Black man gets killed by the police and body cameras from the cops showed it was justified. Experts from reddit suggested that he should be left alone because he asked to be left alone while running away, and much retardation that I couldn't fit in the title

265  2018-08-01 by ltedt


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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  1. Not complying with commands is not grounds to take someones life.

"Please stop raping me." "No." "Shoot. All out of ideas. I'll drop my gun."

Well white policemen do have a tendency to love shooting persons of color as we've all seen for so many years. If I was black I wouldn't do shit some white male asshat told me to do because I wouldn't want to get shot! If the guy they shot was white the cop would have been fired and there would be nationwide protests.

Yes girl!! You tell him how it is!

(male feminist btw)

(male feminist btw)

So pedophile?

Pedo rapist.

Ie donadl shclumph

I don’t want to get shot, so I won’t comply with officer orders.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. All these black idiots getting shot by the police are getting shot because they are not complying and acting aggressively.

You’re retarded, neck yourself.

Literally police are cowards who jump at their own shadow, if a black man takes a step the wrong way they get shot. Black people are disproportionately likely to be criminals, sure, maybe like 1.5x - 2x as likely. And they get about a thousand times more shit from the police for it. I'm sure they'd love to only get shot twice as much, that'd practically be a utopia for them.

They don’t get a thousand times more shit because they’re black, retard. They get a thousand times more shit because they are one thousand times more likely to be combative and non compliant.

Kill yourself, dumbass.

it does make you wonder how many would likely still be alive if they hadn't been egged on to 'resist' by the stupid progressive media and crab black community.

What’s with bourgeois socialist and their hatred of law enforcement? Who do you expect would actually help with the appropriations and redistribution??

They actually only get about 1.5x - 2x more shot from the police.

White people make up the majority of victims of police shooting

Notice that man is not black.

hi babe, how are you?

Cooperating with the scary man with a gun is usually a good idea.

A gun is not the law. Fyi just as there is law for criminals, there is law that governs the enforcement of the law. Rightists for some reason think this shouldn't exist, that police should be free to act with total arbitrariness and without regard to the law because they have a gun. Rightists worship power, they are natural slaves.

Mate, if I'm unarmed and someone who's not a cop is pointing a gun at me, I'm also gonna fucking do what he says. Whether he's a cop or not does not fucking matter.

I'm not retarded or looking to commit assisted suicide.

If a police officer doesn't follow the rules of engagement I, along with most right leaning people, naturally want that police officer either put away for life or executed. Anyone who abuses state power deserves at least that much

A gun is not the law.

You be sure to testify that when your family gets the Ouija board out.

Imagine being this retarded

what do you mean imagine

I'm pretty sure I'm being baited here, but since this doesn't seem to be known on Reddit, black people are victims of about 24 percent of police shootings despite making up almost 40 percent of the prison population. You're way more likely to be shot as a different race for whatever reason if you're committing a crime that would land you in jail.

American cops kill many times as many people per capita as the police in virtually every developed nation. One might want to ask Canada how they avoid descent into anarchy without giving the cops total unquestioned life and death power over every human being.

Toronto has gun violence on the rise, and Canada is importing lots of people, Give them 5 years to catch up.


If the guy they shot was white black the cop would have been fired and there would be nationwide protests.


In that situation you're not shooting them because they didn't comply with a command, you're shooting them to protect someone or yourself.

And so you're saying that letting an armed thug that will resist arrest even after multiple threats of being shot run free is not putting someone else's life in harm down the line?

(Not to mention that the guy could turn around and shoot at the cops at any moment (As the analyzed footage clearly shows he was in the process of doing))

*And just to be clear, I am specifically talking about armed and dangerous people.

You don't get to add caveats after. I'm saying that not complying with commands in itself is not a reason to kill someone.

I'm pretty sure this is the reason he was shot. The cops were protecting themselves from the gun he was holding while turning around.

We're not talking about why he was shot. I'm just objecting to the idea that not complying with orders is a reason to shoot someone.

Protecting yourself is. If you tell someone to drop the gun and they don't, you're not shooting them because they didn't comply with orders, you're shooting them because you need to protect yourself.

You need to protect yourself because they did not comply with the orders though. So people can see it as the same thing.

Not really. Pick any other that won't hurt people directly. Like, if he was carrying a bag of weed and refused to put it down, you don't shoot him for that.

It's the failure to comply, it's the danger he's causing that is the reason for the shot.

You're right, but people just don't always think about broader societal context you know. So when they see this situation on itself without the other possible scenarios of someone refusing to comply with orders many will see it as the same thing.

Alright so I get what you are saying. But then, how does that even apply to the situation at hand? It's kind of hard to ubderstand your point because you are presenting this as a reason for why the man should not have been shot, not as a general point.

How often do people get shot by your standard of non-compliance anyways? You point is worded incredibly wrong. Just say "People shouldn't be shot before the moment they represent a threat." because that is literally what you are saying. Non-conpliance will lead to a threat one way or another most of the time.

This is the dumbest argument I've ever read.

Oh congrats on learning to read today!

I'm confused about the plot progression. Why is the person being raped holding a gun?

This sub in a nutshell at times.

at times

Look at this newfag. We are proudly stupid in here

my favorite spergy asian girl saying terrible arguments


One thing that black thugs and dweeby police have in common is both need to start shooting way more Chapo posters.

Why isn't this the national conversation? Wake up, people.

This. Maybe some collateral Q anon damage too

The proper word for Q anon damage is "bonus" not "collateral"

You even trying for a high score?

Diabetes and fetanyl will take care of that problem organically.

Which one in the linked drama is a CTH poster?

Does there need to be one for this statement to be right?

No, but it makes sense to keep comments somewhat relevant to the post.

On the one hand, yes.

On the other hand, this is Drama.

On the other hand, this is Drama

Bringing up something when it's not relevant at all is basically unironic "but what about drumpf"-ing, and I don't know how down /r/drama is with that.

So you unironically think, the other guy unironically said the Police should kill Chapo posters? Aight.

No, but he unironically brought up Chapo posters, which is what I was talking about.

McGregor is the GOAT and Jordan sucks balls.

Jordan the supermodel or Jordan that unironically belongs to Israel?


On the other hand it’s Chapo, who give a shit about context lol.

well cth posters should be shot with something, and this post does include black thugs and dweebie cops

I posted another comment, I think he saw that. There was a thread on cth talking about this topic. And they were being retarded, as usual

What's the deal with chapo?

Its upper class daddy's boys larping as socialists

Shouldnt we be encouraging the next generation of upper class daddy's boys to be socialists though?

Like...I'm not all about that wealth redistribution...but if you've got some extra wealth you're looking to distribute I've got an easily memorized phone number...

see, the government should force those richer than them to give up their possessions first, then they can get them as well.

Can you not answer the question?

Are you an upper class daddys boy that doesnt larp as a socialist?

I feel like Im missing context.

Shouldnt we be encouraging the next generation of upper class daddy's boys to be socialists though?

I mean, if it was just them giving their money away . . . sure.

But that's never how it works. Instead, they get jobs in DC where they convince Congress to raise everyone's taxes in order to give more money to the fashionable bourgie-leftie causes of the day.

Personally, I'm not sure why we should be taxing electricians and factory workers to increase trans representations in symphony orchestras or whatever the fad of the moment is.

Because you bigot, trans “people” are under represented in the classical music space

But of course! To imply otherwise is to invite arbitrary character assassination, and I need my fucking job to pay all these goddamn taxes!

They aren't the ones distributing their wealth..

The problem is that they think the wealth will be redistributed to them. Philanthropists they are not.

The best example is griping and jiping about free college when college is free or mostly free... for the poor

Proles barely work at all these days.

You’d have to convince me why wealth redistribution is a good thing to begin with. And the biggest problem with Chapo is that they aren’t really upper class by American standards, they are middle upper at best, so it’s not their wealth they want to redistribute.

And don’t get me started on their retarded worship of the government to solve all humanities problems.

Are you opposed to all current redistribution that is done?

See: the current 3D printed gun hubbub. Chapos really want to shit on the whole idea because they hate people who own guns and the defense distributed guy because he's basically an ancap, but that conflicts with their desire for the working class to rise up against the evil tyrant trump.

You would have to be a really fucking special kind of retard to think that these wannabe socialists would actually be for giving away any of THEIR OWN wealth.

Y so srs

Really not helping your case

Call it an allowance and watch faggy brosocialists and slutty kike late-science adopters elect themselves based solely on raising the allowance. It can be like that yodel game on price is right.

Its cute that you think Im actually trying to make some sort of "case."

You are doing a great job of reinforcing the stereotype of your average commie larper being some angsty 13 year old who could not argue their way out of a wet paper bag.

Uh oh, its actually retarded.

Did you come up with that all by yourself?

Says guy throwing around "commie" like hes ever even met one.

Why dont you go cry into the wind in your own safespace or something.

Says guy throwing around "commie" like hes ever even met one.

That's not an argument

Why dont you go cry into the wind in your own safespace or something.

Isn't this what you are currently doing?



What's your point?

more Chapo posters.

How about mayos in general?

Can I get an Amen here people?


ameen, naw mean

I can't help but observe that, if the dude running away from the police was any other non-dindu race, no one would be defending his actions and the same people who are OH SO OUTRAGED at his death wouldn't give a shit.

Real talk: I'm a broad-shouldered heteronormative looking white dude, and I would never in a million years flee from police with a gun. Because they'd fucking shoot me, and be justified in doing so.



Did you mean the FRANCO FRANCO FRANCO ? All other european countries are just temporary misguided group of people refusing the innate superiority of the french government.

1812 Best year of my life.

Can't hear you over the sound of england sinking from the brexit.

muh double losers in world wars meme XDDD tho

Uh, we won the first war tho.

Without american arms and reinforcements paris would be taken sweaty by ludendorfs all or nothing gamble in 1918

>Imagine believing burgers did anything in ww1.

Why do you believe burger propaganda ?

> omg muh uboat blockade and shipping armaments to britain/france while germany was being blockaded to death and into starvation, while america was being "neutral" but supplying the allies

also the germany to USA telephone/telegraph wire was cut by the british

realtalk: i wish ww1 never happened :( its a bad time. think of all the progress that could have happened if russia didn't mobilize and fuck austria-hungary's conrad

fuck that gay war

How many pills did you take before typing this, and why weren't any labelled cyanide ?

fuck u bitch u ligma ass seganese fuck

Two-time opposite-day champions

Whatever you say, Charlemagne.

Shut up you larping Waffle


because GAF isn't the best possible.acronym

Real talk: I'm a broad-shouldered heteronormative looking white dude, and I would never in a million years flee from police with a gun.

I was stopped the other day while walking to the corner store to get some soda. I matched a description of a guy who had been threatening businesses--if my first instinct was to resist or get outraged, I imagine things could get out of control pretty quick.

I know there are legitimate cases of police abuse, but it can't lead to positive outcomes when people think their first order of business should be to disobey the instructions of law enforcement.

Step 1. Obey the guy with the gun Step 2. Fight it in court Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit

You sound hot

He is I know him. He's the real deal.

PM me your bussy

Gosh, I'm actually completely unprepared for this.

smdh give your username to someone who deserves it

Fuck, even if that dude was Native American people would just dismiss it.

Why do you call black people dindu

Racism mostly. Probably a MDEgenerate or CAtard.

Well, there was that video of a cop literally executing a white boy in a hotel corridor, while the guy was on the ground face down, armless, and crying for his life out of fear.

No one protested that in America, did they?

But in each case, like in the hotel or even here, the videos show that american cops have absolutely no capacity to keep their head cool.

They are fucking retards shouting and screaming at the guys they chase while insulting them, sometimes even before things start to escalate. They are fucking hysterical children way too frightened to be cops. Life ain't a John Wayne movie, you burger fucks.

You're mad lol

yeah, with hindsight I should have stayed with a "cops lmao" :/

That would have been the correct choice

american cops have absolutely no capacity to keep their head cool.

Ah yes, keeping your head cool aka letting people possibly kill you.

CaN'T KiLl Me iF He Is AlReAdY DeAd lmaooooooooo


Yea but white people never get pulled over by the cops so this situation would never happen to you.

Small town police officers have pulled me over because they've been bored.

I feel like this has to be some form of modern Darwinism. These fucking brainlets think they are in the right and that because of that, the cops won't shoot them for doing stupid shit like waving around a loaded gun, shooting in the air and then running away when the cops come.

These people just cant fathom that you being right wont stop a fucking bullet. Just like all the smug bikecucks that try to swerve in front of a car when they judge that the driver has slighted them in some way. You "being right" wont stop you from being ran over.

There's a documentary called The Force that shows a family of Race of Peace people that, after being shown a video of their "can-do-no-wrong little boy" died after being stuck to a fence after escaping the cops for robbing, they still don't believe them and think the police killed him cold-blooded.

The point is, it doesn't matter if the guy had actually shot at them point blank while flaying a newborn baby, these people would still think he should be "left alone". They believe this violence is righteous and therefore shouldn't be punished nor stopped.

Remember that calling the police on a PoC is itself an act of violence. If you are white and call the cops then you 👏 are 👏 literally 👏 using 👏 the 👏 white 👏 nationalist 👏 police 👏 thugs 👏 to 👏 murder 👏 an 👏 innocent 👏 black 👏 man.

If you are white and call the cops then you 👏 are 👏 literally 👏 using 👏 the 👏 white 👏 nationalist 👏 police 👏 thugs 👏 to 👏 murder 👏 an 👏 innocent 👏 black 👏 man.

I only call black cops to deal with melaninated americans because they don't hesitate as long as mayos

The preferred term is maximalpigmented person from south of Sweden.




My condolences

died after being stuck to a fence after escaping the cops for robbing instead of being executed by them


"Stuck to a fence"?

It works like fly paper. He died of dehydration.

I assume it's this one - he fell better a building and a fence, got stuck, and suffocated.

it doesn't matter if the guy had actually shot at them point blank while flaying a newborn baby

Was it a white baby? Because if so, I don't see the problem here.

they don’t call em dindus for nuffin

There's a documentary called The Force

That documentary was great "oh yeah there have been shitty stuff in the past and we are under federal oversight because of it but yeah we are working on it.......woops a bunch of cops got caught fucking around with a underage hooker, back to square one again"

Yeah the drama here is still ongoing. After the cops who shot him weren’t convicted with anything, people started protesting downtown complaining about it blocking traffic.

Took me twice as long to commute home thanks to those numbnuts.

BLM will still riot. Guaranteed.




Send me the live stream when it happens. That’s my favorite show.

The gorilla channel?

Your username. Eww. Roastie gussy.

gamergate did this

They time traveled to do it too

Race of peace strikes again.

Man, those videos gave me a hard on!

they could have kept the drama multiplier going by arresting the woman who threw the punch

If Wil Wheaton were here, he'd be explaining how he pointed guns at cops all the time when he was a kid, but he got away with it because of his privilege.

sounds like something u/SnapshillBot would use

He didn't aim the gun, nor point it in the direction of the police officers, period. You might want to argue he intended to, but the video does not clearly show such intent.

Dude if you have a gun in your hand and a cop is nearby you're probably not going to have a good time. Not a good idea to run as that point in time. It's a bit too much to ask of anyone to just sit there and watch a criminal who has a gun in their hand, waiting for movements towards you. You are not that brave, you should not expect cops to be.

I get why people have issues with all the killings of unarmed black men, you are stretching things things just a tad bit.

wrong alt

What do you mean?

There is a video of this exact same shit happening except the cop tries to taze the guy, and it fails. The dude while running, shoots the cop in the leg.

I think you're using the wrong alt

When there was an immediate push for body cams by buddy who's a cop in a mid size city said "We've been pushing for this for a long time to help us in court but it was cost prohibitive but now that liberals want it we're getting them. It's a win-win for us."

A cop's word is already gold in court and now they have video evidence on top of that? You lie to a cop/prosecutor you're fucking done now.

Felons can't own firearms.

Hey genius, did they know he was a felon? Did they know his name even? The answer is no. The officers did not know that, these were facts learned after he was gunned down.

So, good call?

Reddit doesn't understand anything about how gun ownership works. You could be a legal gun owner in the most gun-crazy town in the most gun-crazy county in the most gun-crazy district of of the most gun-crazy state of Texas and it would still be very illegal to brandish a handgun.



I'm so glad this ended up here. I had searched the dudes name in reddit search to find stories about it and see peoples reactions. I ended up in that chapo thread... I mean I should know better by now but holy shit are those people retarded.

This is because retarded redditors don’t like the concept of actions having consequences.

TIL a felon can own a firearm as long as the police don't know he's a felon.

The sheer amount of "DINDU NUFFIN" in that thread is just fucking astounding.

Oh boy, look at how many totally not literally delusional comments this user has made in the comments.

I mean I don't want to sound like an armchair psychologist or something, but it literally makes me thing this guy needs to be examined by a psychiatrist and potentially hospitalized. Posting in /r/politics probably also doesn't help.

This is why we need pings...