Leafs civil war when a rape victim goes to a womens' shelter and is forced to room with a trans woman. Tries to file a complaint with Human Rights centre but is told she's being transphobic.

56  2018-08-03 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


This is what happens when you confuse mental illness with gender identity.


"She described herself as an โ€œactive ally in the LGBTQ community,โ€ but said this conflict has left her feeling as if vulnerable women are unable to voice their own gender-based rights for fear of violating someone elseโ€™s".

So...shes a hypocrite.


Fuck this lady, and fuck her again for claiming to be an ally.

Nobody knew being a woman could be so complicated.


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Has this made it to gendercritical or rationalfeminism yet?


No drama though because they obviously just agree with each other.

and they are right

radfems are right.

well yes

We will be forced to refer to Men as "she" and "her".

We all know what this does. A man rapes us, and we must say SHE raped us. Suddenly, women are raping and murdering other women, people are just violent, with no rhyme, reason or predictor.

The single most reliable indicator of whether or not a person will commit violence is if they are born with a penis. That is an indisputable fact. And now men are obscuring it with purposeful intent. The statistics very clearly show that men commit almost all violence.

But men have fixed that, haven't they. They have been crying for years that we are just as violent as they are, which is an outright lie born from male manipulation and inability to handle facts. It's still men commiting the vast majority of violence, and it is now illegal for us to name it.

And this fits into their narrative quite well. How many times I have heard men say that women can't get along with each other. It's projection. And now they will stir shit in our private places, just like they do with each other.


You're absolutely right, men are more violent. I'm not a violent man, but statistically speaking I am far more likely to be violent than a woman.

What level of /r/menslib is this, those bitches are fucking nuts and there he is trying to participate and play long.

They actually have a somewhat sizable male userbase. /r/GenderCriticalGuys also exists, but it's not as active.

At least /r/MensLib has the pretense of totally not being self-flagellating or anything. On the other hand, comments along the lines of this on /r/GenderCritical are pretty common. I don't know how retarded you have to be to end up as a male /r/GenderCritical poster.

Also, they shit on him for his comment. Banning pings should be a crime.

You lead me down a rabbit hole. I'm so confused. Everybody hate everybody i guess.

It's a shelter for women who have been harmed at the hands of their partner. This partner can be a woman too.

Question, when two lesbians beat each other, how do they decide which one goes to the shelter?

they both get housed together


Don't be silly, a woman would never commit domestic abuse.

Lesbians commit more domestic violence than gender couples by an insane margin.

The least violent couple is actually gay men.

Yeah I've seen the stats. I've always kind of wondered how much is actual behavioural differences, and how much of the gap is explained by willingness to report (or even if they consider it abuse).

Mutual violence? Careful, your pet might get Erin Pizzeyed.

How dare her being triggered by that woman's cock?

Women have penises! Deal with it!

How dares her being triggered

Easy on the meth, Cleetus.

You know it's real drama when it actually gets posted to both echo Chambers.

so according to the progressive supreme court of public opinion who is in the right here: the domestic abuse victim or the trannie? just curious

According to them? The tranny

Overall the white women will win in the end. They always do.

I prefer the Redpill/PUA opinion that they're both wrong because one's a woman and the other's a tranny.