The New York Times just levelled up...

10  2018-08-05 by saint2e


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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Aka finger paint journalism.

wtf i love the nyt now


I did speak to a few Reddit users who claimed to be “Radical Centrists”, but I suspect they were Russian trolls, bots, or possibly both...


Did he enter this subreddit?

Stuhnen N. Brave identifies as a woman, I'll have you know.

Do they not believe they exist?

His last name sus it all. Brave. How brave he must have been to write that article.


Russian bots???? Not in my good christian radical centrist subreddit

written by: Stuhnen N. Brave


5/7 troll my dude

linking your own medium blog is pretty gay tho

I wanted to give MasterLawlz a run for his money

But so Brave...

We need who ever is the HR person of the NYT, they have to be the biggest dramacoin miner this month, maybe this year.

Would be hilarious if it was real but you seem to have made the entire thing the fuck up. Now go keep yourself safe.

That post was stunning and brave .

NYT is taking the WWE route, I see

Already under scrutiny from the alt-right and internet trolls for their recent hire of Sarah Jeong, New York Times announced today that not only were they expanding their online prescence by hosting a web talk show (to be named later), but also that Roseanne Barr, recently fired from her own show, would be the host of it.

Notice this? How good these left-wing tabloids have become at casually dismissing any and all criticism as the work of "alt-right" or "internet trolls."

This is talent, it takes time to build an echo chamber so deep that all enemies are automatically nazies or just trolling.

The fact they spelled "presence" wrong is another bonus.

Imagine taking a Medium post seriously.

I mean, it's not satire, is it?

I wrote it in 5 minutes while I was drunk last night.

This sub has decided that any comment on this subject, as it makes fun of feminazis and not alt-righters, is verboten.