Welcome to the MRA-SRS shitshow: Blake Griffin ordered to pay $258K a month in child support

105  2018-08-03 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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He looks like a retarded doll

Well after knowing about her past actions he still dated her and more...so even though law likes these are outdated to a point in modern USA...he is a retarded doll, because he knew all about her.

he did just date her you numpty, he was engaged to her and had 2 kids. He was the one that cancelled the wedding and tossed them all out of his house so he could go bang models.

I was talking about her first husband, who also pays ungodly amount of alimony to her.

She was never married. She had a kid with Matt Leinart at the end of college right as he got drafted to the Cardinals. She got waaaaay less in child support from him than blake, it was 15k a month.

Is he as famous and well paid as Blake Griffin? Or is 15k a pocket change for him?

Well he's made like 60+ mil over his football career so I think he can afford the 3.5 mil total child support he will pay over the 18 years his kid is growing up

Lol I guess Blake is now happy that he isn't younger, because when he retires 3 years from now he will be able to ask for a downgrade...still, in current state, 55 million in 18 years...those are some rich kids...and boy, Kardashian's are some expensive ladies.

haha yah they are. A seriously expensive romp with a Jenner. Blake's dumb tho, everyone knows Caitlyn gives the best head

258k a month? dude is that baby required to drink liquid gold to survive or what?

They're upgrading it with cybernetics early and training it to dribble young.

It's 3 mil a year, dude makes 35 mil a year. The reason these laws exist are to provide consequences for people like Blake Griffin who kicked his fiance and kids out his house on a whim so he could bang Kendell Jenner. This isn't some case of some bullshit alimony decision, dude tossed his family out of his house to bang some young pussy. Fuck him

The reason these laws exist are to provide consequences for people like

These laws are specifically to provide the child with financial support.

This child (by which I mean the mother) doesn't need 3 million a year.

luckily for you, you'll never have to worry about these laws you little mongrel

Respect the hustle in this thread fam. 👊👊💪💪

He got one neutral toned reply u fuckin pleb

I do not respect your hustle fam. Soft and sluggish 👎👎👎👏👏👏

And he doesn't need 35 million a year. She had a substantial part in giving the freedom to pursue his career choice (wiping not only his ass, but also the asses of his two children while he's tired from playing sperts). The money she's receiving is a pittance compared to what he will earn throughout his lifetime.

and he doesnt need 35 million

he doesn't need 35 million


how much money do you make

I'm a professional poker player, so I lose money for a living.

i definitely believe you're a loser

being a r/sargonofakkad mod

you have to go back

Your logic is suspect anyway, but Blake Griffin is mixed race.

One drop rule m8.

One drop rule, whitey. We will replace you

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or if I am missing some sarcasm. Over the next generation the number of mixed race marriages will increase in North America dramatically and the average skin complexion will become a little darker. That doesn’t bother me at all. My children are mixed race so they will grow up in a less divided world than we have now. Nobody will replace me, I will get old and die. When I die, the country I live in (Canada) will be more multicultural than the country I was born in. I like that. I like Canada’s position on immigration and I think we also need to increase our population to over 100 million to be better positioned to deal with the whims of our southern neighbour on things like trade. The best and probably only way of getting to that number is immigration.

You are retarded for taking the time to write that out.

Yeah I don’t really have a counterpoint for you. You’re probably correct.

i like your flair

Thanks Ric Flair is the best flair. Much better than /u/zachums pug

First of all how dare u

Also, I gave you the fucking idea for the Rick Flair flair.



you didn't take the bait in good faith

who cares anyway what happens to the money of some white male fuck

One day you shits will be hanging from a rope and I'll be laughing all the way to the bonfire

being this white in 2018

😂😂😂 We will replace you, cumskin 😂😂😂


So much for freedom. He should be allowed to bang some young pussy if he wants without being fined. He should give her enough to support the kids not so she can just sit on her ass all day

he still has the freedom to do what he wants, freedom doesn't mean you have 0 responsibility. He had the freedom to not propose and have kids with this woman. He also had the freedom to turn down Kendell Jenner hoe'ing, act like a man, and take care of his family. If you fail at your societal responsibilities there are consequences. This isn't some case of some instagram hoe winning the jackpot, this fuck up is all on Blake

So the punishment should be proportional. 3 million a year is too much. His punishment should be divorce.

Are you a teenager? Do you know what proportional means? It is proportional, the kids are getting less than 10% of what he makes every year. Most people who walk out on their family actually end up paying a much higher % of their wage to child support

That's why the system doesn't work. The 3 million is not going to go to the kids. The majority is going to her

Damn you have a goldfish brain. I thought you were all for a proportional system 2 posts ago? I wouldn't worry about it too much my little friend, you will never make the kind of money that lands child support payments like this, nor will you ever get your dick touched. I wouldn't stress on it too much

I've gotten my dick touched though...

Are you getting angry because people see how corrupt this system is. All it does is enable women to be lazy greedy and selfish. And of course I won't make 30 million a year is that meant to be an insult?Don't worry you'll never marry a man that makes that much so when your man does cheat on you I'm guessing you'll find another way to fleece him

Well since i'm a straight man that's married, yes I agree I will not marry a man that makes that much. I'm only getting bothered cause you fucking idiots see a big ass number, get yourselves all worked up in a tizzy, and never actually educate yourselves on the situation or the laws behind it.

educate yourselves


Yeah you sound like a feminist. How much of her income is he getting? Or are women just precious creatures we need to protect?

It should be proportional but with a cap of like....idk, a reasonable amount that would sustain a child and nothing else

They didnt get married though. That's like punishing someone for breaking a contract they planned on signing but never did. You have to be insane or a golddigger to think 238k a month is fair

Do you realize that child support and alimony are 2 different things right? You don't suddenly get to abandon your kids because you didn't get married...

Knowing how fast NBA players tend to blow through their money, this decision might end up being the most beneficial for his kids in the long run.

so what is fair when a guy makes $35mil

If a chick can abort her responsibility then why can't I? She wanted the kid, not me, let her pay for it.

The headline made me angry at first, but then I read up on the case and she honestly made a substantial amount of sacrifices in order to facilitate his career choice and then he throws it away first chance he gets to chase an instagram thot. Tbh the ex-wife deserves every single dollar.

Ah yes, government-enforced morality, the feminists' favorite thing.

I think the popular dystopian tv show the Handmaid's Tale is about a world where the government doesn't adequately enforce moral standards, right?

I love how you're all up in a tizzy about someone paying child support for their kids here and then will turn around and go rant about "lazy dead beat black fathers" in your little MDE circlejerk

Even if he was a perfect model citizen he'd still be paying the 3M per year though..

If he's smart, he'd put the money in a trust fund now and have it automatically pay his child support over the next 18 years.

That's not how any of this works. If she was the one cheating on him she'd still get the kids and the child support.

The loophole is that the more kids you have the smaller the share of child support per kid. If Blake really wants to stick it to his first baby mama, he should go around impregnating every random girl until he has 100 kids and his first baby mama is going getting 2% of the child support.

If she was the one cheating on him I bet he could have made a serious case in the courts for custody if he wanted to.

Yeah sure the courts are going to give custody to the man with a career and not the mom who already stayed home with the kids for their early years, because of alleged cheating he probably couldn't even prove.

Of course some men think they can game the system by getting custody, avoiding child support and instead hiring 10 full time nannies (still way cheaper than the child support Blake has to pay). Then the courts screw them over and they become embittered r/mensrights posters.

Child support payments are not supposed to be punitive.

they are a consequence of walking out on your family tho

That's not what punitive means.

They're supposed to be enough money to support the child, and perhaps the parent in the capacity that they might need to hire babysitters/etc since they might not be a stay at home parent.

They're absolutely not supposed to be punitive. Furthermore, he didn't even marry this woman.

I know he didn't marry her, that's why he is not paying alimony. Currently the law is a % of the non-custodial parent's income. The logic is that now that the kid is missing out on life with said parent, they should not be punished for this and miss out on the resources of the parent.

lol not having $258,000 a months spent on you is punishment? He should be required by law to be there at all times for the child too, because the child's being punished and missing out on the love and attention of a parent. God forbid a child experience change in their lifetime.

/u/JumbledFun is a local idiot don't waste time on him.

No they are not, they are a consequence of having kids and not being in a relationship with the other parent of the child/children. For someone that’s so preachy about others being educated you really don’t know what you are talking about. She could have walked out on him and he would still be paying child support. Child support is not punitive, it is to support the children financially.

Upvoted to increase dramacoin.

That’s not at all what child support laws are for. They are to provide financial support for the child. It’s right there in the name, “child support.”

Do I sense some angst in your comment? Who hurt you?

Something something enforced monogamy

Nah. In plenty of other states there's a cap on the mandatory amount.

In Texas, i believe the cap is currently set so that they only count up to $8550 of your income as elegible for child support calculations.

Precisely because punishing spouses for ending the marriage is NOT the goal of child support in a state that supports No Fault divorce.

Is that 8500 a year? If so that's hilariously fucked up. Costs a hell of a lot more than that to raise a kid if you want to give them a decent life. Not that I would expect anything less from Texas

8550 a month. Sorry, i should have clarified.

Thats fucking ridiculous, I would be curious if there is a way to have that reduced.

If it is anything like Brendan Fraser, then this guy is fucked. To this day, Brendan Fraser (who has not had any film role for years now) is still ordered to pay 50K per month in alimony to his ex. Most people in the U.S. don't even make 50K per year.

Canada is fucked too. Dave Foley owes 17k a month in child support because he was doing NewsRadio at the time, but now he's not. Don't think k he can really go back because they'll arrest him.

That Dave Foley situation legit pisses me off every time I see it. That guy is truely getting fucked.

Ah the Kids in the Hall guy right? I remember seeing some videos with him talking about it in interviews. How the court just would not hear it and wouldn't get it reduced. I always liked that dude so it sucked to hear.

Alimony law makes sense for 99% of people. It's only with the super rich that doesn't work as intended.

no not really. this ain't 1900, anybody can get a job. maybe it makes sense in the scenario where one parent has been out of the workforce for 20 years and can't get a job to continue their livestyle, but that's frankly as uncommon these days as being rich is.

Like 30%of American mother's are still SAHMs. Yes they can get a job, but their earning potential has been permanently impacted if they've spent any notable amount of time out of the work force. Courts base the duration and income from alimony on these factors.

the general intent of spousal support is to enable the receiver to transition from married to single without getting stuck in the poor house. i'm fine with that to be honest, except in cases where the receiver is capable of working and making a decent life for themselves, and isn't doing so. that happens, a lot, and almost always the wife.

duration of spousal is a weird thing, and does differ state by state. in CA, if you've been married less than 10 years, it's half the length of the marriage. if over 10 years, it's unlimited, unless financial situations change (get a good job, marry a rich person, etc.). unlimited spousal is bad, though at least it's tax deductable for the giver.

also in California, the amount is determined by Dissomaster ( algorithm) unless you fall into some fairly rare categories, like being stinking rich. you can diverge from the calculated amounts, but they're really the way it goes for most people.

Yeah, Cali sucks major balls when it comes to divorce.

In Texas, spousal maintenance is only available for 3 years.

sounds about right to me. that should be long enough for anyone to get their shit together. then again you do have to live in Tejas, which is its own punishment.

He probably has other type of wealth, hence 50k.

To this day, Brendan Fraser (who has not had any film role for years now) is still ordered to pay 50K per month in alimony to his ex.

At what point is it just good business sense to hire an assassin?

After ~50 days

Yeah, do NOT get divorced in Cali.

Many other states have slowly reduced or gotten rid of alimony.

this is a child support order, so nothing to do with alimony.

and as i mentioned above, both alimony and child support are sex-neutral in california.

source: am divorced in California AMA bitches

AMA bitches

Did the court use your current wage as assitant fries manager, or do they look at your potential earnings as assistant night manager when they decided how much your boyfriend pays?

they used my salary at separation date, yes. "potential earnings" -- what you're referring to here is imputing earnings, which the court can do in situations where, say, someone takes a $20k job to try to avoid spousal/child support (where they were previously making $150k a year or something). When under a spousal/child support order, having your income drop is a bad thing, as the instant suspicion is that you're trying to lower your income in order to lower the total $$ of your order.

tbh i wished i had made minimum wage, fuckin support order would have been like a hundred bucks a month. the actual one was much, much larger -- but all gone now!

How did you get rid of the kid?

nobody lives forever bby

nah they aged out. unlike shitholes like Oregon, California only stipulate support until 18 (or 19 if they're still in high school or something). Oregon requires till they reach 21, which is insane and ridiculous, but that's Oregon for you.

I know this is a child support order. The guy i was replying to mentioned an anecdote about alimony in Cali.

And yeah it's theoretically "sex neutral" but we all know who is more likely to get fucked.

Source: 3 years of law school and a couple internships focusing mostly on family law.

lol 3 years of law school it took to teach you that basic truth? sheesh you millennials have surely slipped

see my other post about "female attorney / female judge" -- best advice I can give. besides catching your ex in financial malfeasance, that's useful too (trust me, i know)

The psychology of gender as it relates to bias and favorability from judges in family law cases in highly complex. A female judge may be more likely to award lower maintenance in general, but may also be less sympathetic to an individual defendant. And vice versa. It is much more beneficial to track the individual judge's record.

Same with the lawyer, except much more so since competence, skill and experience far outweighs minor issues of whether the judge likes your lawyer.

At least that's what my profs told me. I wasn't exactly editor of the law review so take anything i say with a massive grain of salt.

yeah i mean that's all basic human psychology stuff really. and yeah it's totally complex -- you can have a shit day in court just because the judge missed her coffee that morning, or because he got into a fight with his wife last night. or was up snorting lines until 20 mins before court.

the worst is a family court judge, new to the bench, who is out to be a crusader and protect the poor, poor womenfolk. that's when you're fucked.

Not really.

Appeals are a thing. If the judge is absolutely a shit heel, a competent lawyer will preserve the record for appeal and then get another, higher, judge to curtail the stupidity.

dammit i wrote this nice, informational response, and then hit some fucking button and poof! there it went into the ether

summary though (since i'm entirely too lazy to type out anything approximating what I did before):

appeals are all fine and dandy except:

  • Most family court litigants are pro se and those guys are a bunch of insane fuckups who always miss deadlines and file objections like "Judge X was raciss! I wanna new trial!" -- deadline for filing a family court appeal in california is 60 days from the date of final judgement I do believe
  • You are not guaranteed an appeal, regardless of the quality of your objection, and most appeals fail. The success rate, I've been told by family court attorneys in California, is usually around 5%. if you're pro se, it's effectively zero.
  • Appeals are time-consuming (1-2 years), expensive, and harrowing, meaning most people won't or can't deal with them
  • Even if you do get an appeal, your chances are not that good. i mean if you got something really egregious, like serious procedural violations or malfeasance or the judge called you a "worthless wetback bastard" from the bench, yeah maybe. If it's just that they disliked your sorry ass and that influenced (silently) their finding for the other party, within the guidelines, yeah no. so unless you have some actual beef about something like admissability of evidence, or obvious procedural errors, you're out of luck.
  • Plus, anything that annoys a judge can fuck your case in a heartbeat -- I've seen it happen. Interrupting the judge, staring at him, cursing in open court, asking dumbshit questions like "have you read my brief, your honor?" etc. all these things can, and will contribute to the verdict, regardless of what's in the transcript.

And of course having a good attorney comes into it, that's so simple it should never even be mentioned. My first family law attorney, when i started talking to them, was like $150 an hour. I quickly switched to a $450/hr guy and it was night and fucking day.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Agreed to all of that. My point is simply that as a litigant in family court instead of picking whichever female lawyer looks nice, and praying for a female judge, you are probably better off finding the most competent and experienced lawyer you can afford; who will presumably know which judge isn't a scumbag.

we should just do it like our ancestors did -- trial by combat. god would never let the unworthy survive.

Check his IMDb.

258k per month until the kid hits 18 years old. Damn, I've not seen a guy get fucked this hard by family court since Brendan Frasier.

This is why some rich guys get vasectomies and prenuptial agreements before they stick their dick in those hoes. I bet this guy is wishing he had worn a rubber instead of going in raw. That pussy ain't worth 258k per month.

I think she's got another baby from an NFL player she gets child support from. If so that's just impressive hustle. Probably makes more than the other guy at this point.

Yeah but what about the mom? She needs to be able to have money too?! Otherwise she'll have to work.

Child support goes directly to the parent with more custody. The court doesn't hand a check to a six year old, and it also doesn't enforce rules on how that money is spent.

enforce rules on how that money is spent.

LOL there aren't any rules to enforce.

99% of athletes are retards, falling for shit like this, lol.

I wouldn't really mind this if women were required to prove it was spent on the children or if the father was able to spend the money on housing, food, clothes, education and toys/entertainment for the children himself. But you can guarantee the $258K a month is not going all to the kids. They will end up with a small portion of that.

They are in other countries...just saying.

Just remove the "women" part. Why can't we require any government mandated funds to be allocated and audited. If the government gives out welfare, people who receive it should easily be able to show how they spent it, and Mother's and Ex Wives receiving alimony should be held to that standard as well.

If you get X amount to spend on the Child, you should be forbidden from spending it on yourself.

depends on the state I would assume, but at least in California there is no man/woman stipulation about who gets paid. it's based on a calculator (well for us normal people at least) which isn't sex-based, but rather income based.

that being said, of course there's still discrimination against men in the courts. protip: get a female lawyer, get a female judge if you're . a man. they're much less likely to get all "awwwww a girl here have some money sweetie" than men are.

I was talking about this specific case IDK why I said women instead of the woman, but now it's properly gender neutralized. Though in general it's still going to be the women who get the children.

Better yet just live in a state where child support gets capped so you don't have to worry about this ridiculous bullshit.

she just got her 18 year 55.7 million dollar contract

better than anything she could get from the WNBA

Burn it all down

White bitches: Not. Even. Once.

He makes 3 million a month. It should be 1.5million.

Lol, nice bait.

Oh a creepy stalker mra is crying that men have to pay child support. Virgincel fools lol. So you can’t do math dummy? Is it your tiny balls that make you incapable of understanding? Haha loser.

Mra, lol they are just as pathetic as you lasses.

Also - I can do math, can you do law ya legbeard?. Go pet one of your million cats or post on lchat.

I'm gonna have a guess that you have zero success even among other butches

What? Speak English idiot. Are you seriously trying to say use cats like some 90’s era stereotype of women? No you aren’t an mra at all lol. How old are you 60? Stfu gray pube fool.

From the looks of it my english is better than your, how old are you 35 and alone?

Lol, I take some shit back...butches dating you? Lol that's a far away dream of yours.

Not even a pre everything transwoman would consider you attractive in any way possible you troll.

Get your land manatee license out of your ass and post it on grindr.

Grindr is for men you dumb soybrained loser. You are more POC than me? Lol. Is it a contest? Hilarious. Lesbians fuck a lot don’t you know, why you are so scared of us? Cause you are too fat to catch any woman so you can rape her, I’m sure you’ll just keep jacking ur tiny button to gay for pay porn accounts. Maybe try grindr, I hear male on male sex is fun. Try it beta bottom.

Grindr is gender inclusive you twat..and even if it's for men..you look like one so it's your only choice to get laid...but you won't - gay men have standarts.

Keep lying to yourself - you are out of shape and you haven't seen even your own pussy since 9/11.

Grindr is for gay men, you knew that tho. Go get yourself some bussy. Someone will suck that needledick if you beg maybe.

Google scholar lol.

It's pinknews you idiot.

You read penis news? Figures.

Would you shut up please.

Man feelz triggered

No you’re just really annoying and you have a really low IQ.

Men with low IQ’s are mad lol.


Are you seriously trying to use cats like some 90’s era stereotype of women?

So you don’t own any cats? Not hearing a denial, sweaty.

The compulsive masturbator is mad when his old ass tired insults are mocked. Stay mad virgin.

The compulsive lesbian bed death sufferer is mad when her tired old brain mixes up users. Stay mad sugartits.

LBD lol. Are you too ugly to get women? Stay salty needledick.

So just how many cats do you have?

How many white pubes do you have?

I'd bet that you know a lot about masturbation than all of us.

Stay woke, not even your cats lick you darlin'.

I don’t need cats, I get real women. I do know a lot about masturbation, just don’t have to practice it. Don’t be so jelly, it makes you uglier.

You don't even get fake women. You literally too ugly for LCHAT and there are some ugly bitches there.

What’s fake women? Like your mom? How do you know so much about LGBT+ you are creepy af also.

I know more than you - Mr. reddit troll.

You know more than me about what lol. Being a creepy troll is not something to brag about loser.

The compulsive masturbator is mad when his old ass tired insults are mocked.

Lol imagine sticking it to men by being a political lesbian and getting butt mad when men just jack off instead.

Haha you can’t discern the difference between anger and mocking? Lol you sound smart lmao

I'm nit made, you're mad grrrr.


lol his girlfriend is actually pretty hot

His hairy white hand he named darlin’ doesn’t count.

He named her Georgina.

I mean, I named her Georgina.

No, I’m serious. He’s posted pics of her in r/Drama before. Very cute, slim blonde girl. Good fencer too.

That’s creepy af.

oh lord, son in addition to being a dateless dyke with 10 cats, you’re also fat? 🤣

Awe. I really triggered grandpa.

And is that😡 supposed😡😡😡 to be an insult😳???😂😂?😤?😒 Just FYI, I'm 6'2🙂🤔🤔, 195 lbs, 10% body fat.😐😐😐 Broad shoulders💪💪, very defined😳, powerful 😤😤back 💦😏😏😏(deadlift PR of 505 lbs), chest hair🐒🐒, full thick💦💦🍆 beard,😱😱 veiny 🍆forearms💪💪🍆🍆, protruding 😁😁and defined jawline😵😱😳😳, and the majority of my 😝wardrobe is made up of dress shirts. 🎩 😎 👞👞.

I'm an Instagram girl's 👧👧😏😏wet dream💦💦, and I still turn that shit down since I have better options throwing themselves at me😏😏😏 nearly every time I💪💪💪😂😂🍆💦💦 go out in public.😎😎

You haven’t fucked since 1992 gramps.

Ok, now I know 100% that you are a troll. Should I announce this to GenderCritical mod team? They hate people like you.

You going to announce to GC that men should pay a reasonable percentage of child support to earnings ratio and peepee pants men get mad when you point that out? Haha yeah try that, link me tho, it will be hilarious.

No, I'm gonna annouce to GC mods in their discord that you are a male troll.

Wanna try me

Please do, it will be hilarious.




I wasn’t born by 1992, cat lady. I’m sensing some projection here. Getting a little up there, are we? 😉

Grandpa is really selling this larp.

I love older ladies 😍

We been know old man.

We been know

Say what now?

Lol, you're not even a dyke, you are a dude from donaldo pretending to be one.

I made this dicksucker is really mad. Damn.

Lol, at least they get laid..unlike you.

This dood is sad right now. Male tears abound.

That’s what you say to all the women you can’t rape?

You're still here dude?

Ahhh you linked me to GC....I feel honored.

Ladies....if ya see this Lezzymclezface is a male troll in your safe space.

Right lol. The baby men of r/drama is a safe space for women. You got it missy!

Actually you linked the whole damn thread dude.

Yes ma’am I linked the whole thread. It’s really funny how triggered all the soyboys are. And I looked back at it, it was you. I’d love it if they tried to retaliate b/c I hurt the man feelz of troll men mad that paying less than 10% of your yearly salary makes men cry. Not sure what you mean by they hate me, but the GC community is really not that big so this will be fun to watch play out.

Whatever dude.

Whatever is right ma’am

I don't think that the woman is a pro level athlete to be earning that much.

I wish we could still ping retards so that we could have retarded arguments with people who actually believe this, and not poor trolls.

None of the virgincels on this thread can do math, now they mad. This is really funny.

You gotta get some better bait for me Mister

Being math-capable is bait to dumb salty men. Ok miss.

You gotta try a different angle fam, it's gonna be a no from me dawg on taking this bait.

It’s not an “angle” it’s math lol.

You know what, I actually kinda agree with you, the punishment for having sex with a women should be being fined half your income. That aways society would be more productive.

So marriage and family creation is reduced to “having sex with a woman” don’t let this treasure go ladies. He seems like a real keeper lol.

Yes, what other thing was she bringing to the table?

Wow. Your Mom must be so proud at what she gave birth to and raised. What a gentleman.

Ikr, mothers are incredibly biased to think good of their kids.

Especially when they have sons like you that claim their only function in life is to provide sex for men as brood mares, or not be given an equivalency of child support to earnings. She must think so highly of you that you say this online.

idk, I feel like your assessment of my opinion is limited to the fact that so far I've only really been able to disparage women, and not men too.

Stick to the topic, you are just trolling at this point.

Idk, I don't really see the value in relationship outside of exploitation of another human being.

As long as the person exploited is female. Yeah got that. You made that very clear already.

idk, I feel like both men and women enter relationships explicitly for exploitation of each other

Maybe. Idc.

Life sucks

For str8s? lol

You're back, how are you?

Did you go to court for your child support case?

No, I'll settle outside of court with my imaginary ex-wife on the child-support payments.

While simultaneously defending greedy men? Sounds very male troll.

stones who live in people shouldn't throw glass houses.

Oh you are a teen, I thought so, but that’s sad you are this bitter already.

Tell me your life story. Go!

How will your teen brain conceptualize it?

Poorly, I'm not a teen, but obviously my intellect stopped growing after at most 13.

And just like that, you got out trolled. Bigly

I got trolled? Haha I triggered all the men too fat and ugly to go to proud boy meetings if that’s possible. Who got trolled? Wot? Lol

I triggered all the men too fat and ugly to go to proud boy meetings

way to admit you fantasize about being broodmare for alt right Chads

is this meant to be a coherent statement or did you have a stroke?

Damn, these comments from the virgincel’s are just sad.

Just suck dick already, that stigma is long gone.

lol back to back replies, are your hands shaking?

“Man rules” lol.

wtf are you even babbling about, this isn't bantz it's just boring.

So if you troll me on a man-post crying this fool is paying less than 10% of his salary for childsupport, it somehow translates to your not paying 10% of your 35,000 a year salary for child support? Haha. Ok.

>I'm a big strong independent wymyn who don't need no gender roles

>Give me half your stuff lmfao

Pick one

Both dumbass. Not your broodmare.

>gender roles are only okay when the woman makes out ahead LMFAO

If you've ever wondered why so many people don't take you seriously, this would be why.

Yeah tell that to a 9 year old “bride” you scumbag.

I'm not really sure what your point is here. I'm not a Muslim so I'm very much against child marriage fyi.

I know math is difficult right?


You don’t even understand the word. Math. Don’t cry.

I'm just sitting here wondering how you got from alimony-->child marriage-->MATH. If you're trying to make a point you're being very obtuse about it.

I’ll just keep triggering you with the word - math lol.

Since I'm so dumb would you mind explaining whatever the hell your point is in a short, declarative sentence or two?

Math! Lol.

Thanks for confirming my suspicion you're an idiot.

Where does childcare cost 1.5 million a month?

In the land of Sarkiseeniya.

Where does childcare cost 1.5 million a month?

To hit that amount, you'd basically have to hire Robert Downey Jr. as your nanny.

1.5 million is half of his monthly salary, I said that already dumbass haha.

Guys, DO NOT DOWNVOTE HER. Because of the pingocide, we need people like her.

Guys, guys, we are lonely and pathetic, and talk to each other like we are on a video game hahaha.

Welcome honored guest.. Could I introduce you to Pizzashill?

Awe. I love the Virgin-speak of underperforming men. Fun. Does your mom get child support for you?

Jeez did you just assume my gender?

What did you say ma’am? I mean sir? Xir? Xe? Xem?

I’m going with your pronoun Xenu

Does that mean a bunch of scientologists will worship me? Also Pizzashill is our resident incel.

Omg you are now trying to mansplain it lol. Xenu you are a walking stereotype haha.

assumes gender again


Xenu don’t cry. Your Dorito dust keyboard is showing.

Tsk. You really hate women, don't you? Are you sure you're not a "nice guy" pretending?

You seem real smart lol

Is that really your attempt at insulting me?

It’s an observable fact, you are a complete idiot.

... And you have the insult vocab of a 12 year old

the funniest part is that it was men who came up with these laws in the first place. these rules were put in place when women didnt work.

Which was when exactly??? Newsflash: women have always worked. Maybe the the rules were put in place when middle- & upper-class women didn't work, but that is an entirely different statement.

don't tell mde

Maybe the the rules were put in place when middle- & upper-class women didn't work

they totally were. you think some housekeeper married to a sharecropped in Alabama in 1910 even could get a divorce? not bloody likely

That’s what you get for cheating on your baby momma

how on earth do you still go raw with someone who is already collecting child support from another professional athlete?

If you want to do an activity that results in children don't be surprised if you have a child.

Funny how quickly feminists start talking like anti-abortion zealots.

This is the shit they're upvoting too.

the funniest part is that it was men who came up with these laws in the first place.

Caroline Norton created the Tender Years Doctrine.

And it's modern feminists like NOW that are directly opposing reforming it.

Literally entirely feminisms fault. But they still blame men.

Men came up with these laws back in the day a husband could beat his wife with a fucking broom stick. Feminists removed all the traditionalism on their own side but carved out the parts that benefited them.

Strap your shit lads.

Accountability and personal responsibility are the antithesis to feminism

Here is what grinds my gears. In what universe is 258k the amount to raise a child for a month? If I went to a bank and tried to take out a mortgage of this caliber I would need to undergo a shitton of scrutiny to confirm that I could actually pay it back and the property is actually worth what it is listed for. Somehow a court can come to the conclusion, "yep, this is what child care costs and he will be able to pay it until the child are grown up."

Are you talking to each other like a world of Warcraft session. Haha losers! Men are greedy and will defend other men in a group think? Shocker

In your mamas pussy