"That's some retarded shit you just said." - /r/askmen goes balls deep into calories-in, calories-out.

40  2018-08-04 by Ghdust2

"Money is a completely different thing from being obese. Jesus.": https://www.removeddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/93u4gz/23s_of_women_in_the_usa_are_overweight_and_13_are/e3gjql9/

"Everyone has to do the exact same thing: find your maintenance calories, eat slightly below that.":https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/93u4gz/23s_of_women_in_the_usa_are_overweight_and_13_are/e3gpqsp/


You and your little "drama" buddies are too busy staring at men's bussies to know an attractive woman if she swam up to you in anthropomorphic-shark form and let you fuck her on a cold, windy cape cod beach.


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fat women aren't attractive bussy bot, deal with it !!!

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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I put CICO deniers in the same category as flat earthers

They're bad but that thread was full of worse, the ones who ree about "You're implying that it's our fault we're fat sacks of shit! By saying it's a choice you're implying we made bad choices!"

Those bad choices were mostly seconds and desserts.

Oh I've seen it all. I used to shitpost in a certain meta fitness sub. My favorite were the weak skeletons who would acknowledge CICO for fatties, then complain about how their "high metabolism" prevented them from gaining weight and building muscle.

This is you right?

pls no doxx

no ping, no doxx, man what's the point anymore

ikr? Makes me feel like a filthy gossiping SRDine. Pinging is common decency tbh

Exactly. I was always taught not to say something behind someone's back you wouldn't say to their face

/u/spez why do you hate common courtesy so much?

FCJ is still great.

*** is still great.

Delete this. And yes it is

Theoretically, the Law of Entropy means that it's possible, like if they had tapeworms for example.

One in a couple thousand may have a rare tumor that causes them to bloat. Not 2/3rds tho.

No, but you see, their genetics make them completely ignore the laws of thermodynamics. IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT THEY'RE FAT!

For most people genetics start mattering when you're dealing with specific aesthetics in regards to muscle shape or fat distribution. But CICO is what decides your overall mass. It's very easy to understand.

But acknowledging this would mean that you would have to change routine and habits, which is the average person's biggest no-no.

Most flat earthers are trolls.

These idiots believe that shit because they don't want to take responsibility for their forks


More like climate change deniers. Both have vocal dedicated factions whereas flatearthers are just kind fun online entertainment with no real influence/cant harm actual people

I thought the deniers were trolling, I didn't think it was a real thing lol.

I always ask them the question "if you stopped eating right now, would you lose or gain weight?"

Like how can you even deny this.

More like climate change deniers? Planet vs. hamplanet, it's exactly the same thing.

I would do anything to ping, damnit. Some of those people need to come join drama for...."discussion"

....there is a jesus, and he spreads holy bussy for me

Here I am. At least this place isn't SRD. Got downvoted to hell and people kept throwing insults at me and digging dirt.

My body breaks the laws of physics

[–]salami_inferno12 points1 days ago

Are you comparing intrusive thoughts with not eating an entire pizza to yourself? Unless were fully admitting fat people are all severely mentally ill and lacking all self control.

Aren't they?

The only thing I hate more than fat people is fat people who deny responsibility for their own grotesque bodies.

wow 2/3rds of burger women are fat? jesus fucking christ.

High and low metabolisms aren't separated by 'only 200 calories'. If you are actively trying to get bigger it can be a difference of nearly 2:1.