BLF to lay charges against 'the white man who handed Malema a gun'

22  2018-08-02 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


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I know this is boring SA politics, but it's so fucking retarded I had to share it.

Explain it like I'm retarded

The bwack nationawist and gargler of yummy cummies, JuJu Malema, shot an asswalt wifle into the air, at one of his wallies. Some evil whiteys are laying charges since this was naughty naughty illegal, even in Souwth-Efrika.

BLF, "Bwack Lwand Fwirst", who make other retards look like fucking Einstein, are trying to sue the mayo boer cucky wucky that handed JuJu the gun.

the mayo boer cucky wucky

This is the protagonist of this story.

What motivates a man to mayocide his own mayocity?

highly trained ex-police and military personnel.

He is a merc. His only motivation is the almighty dollah dollah.

highly trained ex-police and military personnel.

He is a merc. His only motivation is the almighty dollah dollah.

This, but unironically.


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Can some south African explain which party is more retarded between EFF and BLF?

BLF was founded by an idiot who got expelled from the EFF.

Here is the clown calling JuJu and the EFF revisionis sellouts:

BLF are retarded and extremist enough to get kicked out of EFF, should tell you all you need to know

I wish the Boers would just wipe all the nigs out in their country so there would be one bastion of civilization in the entire goddamn continent.