/r/ukpolitics argues if non fascists are routinely labelled as fascists.

14  2018-08-03 by Ghdust2


ukpolitics are literal retards, regardless of whether they're tory or labour.

I get called fascist at least twice a day, politics is so polarized these days.

Maybe it's cause you are a fascist, fascist.


I just want to exterminate the human race. Is that so wrong?

That's just good will tbh

Just like with the Popper quote, these people really need to read the people they are "quoting"

Refusing to debate someone =/= Denying them platform

The lack of pinging here is the absolute worst, it's turning me into a self-righteous SRDine. Please someone kill me while I'm still human.

'We must stop fascism by banning and arresting anyone who agrees with me!'

That dude who wrote 'Liberal Fascism' a decade ago seems like a fucking psychic.