 2

20  2018-08-01 by SageKnows


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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bruh at least have the comments set to controversial. wtf is this "best" bullshit? Where's the drama?

I didn't know I had to spoonfeed you faggots. My bad

Anti-Catholic smear campaign. Investigate the fucking teachers' union.

Anti-Catholic smear campaign. Investigate the fucking teachers' union.

Imagine supporting pedos this badly.

Says the guy whose post history is full of pedo cartoons. You might be more comfortable on /r/subredditdrama where pedophilia is treated as a protected orientation.

Ayyy lmao

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Don't you papists have some third-worlders' feet to wash?

Confess your sins, child.

I used to be a regular in that sub until they banned me for poi ting that out. I thinj it's not defeding per se but a lot probably 90 percent of people there are hardcore traditionalist with no empathy. They are so stuck in their echochamber that they are conpletely obvilious. That sub an extreme form of echochamber

Not being a traditionalist

May as well be a fucking Protestant

Implying Catholics need a smear campaign to look bad


Sucking your preist's dick won't get you into heaven

Round 2? This shit has been going on for a milenia. If anything this is round 69

Earth isn't that old

Even Creationist retards think the world is atleast 4,000 years old

Millenia is a million years, genius

Oh my God please kill yourself and spare this world of your stupidity.

Why the fuck so you think the year 2000 was referred to as the new milenium?

clam down fedora

Nice attempt at an insult. Even for a literal retard that was weak. Go back to laughing uncontrollably to pictures of clowns

at leats i dont think earth is billinos of years old, idiot


They need to get on muzzie level.

I vowed to not have sex, not not to rape kids, who aren't even functioning humans, chill guys.