First, r/conspiracy mod u/aleister was caught using an alt in r/conspiracy modmail. Then u/IntellisaurDinoAlien (the likely alt) came out of his 8 month absence to remove aleister and then deleted. r/con is now trying their hardest to hide the clear evidence

30  2018-08-02 by Moranall


Here is the link where aleister replies to himself in r/conspiracy modmail, missing the account switch. If you look through the comments, you can see several accusations that IntellisaurDinoAlien is the alt as it's been suspected for a long time.

Here is the first callout seeing that IntellisaurDinoAlien, the r/conspiracy mod whom de-modded aleister, deleted.

Here is drama with mod JamesColesPardon.

Here is more drama from JCP, this time announcing that they re-added aleister as a mod and that IDA was removed for being a "modmail leak". Except IDA was never removed and instead deleted.

Last month some hackers stole user data from Reddit, notably emails + usernames from people who registered 7 years ago.

Did they leak that anywhere?


why has the entire history of /r/Conspiracy been a story of extremely shitty mods

they shit on the moderation of other subreddits nonstop, but they can't help themselves from always being sketchy twats

Any posts about this in /r/conspiracy? Should be fertile ground for top minds.