Scandal clamps academia as new proof of Jordan Peterson's secret life as a pedophile emerges, now with photographic evidence

433  2018-08-03 by Starship_Litterbox_C


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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He has to be one of the most smug, self-centred, repugnant and morally degenerate people I’ve ever seen.

Which one

Which one?


May I ask why? A comedian whose podcast I enjoy really likes Peterson's "systems" method to life. I understand the appeal of JP, but I've never given him much thought. Why is there so much vitriol toward him? What does he write that is so offensive to your sensibilities?

There’s a lot of vitriol towards him because his fanbase tends to be annoying, douchey semi-dudebro types who are too spineless and pink-cheeked to be full on dudebros. You know, the kind of guys who post constantly on social media with crappy motivational cliches and frequent r/GetMotivated despite never entering a gym in their life.

A lot of the dislike towards him personally is because he’s similar to Ben Shapiro. That is, he’s an excellent debater on paper, but his delivery is filled with condescension and word salad (parroted by his fans, too) which gives the impression he’s already decided he won’t change his view before he even started talking.

So it's a two-pronged distaste? Boiling it down, he's got tumblr-squeee for fans, and debates like Richard Dawkins. Is this accurate?

Pretty much.

>tfw you realize Jordan Peterson is the Richard Dawkins of the right

Bow before my centrism.

I thought Richard Dawkins was the Richard Dawkins of the right 😁

I appreciate his basic views on how to live our lives to the best of our abilities, but yeah, he's become this obnoxious cult of personality and it's a total circlejerk at this point.

I agree. He has some good ideas but I’ve never seen him as some exceptionally profound mental Olympian.

He has a lot of common sense philosophies that can be pretty refreshing to some people in a world that insists on trying to hold their hand through everything.

He really should have left it at the life coach shit though. pump out a couple shitty self-help books and retire. Instead he spends his time getting into retarded arguments with even more retarded college freshman.

I absolutely agree with his views on the University system though.

What he says that’s good is shit my grandpa could’ve told anyone for free. To seriouspost for a second, the fact that he has such a passionate following tells me that the West has a serious fucking emergency with young people not getting any good guidance at home.

I agree with this completely btw

May I ask why?

He's Canadian. What more reason do you need?

careful. Canadians get real fuckin emotional when you make fun of them

Yeah but what can they really do? They're anger is as impotent and irrelevant as their country.

they can send their army of two mounties sharing a stick for starters!

Why do anything really, we dont need to bring the bantz to you burgers, we will just wait while you keep killing each other off.

It's adorable tbh

All leafs are insufferable, no exceptions. They will make the utmost effort to inject the fact they’re leafs in every conversation context.

Example: a post discussing Zimbabwean anal injectors. Somewhere in the comments: “As a Canadian, I need this in my life!” You can talk to the deepest extent of anal injectors but there will always be some leaf who absolutely has to tell everyone their nationality.

I used to do a (‘tistic) challenge where I’d look at /r/all. If there wasn’t a post about Canada, there is an absolute guarantee that in the top three posts’ comments, you’ll find an outspoken leaf. It worked without fail every single time, no matter the time of day.

I tried the same with British, Aussies, Americans, and Swedes, and they never happened to the extent that Canadians did. I think it stems from a lame insecurity that everyone assumes posters are Americans or Limeys.

They know it's true that nothing makes them special. They harp about the dumbest shit. "Muh Tim Hortons" "Muh poutine"

Like imagine having so little to set you apart from Americans. At least in Quebec they speak French and don't give a fuck what the rest of the country thinks. The rest of Canada is actually no different than it is south of their border. There's zero experience a Canadian has that couldn't be shared by any other Westerner. Besides being cold as fuck, but even our more northern states have the same issue. Hell, Alaska exists.

Imagine just being a completely superfluous country with no real identity that you have to get posts about your local coffee shop to the top of all.

He is even worse than a Jew, he is – may Allah forgive me for uttering this word – a Canadian

I dislike Peterson because he doesn't believe in secular morality. He unironically believes things like "everyone is religious" and "real atheists are murderers". Check out his debate with Dillahunty.

In general, when he strays away from self-help and psychology he seems completely out of his depth. He's an econ pleb and his interpretation of c-16 (which made him famous) was apparently wrong according to the Canadian Bar Association, but I'm no attorney.

The problem with Peterson is that he is bit of a dumbass, but a mostly harmless one. Therefore the only people on the left who get particularly riled up by him are the retarded ones (i.e students who think university politics matters). Therefore, Peterson always ends up debating retards, and by virtue of being a slightly silly person who is still capable of basic rhetoric and engaging the ideas of a debate opponent, he looks like an intellectual titan next to people who lose their goddamn minds and start frothing at the prospect of someone saying something that goes against their worldview.

It also helps that Peterson is also on the left.

is that why he made a prageru video

I actually don't mind the everyone is religious argument, and everyone has a higher image they aspire to, and how your potential and actual behavior manifest and how that system is a sort of religion, or what religion would look like if we were devoid of Religion and were making it up ourselves.

It's all the garbage he tries to pimp like environmentalists are Stalinists and feminists secretly want to be dominated by strong men that crosses major lines into the garbage side of alt right-isms. Then he turns around and says "there's absolutely no evidence I'm alt right," retweets some race realism neo nazi nonsense, like the complete garbage person he is. And I don't think that's harmless at all.

You seem to be riled up. Look at the post and see who Peterson riles up. The post above you is correct.

Yeah dude, I don't understand what you're trying to say other than I'm an autist which I admit is true on Friday nights. Would you mind being more explicit? Also, can't believe I got tricked into serious posting. I'm a dork.

He unironically believes things like "everyone is religious" and "real atheists are murderers".

Calling them murderers is a bridge too far, but I think he's onto something. There's definitely something wrong with atheists, otherwise they wouldn't behave like so many other undesirable types, like vegans or feminists.

How do you know when you're in a room with an atheist/vegan/feminist? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

Anyone who thinks normal people give a shit about their "enlightened" cosmological views, the morality of their diet, or their views on women is in some way defective. We already know that "male feminists" are basically lazy rapists, we just haven't puzzled out what the common defect(s) among atheists and vegans are.

I mean we're talking about Peterson here. If he was offered a media appearance in which he just abused a dead horse for 3 hours, you know he'd do it.

I didn't say there was nothing wrong with Kermit B. Memerson, though I am still trying to puzzle out how someone so milquetoast and bland could possibly cause such a ruckus and haven't quite gotten around to pondering what his major malfunction is. I just said he was right about atheists. There's something with them, and we all know it. Just because we can't articulate what's wrong with them (or Memerson) doesn't mean they're normal.

You can't complain that vegans always talk about their views and not notice Peterson once jacked off to undeveloped film in the thought it might get him more media attention.

Media attention is the man's bread-and-butter right now. It makes sense he's playing the part of performance artist. Telling everyone about how you only eat ethically sourced organic vegan grains, on the other hand, generally doesn't get anyone anything but funny looks.

No shit. He makes over $60k a month from pandering to angry young white men.

the "everyone is religious" meme is only remotely tenable if your definition of "religion" is so broad as to be meaningless. theres a reason it's only really peddled by crackpots who lack the theory of mind necessary to imagine someone being different from them.

So, like religion?

hell yeah, now youre talkin

How do you know when you're in a room with an atheist/vegan/feminist? Don't worry, they'll tell you.

only true if you live in a shithole. nobody bring up the topic when you live in a place where atheism is the default position

a shithole

a place where atheism is the default position

Not seeing much difference.

I don't think your charts say what you think your charts say, but OK.

the chart says that you're a little bitch

Then that chart needs help, because "little" is probably the last adjective anyone would ever use to describe me. I'm a value meals away from a mobility scooter, for God's sake.

If anything, I'm a fat bitch.

IKR? China is a complete and utter shithole outside of the places foreigners are brave enough to set foot in. And Czechia isn’t that nice when you leave the major cities.

And why would we take someone who was conditioned to follow some “shod” serious? Thank you :-)

I don't care who you take seriously. I just know that atheists are smug about being socially maladjusted and somehow think that their view of the universe makes them enlightened and better than everyone else. You could probably say that about some religious people, too, but in the main most religions tell people that they're shit and need to get their fucking act together. Maybe if atheists had something in their view of the universe that reminded them that they suck as badly as everyone else they wouldn't be such an insufferable bunch of vainglorious shitheads.

I can understand why you perceive others to be smug when they point out that you simply were trained to follow some mythology, which you falsely claim to be a “belief”. Jesus, even a person who turns to “scientology” as an adult shows more initiative to pick a mythology than lazy non-critical people like yourself (this is the point where you’re supposed to claim to have been raised as an “atheist” but discovered “god” as true hero when you asked yourself what this all is about).

And as long as pigs like you demand that that ideology should be relevant for government, legislation and laws that affect everyone, I’ll be happy to be a smug asshole towards people like yourself. Cheers :-)

I can't tell if you're trying to argue with me or if you're trying to ironically make my point. In either case, if you say this kind of shit in front of real people, it might explain why you never get laid. Which you definitely aren't if you're arguing with me on a Friday night.

One idiotic assumption after another, no surprise that you feel attacked when others point out your extremely weak character. Happy Friday Night :-)

My character is not weak. It's quite robust, it's just absolutely terrible. Still, I'm not an atheist or a male feminist, so no matter how terrible I may be, I'm still not as bad as you.

Atheists abandoned the center. That’s their problem. They tried to be intellectually consistent, on the assumption that intellectual consistency was a good thing.

Long live gentle hypocrisy and doublethink, say I. I mean that as honestly as I mean anything else I say on /r/Drama.

I actually don't mind the everyone is religious argument, and everyone has a higher image they aspire to, and how your potential and actual behavior manifest and how that system is a sort of religion, or what religion would look like if we were devoid of Religion and were making it up ourselves.

It's all the garbage he tries to pimp like environmentalists are Stalinists and feminists secretly want to be dominated by strong men that crosses major lines into the garbage side of alt right-isms. Then he turns around and says "there's absolutely no evidence I'm alt right," retweets some race realism neo nazi nonsense, like the complete garbage person he is.

He's a hack that misuses scientific evidence to support his high level philosophy of "fire bad, gro no like progress".

He's a traditionalist who hunts through various fields he's not educated in so he can capture evidence that doesn't agree with him so he can club it into submission. He starts from the idea that old and natural is right and then reads the first article of a Wikipedia article and assumes the rest agrees with him and writes that it does.

He just disguises his simplistic points in so much verbosity to rebut him you've got to unpack what he means which takes forever and he can just move on to his next point while you're trying to explain his first one. Then because it's wrapped in so many layers of metaphor, he claims you misunderstood him.

Also he makes $60k a month off his fan base for the sage advice of cleaning your room.

On a scale of 0-10 where 0 is absolute homicidal hatred of JP and 10 is "Jordan Peterson is the most important philosopher of all time", anyone who is outside a 4-6 on that scale should be cast into the B Vale of Shadow.

Make it 4-7, for symmetry.

It is symmetrical bb

It is actually are and I need to re-take math class.

Not just math.

Eh you're fine. These other people are assholes. I got your back.

Are you genuinely mentally retarded? Please think again (if you're able) before posting such drivel.

Yup, looks like I am. I thought it was 1-10. Can't read numbers for shit.

*Make it 3-5, for sanity.



What number represents bemused disdain?

  1. You're in the "gets to live" area.

إلى الجهيم

Oh come on a good 3 is justified just by how much money he makes

Wow someone who doesn't like rich people dislikes JP? Color me shocked.

Brilliant reading comprehension dude bravo, tell me do you think I dislike him for his wealth or how obtains his wealth? Think carefully.

Nah, he’s not a proven cuck yet, unlike manafort and stone.

I can’t wait for Mueller to have a #metoo moment, and Pence to have a tape about fucking young boys. Also, imagine, if in that same week, Hillary turned out to actually be pimping out kids?! Btw, Trump being innocent of everything!

qanon #bestreality #GEOTUS

did you know that dementia has a smell?

Yup, old people smell is a real thing. I see my previous comment was taken as serious 🙁

Ok, this is E͕̙͟b̵̡͚̦̮i̷̷͏̦͔̰̼̲̗̙c̨̟̲̹̕̕c̷̸̠͖͚̗̲̰̘͍

Here’s a picture of him before he juiced on liberal tears

They're both ugly and generally revolting. I can't fucking stand to look at Ben Shapiro's face or his rat like fucking voice. He's honestly the most condescending male I've ever heard speak.

Irony isn't your strong point then?

Haha are you a parody account?

Kermit the frog meets David the gnome

What's the image? Not clicking because nsfw.

A young short Jewish boy and an older Canadian with a free speech impediment are embracing each other.

This is the hottest smut I've seen on the internet in awhile.

Its not nsfw.

your browser already downloaded it in the background. You're going to jail along with the rest of us.

the proof is in the caaaaache

thats not how it works.

it isnt downloaded unless you open the image.

What is prefetch?

Good browsers don't prefetch every link, m8.

not having virtually unlimited bandwidth


True, but if you go to instagram for instance it creates invisible elements to load the previous and next videos.

Apparently JBP is only 6'1" which makes Ben Shapiro approximately 4'2”.

Shapiro's height is allegedly 5'6", so now I'm just confused. That is not a seven inch difference.

Makes more sense when you see the rest of his outfit

Dat ass

He is rocking the shit out of those cut-offs

Jortin' Peterson

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I laughed too hard at this

Ben forgot his lifts.

No he had them on. Some one made it more realistic by taking the lift height out.

Explains everything. Pure bred, beta manlet.

Lol. I hope Memerson says something about short men next. I wanna see r/short flip.

Literal jewish goblin.

jesus now they're letting hobbits in? how much of this shit can we tolerate? what's next, orcs?


reported for anti semitism

His sister ain't a hobbit id smash those big ol fun bags she's got

You know you can't just make a comment like that and not post pics.

Use your damn Google skills. No nudes that I know of but you can get the general idea from this

Eh, you need to get out of the house more.

Where do you live that you got F cups walking around Willy nilly m8

Not every hot girl has ridiculous jugs, you git. That thing you posted has a face like a cartoon character and the titties are 6/10 at best.

Lmao so you ask for pics and take more time to comment when you can clearly look it up yourself you mong if you think I seriously posted that as a reference you're retarded

I didn't ask for anything. I said you can't post a comment like that without pics. Now that you've posted a pic I'm judging you for your shitty taste. That's how this sub works. Are you new here or something?

Are you genuinely retarded? Imagine taking any of that seriously

The ideal body is small east Asian with a flat chest anyway.

Yes, I'm sure you've enjoyed your trips to Thailand.

Wait a minute are you trolling me? Sir please don't be rude.

I'm just saying that your description sounds vaguely like you're into little boys. Around these here parts we prefer our bussy to be properly aged.

Better, a video:

Another proof that Jews are just Peak Mayos. And she looks like the trans version of little Ben.

How are hobbits jews. If anything, the dwarves are jews, not Hobbits.

Dwarves are Swiss people. Swiss people are mountain Jews.

We need to build a wall to keep the Fellowship out

Is that an ad homonid attack?

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in this sub.

You haven’t been here long, have you.

I guess not? But from what I've seen, there is usually some accuracy in the titles. This seems like it belongs in /r/circlejerk

it's funny because T_D users love this guy, and often times they come in here assuming it will be as safe a space as T_D is.

But... this just makes their guy look better?

their guy

This is a radical centrist subforum sir

That makes EVERYONE "them"

some are more "them" than others

on what planet

So you put up pictures of their two heroes in an attempt to deter them? You're retarded.

I did?

there is usually some accuracy in the titles

Where's the inaccuracy?

Wow PETERSON looks like THAT?

Surprisingly he is not made of green felt with halves of ping-pong balls for eyes.

But who really is anymore, right? We all gotta move on.


Do you understand now why male feminists hate them? It's because female feminists lust after him fiercely, their diatribes against him are dripping wet, their outrage is undeniably moist.

The man's been beaten down by his wife and lost the gorilla energy that animated him. He was a big lobster but now is small.

You're quite wrong bucko.

Lobsters only get larger and more virile as they age.

Big lobsters can't fit in small cracks and then get eaten. It's natural an right to be cucked.

I know it's not a perfect metaphor because lobsters are immortal while Peterson and Patreon will fade one day but it's basically the same.

note the hair transplant.

holy shit i didnt realize how short he was lmao. that explains way too much.

And Shapiro is even shorter LMAO


ohhh hey this is vaguely relevant so I'm gonna post it

Wait, so Islam IS bad?

May Allah destroy anyone who says so.

wtf I hate Islam now

Isn’t it supposed to be difficult to distinguish where the quote comes from? Y’know, like r/menkampf?

Hey look, someone who not only provides no context but who edits the quotes to suit their agenda.

Context matters: "Also, the fact that women can be raped hardly constitutes an argument against female sexual selection. Obviously female choice can be forcibly overcome. But if the choosiness wasn't there then rape would be unnecessary."

Lmao Kermit fans unironically think this context makes it better.

Also, the fact that women can be raped hardly constitutes an argument against female sexual selection. Obviously female choice can be forcibly overcome. But if the choosiness wasn't there (as in the case of chimpanzees) then rape would be unnecessary. Read David Buss on female sexual selection.

Nice job leaving out the biological evidence reference and scientific literature reference.

I copied the quote verbatim from the context someone posted in Peterson's defence, m8.

I don't actually think Peterson's a rapist, but "rape would be unnecessary" is really awful phrasing.

I truly prefer JBP over any given SRDine.

I, too, prefer shit over shit

Don't talk to me or my son ever again.

I'm aroused and confused

I'm aroused and confused

Such a fucking manlet.

Christ, Peterson the U of T professor is a child molester? That old baboon?

I am shocked, I say! SHOCKED.

This made me google Shapiro's height and he claims to be 5'9"? Seems absolutely impossible as Peterson is apparently 6'1".

he tweeted "LOL! Even I, at a strapping 5'9", have bigger hands than 6'2" Trump. Sad! Weak"

Imagine being so lost and stupid that you follow Papa Peterson or lil baby ben.

How tf is Ben only 5'6" lmao dude honestly looks like he's 5'2".

5'6 with sneakers lol

Dude is rolling with high tops tbh

I'm 5'7" and I tell people I'm 5"7 what a fucking silly thing to lie about.

if you were 5 foot nothing you would swear by 5'6

The standard rule is 5'9"+ says they're 6'0", 5'6"+ says they're 5'9", and anything under claims 5'6".

I'm 5'8 and 3/4s but I call myself 5'9 bcuz I'm a pathetic coward, so this is definitely true.

I’m 5’9 and I don’t think anyone would believe me if I claimed I was 6ft. Could get away with it if you’re 5’10 though.

Jordan looks alpha as fuck tbqh

Everyone looks alpha when they're standing next to Ben Shapiro...

It's like saying you look healthy compared to a decomposing corpse...

Doesn't count.

My nephew is 15 and looks like a giant pussy, but he's almost 6' tall. I bet he'd look like as alpha as Sean Connery if you let him stand next to a manlet like that.

Don Lobster: "You come to me to clean your room, on the day of my daughters wedding..."


All politics aside, I have to say that I find Jordan Peterson to be a thousand times less punchable than Ben Shapiro

The Virgin Political commentater vs the Chad tidy room enthusius

The absolute state of this sub.

Is this pic using false perspective or something like they did on LotR with the Hobbits?

It's a photo shop, there's another with Shapiro at least at shoulder level. Not sure how everyone's falling for it lol.

Lol, hello Ben Shapiros PR team, been up all night "correcting" that photo have you? We all know the truth.

At least this explains why Shapiro's voice is so squeaky.

Every opinion on JP:

On the things he says that I agree with, he’s clearly an outstanding genius and our finest living philosopher. When he says something I don’t agree with he’s an out of touch old crypto-fascist and double hitler!!!

Just fuck off ffs.

"That's not what I said. I'll tell you what it means. It means apple cider gives you terrible doom. I lay awake at night, frightened, frozen in space. And that's that, bucko. Oh, you think you can do a better job? Wake up, sunshine. They'll come after the biologists next."

Apple cider is for women. It’s chaos. Beer is orderly, but you need balance. Pour cider in your beer!

LOL I thought the guy on the right was John McAfee for a second.

Jordan Peterson is a complete degenerate who literally rapes toddlers in pooper. And Ben Shapiro is a closet male feminist. FACTS.

Also are literally Hitler collectively.

tru dat

If they teamed up they could be the hottest conservative ventriloquist act ever seen.

5’11 vs 6’0

Fucksakes. I thought this was real. I have been gone from reddit for so long I forgot to read which sub it was posted in... 🤦

Gotcha ─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

I think the fact that Shapiro’s head is so tiny warps it even more

user reports:
2: It's targeted harassment at someone else
1: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors

As always, DDF with the boring default reporting options.

Bring your kid to work day.

Is lil' Ben too small and puny for military service? Genuine question.