Documentary about /u/pizzashill

38  2018-08-02 by UIUIUIUIUIUIUIU


haha they made a doc about the triggered dump supporters in the vice comment section

Jesus Christ, I forgot how fucking terrible YouTube comments on social and political videos are.

Mod YouTube commenters when?

Something something YouTube Heroes.

Oh look, another volcel.

For real, that guy isn't even bad looking. If he cleared up his skin he'd do fine.

Cleared up his skin and stopped being friends with people who shit themselves.

And went back in time and didn't show his face in this fucking documentary.

This is extremely weird. Who would want to be known in a documentary as an incel? It's a VICE documentary, but still this is one of the dumbest ways to get attention.

The important thing that explains everything incels do is that they aren’t just unable to get laid: they’ve abandoned all hope too. This guy thinks it’s already hopeless, so he’s embracing it.

True. This kind of thinking also invites the garbage/entry level advice that they hate so much. Incels gets extremely mad whenever some former late bloomer waddles in and starts slinging around "wisdom" but they fail to realize they invite it upon themselves. As long as they imply their situation is doomsday/no hope, they will always be btfo by the "just be yourself"-ers and "just take a shower"-ers.

just be yourself

This really is terrible advice for a lot of people though. You don’t even need to be an incel to know that that’s the case.

Like /u/broden said, it's just a way to weed out the undesirables.

Seems counterproductive. A lot of undesirables can be redeemed with a bit of work. Like me, my natural personality is... well, here I am on /r/drama, punching down at some poor sap who never did anything to hurt me. But by checking myself before I say something horribly autistic irl, I’ve been able to date successfully.

I didn't mean that in a "punch down" sort of way. I literally meant that's a way to get guys to be completely bare about who they are as opposed to regular people who have a public face for strangers and acquaintances. Almost everyone has traits /inclinations/hobbies that if were easily apparent wouldn't appeal to most people, so they put a more acceptable front until they're comfortable enough to open up. It's just like you said. From the otherside though the advice lets you more easily vet people.

Punching down as in mocking pizzashill’s looks.

pizzashill has hurt everyone.

in this subculture, people bond over self-loathing. Joey says it's therapeutic, but four of his friends have killed themselves.

these are rookie numbers. It's honestly disappointing to see whities sucking so hard at mayocide.

on a sidenote I'd pay to meet the kind of people who think shitting themselves is a funny joke. Not a lot of money and from behind a glass wall, but still I'd pay.

Imagine quoting this interesting article (it actually is, IMO) but not directly linking to it. Is your name Keith Young-Smythe?

When I told him to be himself, he explained that was an incel meme—Chad thinks it’s not his muscles or money that let him glide through life, but his personality. Just be yourself, man.

It's better to tell incels to be anyone but themselves.

You're assuming what's best for incels is best for all.


The reason society tells young men to "be themselves" while demonstrably not being the best sexual strategy for many men, is because women need to identify those who are socially awkward in order to secure their own physical safely but also sexual selection preferences.

Basically if a man is under-socialised, he is a risk to women and other vulnerable people. And if he's tricked into "being himself" and raising the red flag to those around him, all the better.

That's a good point.

own physical safely but also sexual selection preferences.

Unless that's bait (in which case, good job) no. Under-socialized people rarely pose any sort of meaningful danger to women, compared to people with dark triad traits of character, which excel at finding partners but are also at the higher risk of being abusive and manipulative.

The part about sexual selection, however, is true.

I suppose incel shooters are so rare on a grand scale that they're of no consequences.

Potentially breeding with a wimp tho, that's the real danger.

Not really true re: the dark triad, especially for sociopaths, who are the most dangerous part of the triad. True clinical sociopaths generally have a very hard time maintaining long-term success, because they're terrible at delaying gratification and planning ahead. The mask of sanity almost always slips once someone interacts with them on more than a surface-deep level.

Subclinical presentations are also a thing, you know.

They are, but at the subclinical level the triad basically just becomes one thing. Like, is a subclinical narcissist really that different from a subclinical psychopath, especially from the POV of people who need to deal with them?

To offset the seriousness of this post, you moron. You fucking imbecile.

Like, is a subclinical narcissist really that different from a subclinical psychopath, especially from the POV of people who need to deal with them?

Yeah. Their behaviours, as long you're not being "enchanted" (for the lack of the better word) can be discerned. They have different aims and usually employ different methods to get what they want.

To offset the seriousness of this post, you moron. You fucking imbecile.


Okay, fair point. Do psychopaths even have any aims, beyond seeking the next stimulus?

Justification is a higher nervous activity. If I understand correctly, justifications may differ depending on the multitude of factors, shaping any given person at any given time. Someone just wants to get to the top of the world, while someone just wants the world to burn.

The watch the world burn types are probably the more dangerous ones. Getting to the top requires systematic planning, which again, sociopaths are shit at.

guys just shouldn't listen to dating advice by women in general. I doubt it's malicious or anything but they'll always try to give advice from their perspective, which behavior benefits them most, how they would like men to act.

How they think they would like men to act. Women and men both are bad at verbalizing what they find attractive.

According to the incels over at this is fake news. A fakecel actor hired by vice, he isn't even ugly.

Shmucks at have a serious overlap with lookism, who are usually average-above average in looks.

There are some real fucking gremlins on dude. And either way, even average guys get shat on by internet foids so who cares.

Depends on their standards, depending on their situation, depending on their mental health at the moment but yeah, I love when women try to deny that legit passion is aroused only by people they are physically attracted to and not by people whose personalities they like.

I mean, they might just enhance that attraction but physical comes first. Always.

The worst part is foids constantly try to pull this shit and claim men care about looks more than women but it isn't even close to true.

Then they show up in incel spaces and start telling them to "take showers."

I think a lot of foids don't understand the fact that when you're physically attracted to someone you rate their personality as better than it actually is, and when you aren't physically attracted to someone you rate it lower than it might actually be.

Everything is looks, the incels are completely right and even the bluebill femoids know it but they'll never admit it.

inb4 Ed appears in this thread and says something like "now kiss" or "just fuck each other".

Everything is looks

And that's a good thing.

Fair enough, physical attraction is based purely on looks but no consideration is given to people’s personal taste. What I find good looking my good friend thinks I need my head examined or eyesight.

people’s personal taste.

You'd find that at least one trait correlates to something very masculine.

That is probably true and if it was somewhere in the middle or very feminine, I’d be bi or a lesbian.

I had to take a cab somewhere the other day. My driver was a doughy, dorky neckbeard who spent the ride talking about his wife. There, I left my house once and I have evidence that women find guys of decidedly below average attractiveness appealing. It's not that people think physical attractiveness plays no part, it's that incels exaggerate how attractive a man needs to be in order to find someone who will mate with him.

People do incels no favors by implying that they have found an objective truth. I think their worldview comes more from their desire to think nothing will help them.

Well, I sure am convinced!

I mean I kind of believe them tbh. That guy had decent social skills and isn't even ugly, he's like bordering on chadlite.

One of the incels there also claimed to know him and he's an admitted mentalcel/trustfund baby.

One of the incels there also claimed to know him and he's an admitted mentalcel

He literally admitted as much in the interview. Trustfund wouldn't be surprising as he's a NEET.

Chadlite? Really? How in the hell is he almost a Chad?

I'm just reporting what the incels said.

But how the hell did they decide this guy was chadlite?

Who knows, they have a bunch of weird ways of rating people.

The funny shit is to see lookism recalibrate their standards whenever an objectively handsome man who doesn’t fit their mold comes along. Vincent Cassel is a great example.

Anyway, “Chad” doesn’t necessarily mean handsome. Take Wayne Rooney.

The orbital socket to jawline ratio and the prominence of his nasal labial folds?

Honestly, from what I recall of your selfie, this guy is better looking than you mate.

Where did I say I was good looking, and he wasn't?

Calm down, I'll explain things to you.

/> Incel in documentary is accused of being fakecel

/> say he isn't ugly enough

/> pizzashill reports this shocking rumor to r/Drama

/> I, doot, chime in to say that indeed, this guy is better looking than pizzashill, a volcel(?)

I'm not even a cel. To be clear, I'm pretty sure you just didn't read what I said correctly due to low reading comprehension levels.

Oh boy, this is going to be a pointless exchange innit?

You accused me of saying you claimed to be better looking than this guy:

Where did I say I was good looking, and he wasn't?

I did nothing of the sort. I just offered my 0.02 neetbux on this situation, which were that the dude is better looking than you. There’s no need to get irrationally angry. You’re literally doing what you claim to dislike about women.

I'm not angry, I just have a disdain for low intelligence people, and I've concluded that's what you are.

You’re acting uncannily like Darqwolff.

Did he also pick up on your low intelligence levels?

Uncanny, I tell ya.

So he did.

Actually Darqwolff has never noticed me :(

Maybe he's smarter than I am, then.

Quite possibly!

Tell me please, what do you think you said that I misunderstood?

You aren't really worth spending more energy on, tbh. I've got more interesting things to do, like watch grass grow.

But I’m asking nicely.

If you didn't out yourself as an /r/iamverysmart wannabe in just a single sentence, I'd think you were a darqwolff alt.

That, and both of these guys have their faces attached to their handles. Darqwolff is a mayo with a full beard, Pizzashill is Latino (I think?) and can’t grow facial hair.

I’d disagree, different look yes but not better looking.

I stick by my guns. Pizzashill looks almost prepubescent in the one pic he posted. If he shaved and put on makeup he could pass for an extremely homely girl. This Joey guy at least has a clearly masculine face.

Eh, let the stubble grow in more and new hairdo and he’d be sorted. The other guy ain’t cutting it. Skin tone, eyes, complexion and messed up nose. Fair enough on semi masculine jaw.

The nose isn’t that important for a man’s looks. A messed up nose will absolutely wreck a woman’s face, but have you seen Owen Wilson?

The attraction to Owen Wilson is hoping he’s really funny IRL and therefore you can bypass the nose and plus the rest of his face is nice.

I’m speaking as a straight man, so this is guesswork... but I think Owen Wilson’s broken nose might also add a bad boy mystique to him.

Also, Vincent Cassel. Not even a broken nose there, he’s just a Frenchman.

Bad boy mystique. I’m thinking more sweet, let me feel your hair. Vincent just looks slightly evil tbh.

Probably why Vincent almost always plays villains in English-language movies. He’d actually be my choice to play Geralt of Rivia though.

Yeah, he would be a good choice.

Oh, and since we mentioned eyes, pizzashill has the peepers of a man who spent the past 48 hours shooting black tar on an uncovered mattress.

Aw, he’s got nice brown eyes. Just needs some Vitamin D

I paused the video and read the greentext, and besides using the word "cunt" and having Pepe, there's nothing remotely incellish about it. They clearly just chose the first 4chan post they saw.

They probably chose that post because the title was "Why the fuck are women always so retarded about everything?"

Given that they got it from /r9k/, they could have done a lot better.

lol @ them misspelling "chad" at 1:38

Well if she can breed with the stallion while getting the more submissive male to provide for her, it's the best of both worlds isn't it?