WTF I love Mueller now!!

58  2018-08-02 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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When I first saw this article from, its title was:

Robert Mueller Is Going After Shady Democrats Now, Too

Here are some other articles about this story:

I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.

These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your responsibility to determine what is factually correct.

i dont see how this article is related though: An Illinois lawmaker is accused of using revenge porn for a catfishing scheme.

This bot is still learning to be human. Be patient.

Til string.contains(title buzz words) is machine learning

Hahahahahah who let you post here?

One source said that former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig, a former partner at law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, is also part of the inquiry.

Greg Craig? Is this on Onion article?

His parents fucking hated him lmao I can't say his name without laughing

Start saying it fast enough and you sound like a retarded duck.

The man with two first names

attorney Greg Craig, partner at Flom Legal

law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

I can't stop fucking laughing at this Dr. Seuss bullshit

I've been in their NYC offices. Could look right down at the New Year's ball from the conference room. Can't even imagine the rent. Lots of money in soulless lawyering.

Not enough for them to legally change their names to something not-retarded, however.

This is one thing the hard left and the hard right can agree on: fuck the Dems!

It's a very turgid horseshoe

It's really more that no one likes a liberal, not even other liberals like liberals. They're a placid, milquetoast bitch of the status quo, too left for the right and too right for the left. IdPol is the playground of the far-right and the left is playing a dangerous game trying to appropriate it in the name of progress. No struggle but the class struggle IMO.

Can you go back to talking about two groups of hard people agreeing to fuck someone. Maybe throw in something in there about the ass struggle?

Hmm. Mutualism is an interesting topic.

Look up anarcho-communism for examples of opposed groups coming together in the name of "the enemy of my enemy".

Problem is, mutualist alliances inevitably result in a purge of one group by the other once the revolution is over. See Trotsky's purge of the Anarchists, and Hitler's purge of the Strasserists.

Life, sadly, is not an edgy YA novel where the two misunderstood rebels come together to fight for a greater good. Political grievances are not so easily discarded.

U r a tard

No such thing as a political centre. Choose a side, cowards BTFO


Keep sitting on that fence, you'll be made to put your hands to it soon enough unless you take a stand. Peace is dead.

This fucking moron says:

No such thing as a political centre. Choose a side, cowards BTFO

Then deletes all his comments like a pussy. I wish we could still ping so I could make sure he would read this.

only pussy cowards leave their own comments undeleted to be ridiculed by the LIBRULS


Radical centrists predicted this: everyone is gay.


until mueller starts investigating the clintons, and james alefantis, then no. just... no.

You're a retard.

that's the best you got ?

You are a retard tho

Retards don't deserve the best.

But the Clintons are murderers

GoT faggot


Game of thrones username🤬🤬😡😡



what do you mean?

What do you think about visiting Europe? Have you been there? Croatia is on my radar

do you think the special council is some kind of vigilante police force? there's a scope to its investigation. do you think the justice department was like "investigate foreign influence in the 2016 election. and also muh emails and pizzagate."

stupid ass. don't even know how the government works and you want to tell a professional investigator what to do. shut that ass up.

do you think the special council is some kind of vigilante police force?

Of course he doesn't.

We're not in /r/politics.

james alefantis? Lol, shoot more heroin you dumb yokel fuck

If Mueller indicts everyone in both parties and then runs for president in 2020, I won't be able to vote for him... because my orgasm will kill me. Let's hope he takes a more subtle approach.

How will r/politics react if Bernie gets taken down? I mean, there's evidence that the Russians helped his campaign as well.

Politics has flipped the switch and hates Sanders and his supporters

Was Qanon right?

Q could be real and they'd still be wrong just by virtue of being so damn stupid.

And no mention of this anywhere else on Reddit, hmm