Buff roasties tell a bunch of definitely true stories about meathead bros (prolly Trump supporters TBH) abusing them at the gym

36  2018-08-03 by QueenOfTheIncels


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What happens when heathcliff goes to your gym....

A man looked at me in the gym

Was he raping with his eyes, or trying to run me out of his male dominated space? It must be one of those two. Certainly he wasn't in awe of the amount of ass sweat I just left on the bench.

If you were actually a women and have ever been in a male dominated space you'd probably start getting creeped out by a bunch of dude bro's starring at you constantly. It's annoying and plain creepy. One of the ladies I worked with was sexually assaulted whenever she decided to go to gym. It's a very real thing and happens to women on a regular basis.

lol as if you've ever been to a gym

...uhh free pizza day at Planet Fitness... Hello...

man, humans not ignoring other humans in certain spaces sure is annoying huh

But the gym is the only place that's okay with me wearing my "SEX MURDERER" tank-top so I don't know what to do now if it's bothering the ladies.

[#This was prompted by this, perhaps better drama: "So I've remembered your comment and was thinking about it every day. People like you are the reason women are afraid to go to the gym or lift weights."]()

A guy was doing leg raises today on a bench in tight pants. The seam was a bit ripped out on the ass (about the size of a quarter). I was sitting between sets on a bench and glanced up as he brought his legs way up. I think it winked at me.

A funny story about a gym experience

A girl was doing leg raises today on a bench in tight pants. The seam was a bit ripped out on the ass (about the size of a quarter). I was sitting between sets on a bench and glanced up as she brought her legs way up. I think it winked at me.

A story of a man raping a woman #metoo

/u/[–]AnnaZa one time I was setting up the bar on the squat rack and some girl was on the bench wearing loose shorts and no underwear. How do I know she didn't have underwear on? I could see her cunt. I kept glancing as I set up the bar and definitely jerked off to that image later that night.

/u/AnnaZa one time I was setting up the bar on the squat rack and some girl was on the bench wearing loose shorts and no underwear. How do I know she didn't have underwear on? I could see her cunt. I kept glancing as I set up the bar and definitely jerked off to that image later that night.

you fool, we aren't allowed to ping anymore

Oh no, call the cyber police.

Ban you ban you ban you we will.

It looks like /u/OniTan has found the loophole.

a bunch of roasties who spend 300$ on their gym attire to either squat or workout their legs and ass on any piece of equipment in sight. Then sit on the leg raise machines playing on their phones for an hour.

I'm gonna open up a gym thats guys only. Gonna call it Guy Heaven.

More like gay heaven amirite. Nothing wrong with that ofc

I'm gonna open up a gym thats guys only. Gonna call it Guy Heaven.

Bruh that's kinda gay

I would go to a gay gym if it meant they stopped playing 5th Harmony and Little Mix over the PA system.

Unfortunately, gay men have just as horrible taste in music as women.

Then you can join us. You've gotta spend like $5000 on milk, though. That's the policy.

/u/cirquedusammy quit being such a faggot.

Never :-*

Yo why are you so pudgy if you workout and play circus all the time?

Pizza and injuries. And pizza related injuries.

Fair enough. You puttin pineapple on that pizza or wat?


I've gone to the gym 3-4 times per week for the last SIX YEARS and I have never, not once, seen any of that stuff happen. Those roasties are full of shit.

I haven't seen it either.

Most people at the gym are pretty nice and help each other out. The big ass bros are the ones most likely to help some newbie guy or girl out with their form.

In all honesty most of the stereotypes that people mention when they say why they don't want to go to the gym are just flat out made up by people who don't go to the gym.

Depends on the time of day. This is true in the morning, If you lift in the late afternoon, the archetypal bro are out in full force. Ive seen them make fun of women and men alike. Never seen sexual harassment though.

Buff roasties tell a bunch of definitely true stories

I see so few of these at most commercial gyms. It's usually girls squatting 95 lbs in the smith machine or using the elliptical.

Your job as a dude is to use your maleness as a way to keep shitty other dudes in check. I can't tell a guy who has a foot and 100 lbs on me to leave me alone when he's being weird, because that's not safe for me. But if you see that same dude ogling someone or chatting up a girl who has panic eyes about it, you can slide in and say something and be listened to in a way that i won't be.


a guy who has a foot and 100 lbs on me

Bitch if that guy's 6 foot and 300+ pounds I'm not getting near him either

>6 foot

Back to the manlet pit with you

Your job as a dude

uncompensated invisible labor? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


You mean fat. Fat women go to XXFitness to have someone tell them it's OK to be 400lbs if they cycle 20min a week on the stationary

What are some things that average gym-going men can do to foster a more inclusive/less hostile gym environment for women?

We need more of this in the world.

I feel like the dropping the weights thing is a way to show everyone how heavy their weights are.

LUNK ALARM!!!!. I'd like to see her try and gently place down 4pl8. This is how you spot a dyel who can't even deadlift 135.