Tokyo medical school altered test scores to keep women out.

80  2018-08-02 by wisty


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Women fear the samurai.

I think "the femoid fears the samurai" has a better ring to it

No it's not fucking based at all! It just goes to show you how much feminism is truly needed more then ever. Male idiots always bitch about how feminism isn't needed in the first world but this is just a prime example of how wide spread discrimination truly is. Men want to enslave us and keep us as nothing more then household slaves!

My ban is up you bog witch and i'm here to remind you how unfuckable you are! I hope you huff enough welding fumes to develope something terminal and no one shows up to your funeral.

Oh I'm more then happy that I'm "unfuckable" as you love to say! I would never want to participate in P.IV with disgusting evolutionary left overs of genetic garbage known as the " male species"! You're another shining example of the hateful nature of men that I see everyday on reddit. You just further reinforce my belief that all of you are sick creatures that need to be in prison or castrated!

Throughout your entire life you've been rejected for being undesirable, now you pretend its empowering but really you hate that no one wants to love you.

I've never been rejected because I've never tried you fucking idiot!!! I'm asexual and have never had a desire to have sexual intercourse! I don't want to be in a hetrocaptive relationship because I don't want to be some enslaved housewife chained to the kitchen!

You're asexual because no one finds you attractive enough to make intimate contact with your weathered husk. It warms my heart to know that your dumpster fire genes will end one day and the world will have one less burden to carry.

Senpai gave me flair! uWu

Lmao, you're a mayo. You don't get to talk about discrimination honey ;) ;) ;) ;)

I'm not white for starters fuckface I'm Jewish!

Even worse. White with all the benefits of the tribe...

Can a person be more privileged? And don't answer that question mayoberg, the ultra elite aren't allowed to speak 😘

Oh look you're an antisemite also how cute!

The poor generally don't have a lot of favorable opinions of the rich ;)

Bussy over gussy, yo.

this guy deserves a thread all by himself lmao

Advanced gentlesir right there.

I invited him over.

The femcide has begun

Japan leading in progress!

It's okay to discriminate against Japanese women in the United States so that niggers can get into universities and run around yelling BLM and harassing people actually trying to study while trying to figure out what 2+2 for 8 years until finally failing or graduating with a baksetball or afroamerican studies degree and becoming a welfare-recipient.




Japan is a dying country. They need more women to stay at home and raise children.

Within 10 years basically every country on earth aside from central Africa will have a similar demographic curve as Japan

Excellent, but we'll have to solve the Afrrican issue if we want omnicide to proceed as scheduled.

Their entire country is a thot patrol. Based.

Except when it comes to tentacles...

"Women often quit after graduating and becoming a doctor, when they get married and have a child," one source told the Yomiuri, in justifying the blanket alterations of admission scores.

This is a real problem tho. In the west too.

Which is why we need r/childfree....


how can you be surprised by this