Shit's going down in Bangladesh.

80  2018-08-04 by Ghdust2

It all starts with a group of students, they've been out on the streets since July 29, demanding safe road and justice for the two students who were killed in a road accident on Dhaka Airport Road. Shaheed Ramiz Uddin School and College students Diya Khanam Mim and Abdul Karim Rajib were killed, and several others were injured when a bus of “Jabal-e-Noor Paribahan” ploughed into a group of students on July 29. Here's the full article:

The government of Bangladesh didn't respond well to the protests and the Awami league government run student body (Chatro League) along with police officials started firing guns, tear gas, stick charges, and raping the students.

The drama starts on Reddit when a user from Bangladesh named /u/farhadjaman attempts to raise awareness about the situation on r/pics, only to get the post removed. Link to removed r/pics post:

/u/farhadjaman's entire post history:

/u/farhadjaman then posts a comment in the r/worldnews thread, which gets gilded twice:

Full r/worldnews thread:

Then, /u/Particle_Man_Prime makes a post about the situation in r/bestof which gets gilded a whopping twenty four times:

Another commentator makes a comment about the situation:


About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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No class at all.

Shit's always going down in the streets there.

This is what happens when you throw your lot in with India.

Begone Pakistani, you have no power here!

Pakis should just die tbqh

that one commenter is 100% right that he needs to take him and his family into hiding. His username is very well known and he could get fucked.

he could get fucked.

Literally, from the look of things.

According to another poster, who has family and friends there, Facebook is blocking, deleting and outright removing post's or peoples accounts there. This is seriously fucked up and I hope they make Zuckerberg answer for this one.

Facebook is blocking, deleting and outright removing post's or peoples accounts there. This is seriously fucked up and I hope they make Zuckerberg answer for this one.

Ignoring government demands for censorship will only make other countries (especially the juciest market, China) more hostile to Facebook.

Just as Facebook applies censorship laws in Europe, even if they do not break US laws or even common sense, it will apply censorship laws in Bangladesh (which is even a sizeable market in its own right - 170 million people today, and closer to 300 million in a few decades).

There is a point where you have to say, "no, this is evil, I will not do this." I get they have share holders that they are beholden to but there are ethical limits, and this is clearly past them.

Companies are not people, they do not share your moral qualms.

Behind every atrocity, there is a company making a profit from supplying the perpetrators.

But they're run by people, every atrocity where a company is supplying the perpetrators there is a project manager who is the closest thing to real life evil.

Facebook have been pulling this shit for nearly a decade.

No one inside the tech industry is even remotely surprised by this, in fact it is anticipated.

Shit, they only got investigated and called put for it, what? Like six fucking times?

What is even the appeal, just use the superior site linkedin.

Right after they make Kissinger, I'm sure.

Better post his comment on /r/bestof then

His username is very well known

Do you mean on reddit, or in real life?

I hope his username isn't his actual name, but even then, there are probably a lot of other people in the country with the same name.

100% right that he needs to take him and his family into hiding

he needs to take his ass back into the factory because i need some new clothes

Why, a building fell down or something?

Well, the protests started when a truck hit some college students.


Oh no, it's retarded.


My face phone daddy 😍


Smh, that’s India. Bangladesh, despite being worse off by most every other measurable metric, is a lot better off in terms of sanitation, with the vast majority (I think 99%) of houses having indoor toilets.

It’s the fact that they don’t even realise how ignorant they are while simultaneously taking the intellectual higher ground that bothers me.

As an aside, your reply surprised me, because it’s to a comment I made months ago and I’ve literally just commented on another subreddit about open defecation in India. I don’t believe I’ve ever touched on the subject on Reddit except in these two comments. Strange coincidence.

You forgot to change accounts, lol.

Next level brigading

This is actually me responding to me responding to me.

it’s to a comment I made months ago

it’s to a comment I made months ago

I'm guessing that it's pasta or something, because that doesn't fit in this situation.

Is this peak post-irony?

Did anyone get it on video? I’m asking for a friend.

Kinda curious as to why the livethread got deleted

Shit's going down in Bangladesh

So, a normal day?

ya but president trump tweeted about a basketball american yesterday

so nah

reddit got more important business

Who gives gold to someone who is going to get raped to death in the very near future?

raping the students

Video proof?

Police brutality is expected and encouraged everywhere around the world, but what the fuck is up with raping the students?

Is that /r/drama exaggeration or something that actually happened?

What the fuck are they, marauding band of raiders? Do they cut of ears and take trophies as well?

No, that's completely serious. Rapes and murders.

Ironically that's what the pakis did to them before the nobel indians(Who detest war and violence BTW) saved their asses, guess we have to save them again.

Imagine not knowing the answer to "are all Pajeets rapists?"

I really am baffled by the government’s response here. There was a hit and run, just jail the driver and make a bike lane. But instead they immediately jumped to firing potshots at protestors and rape. I mean it’s South Asia so I shouldn’t be surprised by the rape, but I am disappointed by it

Damn that's fucked up, what is wrong with the Bangladeshi government?

If you fall for this Religion of Peace propaganda operation, you pretty much admit you are just as stupid and gullible as the Generation of Peace Republicans who share political posts on Facebook.


Look how fast the story gathered upvotes. Look how many golds it got. Stories as serious as this one don't become so popular so fast, least of all from a backwater country like Bangladesh. Look at the content of the stories: a student having his eyes gouged out? Four female students being repeatedly raped by police? Repressive maneuvers don't work like that. Even the most blood-thirsty dictatorship are smart enough to avoid wasting time in unnecessary cruel acts like those. But they are the kind of stories that riles people up abroad.

This was orchestrated, and considering that the opposition to the current Bangladesh government comes from Islamists trying to create yet-another Religion of Peace theocracy, it wouldn't surprise me one bit that they are the ones that organized this operation.

so this is merely a speculation on your part

OP literally associates the importance of a world event by how many times news of it gets gilded on reddit... jesus christ man.

Every time a story comes up like this everyone pops in, upvotes or gives gold, feels satisfied they did their part to save the world, and goes on to watching the newest shitty hip hop video on youtube. This is where fat lazy's go to make a difference. The fact you don't see that for what it is means you're one of them. So fuck off back to r/worldnews

pfft you really gonna sit here and act like twitter didn't successfully put an end to Kony and ALS?

Doesn't this seem kind of like racist propaganda? Islam is a religion of peace. Why would they rape like that? Drumpf is going to eat this up.