Just two sweet grannies chatting about technology! #WholesomeMemes

110  2018-08-01 by QueenOfTheIncels


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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I'm looking out for Cody! He's grandma's handsome boy!

Now this was amusing

/u/QueenOfTheIncels You're doing the Lord's work. Praise be to Q and Allah.


I mean it's obviously staged. The account is only 3 days old


I encourage you to keep exploring and learn the internet...being online. It’s such a great way to be involved and add a little flair to life. ;)

Snappy quote plz

Maybe monarchists and aristocracy had it right. Subsitute land/power for internet access when???

snappy quote, fuck that. this should be r/drama's motto, emblazoned at the top of the sub for posterity.

this is my new life motto.

Welp the internet is officially over

oh my god, i heard somebody say that the q anon community was to a marked degree full of boomers-and-older who don't know anything about the internet and don't understand that anybody can post and it doesn't have credibility... but i didn't believe it until now

Reported for linking to pinging >:[

Don't be racist

The admins started a proxy war.


This almost makes up for the removal of pinging.


My tech support history makes me want to help them, but I don't want to help Qtards

Wow, I had no idea someone could do this on Reddit. I am one of those grannies, the one who can use the Internet. I don't have to defend myself; however, I am very computer savvy. It is hard to tech us older generation via something like Reddit. It was hard to do it over the phone when I did it for a living. It takes time and patience to help a novice.

I was trying to figure out if she was a real granny or someone posing as one, just to mess with me. Still not sure, but so glad you all were entertained by our interaction.

We're all nice grannies here on r/drama! My son helps me with my computer to play games all the time and to follow Q! ahve you heard of him? Hes very very smart and true! very SICK things he is uncovering! Makes it hard for me to sleep at night so I take ambien with my vodka, if you ever have trouble sleeping you should try it! Its all natural and it works wonders for me and my skin looks great and not wrinkly

Well, how nice of you to fill me in. I follow Q on here, on YouTube, and on Twitter. I do remember those days when I was learning about the internet, and adapted quickly. QAnon is uncovering the very sick things so that we can get rid of them. It will be great to have our country back.

I GET discouraged when none of what Q says comes true! He said Hillary is in JAIL but shes NOT! I'm very confused why THESE GARBAGFES are walking around STILL! I ALSO heard that Q has faked many pictures! is this true? I am not gullible adn very smart! I cant remmeber one thing that Q said was right! Maybe I should #Walkaway from the movement! Why do you still follow!??

I think I like the intrigue of finding out things that had already been reported only to find out details we’re intentionally missed. I don’t subscribe to the main stream medium, so have turned to YouTube. I am of the mind that until I see Hillary in cuffs, it hasn’t happened. I believe we have a long way to go to gain the ground those Deep State Criminals took away from us. I monitor for progress.

Wow so you follow Q and dont believe in most of his claims? Thats so strange. Why waste your time if you dont subscribe to everything he says? Hopefully the country can become great again when stupid old bats like you and i are gone right? HA HA!

I have a very analytical brain and reserve the right to think for myself. I listen to 5 interpretations of the Q drops and then come to a conclusion. To blindly follow Q, is a repeat of what we all have been through via main stream media. It taught me. I believe there is great information to be had and I love being in the know. I watch Justinformed Talk on YouTube. So eye-opening.

You should watch all the videos and read the articles debunking Q. Why hasn't Fox news or any right leaning legitimate news source picked up this story? Wouldn't they have the most to gain from it? Shouldn't they be covering it 24/7?

> reserve the right to think for myself

If you're intentionally taking in only positive Q interpretations and not the critic's opinions and not getting the full view, you are not thinking for yourself. Give yourself all the information to form an informed opinion. Not just some Youtube guy. Can you see why everyone in the US other than the mouth breathers you associate with make fun of you?

I gave you the wrong impression. I do listen and read many sources. I did hear Fox (Hannity) take this story up. I fully expect the ones being outed to fight in every arena they can to remain in control. I also have caught Fox not telling the truth as well.

Of course, this takes a lot of time to gather the info. I love the fact that the people are now speaking up to hold the news people accountable. I see it and then listen to how it’s then reported. Many times it carries only their spin and it happens on every single news cast. News reporting is very different today.

I cant tell who is jewing who anymore

I am not familiar with this term.

I cant tell who is trolling who anymore. I guess playing along is a good lolcow? Even though its insincere

Anyways catch me on the flipside as I pwn the libs epik style on /r/politics and the rampant Russophobia

Lol, you are so right! I hang out in Paranormal a lot. Thanks for talking and showing the way to this community. I am a real person who loves this country. I served during the Cold War and came back to take courses in computers. Once again, thanks.

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day. How do these old people find out about Reddit and Q anyway?

These stupid old fucks probably hear about r/TheGreatAwakening through a Q facebook group or in a youtube video.

For every 120 iq dramanaut posters like us theres a 80iq q anon retard

QAnon is uncovering the very sick things so that we can get rid of them. It will be great to have our country back.

Yes he's fighting the good fight. I don't think he will win though and things will only get worse. My plan is to kill myself and my family. I'd suggest you think about what you will do if things get worse.

I'm real! And so is Cody!

So happy about that fact. I have been tripped up a lot on here, so was trying to just CYA. I didn’t mean to offend.

Nice staged post with a three day old account

they overplayed their hand with grandma somehow finding her way here. pretty funny though.
