Pee-stinking mayo thinks xhe knows what is good for black people.

31  2018-08-01 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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LOL, white SJWs think they live in magical fairytale land where all of their special minorities hold hands and skip away from oppression together, but no one hates gays like niggas do.

Also, FFS, basketballs need to learn how to fight fair. At least pink dicks stop punching when a guy is already down.

That's like asking asking a pit bull to stop mauling babies

Here we go again! What is with pit bulls and black people?

The left's "allies" all fucking hate each other

fight fair

there is no such thing.

heem sleepy

The Republicans would win the black vote if they could contain their autism amd stop being racist for 5 minutes.

But then how would they win over the whites?

Free avocado toast and Bon Iver merch at rallies

The problem is autism is what got Trump elected

I would say most of this subreddit comes off as alt-righty and nutty, but I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Imagine thinking public freaklit is alt-right.

It's pretty funny that accusation comes from the same people everytime there is a thread where a protected group is acting badly. Whenever the freakout is some redneck methead there isn't a word about it.

Imagine being such a manlet that you can't take compliments

The correct response is to squeeze his ass and say "thanks sweetie".

When black people pull out the “slave speak” to counter white people, it’s time to surrender the argument. White guilt is too painful, anything to make it stop.

Your dad bullied me in school, gg I win argument faggot


so under the new regime, can i ping icebrotha to congratulate him on being the voice of reason in there?

alternatively, can i ping the other guy to tell him that he's a worthless cocksucker who should keep himself safe?
