Is it worse to be an unrepentant racist or an unrepentant rapist?

0  2018-08-02 by alphetasauce

And where do white people who unironically like Will Smith's rap stand?


There's no pinging allowed so feel free to create your own drama.

Mt. Bussy seems to have angered a lot of people already.

Rapist, since rape is specifically done to another person whereas racism by itself is done to a group of people more indirectly. Specific racial discrimination might be worse depending on the cirucmcstance.

Well if you're a rapist, you're doing a whole lot of bad to one person, but if you're a racist you're doing a little bit of bad to a whole lot of people. Which one does more bad?

I’d argue that it’s harder for a normal person to harm one person directly through their own actions than to harm a group of people by being racist toward them, so it means a rapist generally has less empathy and/or self-control.

Rapist. They sweat more.

So you’re asking if it’s worse to be a Donald Trump supporter or a male feminist

Yes, which is it?

I’m gonna take the centrist route and say they are as bad as each other

Well it’s lretty obvious tht if you like Wills music you like his retarded son.

So you’re probably a younger Qultist.

Which is worse than being a rapist or a racist.

Can you imagine a younger Qultist? I would think that you have to get to a certrystage of dementia before you get deranged enough to believe in it.

But Jaden is an icon