A guide to sandwich politics. 🥪

434  2018-08-05 by McFluffTheCrimeCat


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Who let Gavin McInnis in here?

Traditional values.

Unironically - greatest agenda post today.

The engine that drove this place was concentrated faggotry. You expect it to continue absent fetch mechanics

Honestly I've put like 2 minutes of thought into it, which is more than I give any other post.

Wtf I hate radical centrism now

Also this list is missing open faced sandwiches.

Is a pizza an open-faced sandwich? 🤔

Only if you fold it.

Calzones are just pizza that’s harder to eat

Taking two pieces of pizza and setting them one on top of the other is the best. You can also mix pizza styles to find sweet combos.

open faced sandwiches

If a slice of bread with a topping can be considered an open-faced sandwich, then avocado toast is just an open-faced sandwich, yes?

By that logic, any topping on toast is an open-faced sandwich, including butter. Therefore, a piece of toast with butter on it is, in fact, a sandwich.

I seen some mathematically-trained types trying to rigorously describe the topology of the sandwich, shit got out there. Possibly a plate of spaghetti with meat sauce was made of many sandwiches.

Once shreddies hit the milk, they in fact become several dozen sandwhiches simultaneously.

I just want to point out that vanilla soy latte is a kind of three bean soup.

Once shreddies hit the milk

Describe how you pour a bowl of cereal for me, please.

Smells like heresy in here.

Slow mo like a chain restaurant's commercial deceiving you into thinking the food isn't micowaved shite

If you think about it, molecules are basically atomic sandwiches. Everything is made of sandwiches.

yes, but nothing controversial about that position

Bread is sandwich

Happycake day!

Only if the butter isnt melted.

That's not radical centrism, that's just centrism. A dog, hot, is radical centrism. The chinese are radical centrists.

You can actually get the Taco Chaco at Wawa. Used to be able to get it at taco Bell but no longer.

English cuisine; chip butty and a beer for dessert.

Ahem, a warm and flat beer for dessert.

I'll give you something warm and flat, faggot.

....w...what could this be referring to?

Their attempts at humour? A delicious tagliatelle meal?

it's a trap

drinks bud-pisswater lite

Truly a beautiful culture

Like all people who are not idiots, I am a structural purist but am liberal when it comes to ingredients. It seems to me that the noun and verb "sandwich" clearly indicates two more or less discrete elements with a further element of differing composition in the centre. Ingredients are irrelevant to the definition of a sandwich which is strictly structural.

There is no way the Earl of Sandwich would have eaten foreign filth like tacos or burritos, so that rule out most of that grid.

All you need is two slices of bread and something as the filling. Top centre, obvs, like any sane person.

Bread has to be squarish though.

Nah. Bloomer bread is best bread for sangas.

Way to be a total L7.

Woah woah wtf man?

Sorry, but I'm gonna have to revoke your cursing privileges loser.

Go to heck you silly goose.

Smart man. My friend thinks poptarts are sandwiches. I lost a friend today.

I would be with you, but how are subs not sandwiches?

so subs aren’t sandwiches then eh?

Next time my mom tells me that I cant survive on poptarts alone, I can prove that they are in fact sandwiches

You cant live on sandwiches alone either so

I'm pretty sure you can and that in fact would be a healthier diet (assuming BLT) than most Americans have ever had.

What do you mean? Potatoes are hella healthy.

Taters are pretty much nothing but carbs, and an average person could do with less carbs in their diet.

You can survive on potatoes alone for 6 months. They include so much we need, that is why they are a staple food in so many societies

The fuck is a chip buddy

butty, buddy.

In the UK they eat "sandwiches" made of french fries, "sandwiches" with just bacon, "sandwiches" with beans...they are extremely ingredient neutral.

Basically anything between two slices of bread is a sandwich. They actually call loaves of bread "bread sandwiches" over there.

It's not the weirdest thing they do.

Fuck Eirope I hope gypsies rape them to death for this

I'm LEGIT upset by this🔫 🤨

Oi oi oi oi

defend evropa


Unless it's a chicken patty in between two burger buns, that shit's a chicken burger.

Fucking savages. No wonder we had to 1776 their asses.

Bacon on a buttered bap with brown sauce blease.

Sorry I'm not that fluent in tard

further evidence that the continued existence of the united kingdom is a crime against humanity

Don't worry it'll pass


Beans and toast is probably the most disgusting dish I can think of. Something is wrong with the British tbh.

something is totally wrong with the British and their sense of ““cuisine,”” but beans aren’t even that weird an ingredient. savory spreads are classic pairing for grains

Britbongistan needs some FREEDOM 🇺🇸

Basically anything between two slices of bread is a sandwich. They actually just call loaves of bread "bread sandwiches".

I know you're joking here, but have you heard of toast sandwiches?

french fries

French fries are not chips.

A sandwich.

I disagree.

Where do melts fit in?

You mean grilled cheese sandwiches? Top left... unless you put something other than cheese and meat between the bread.


How did you guys know I was having hot dogs for dinner?

I am of two minds on this. I feel that a sub sandwich and a icecream sandwich are both valid. However I feel that a hotdog or a icecream taco are not valid sandwiches.

You’ll have to settle it with either your DM or God

How could you possibly argue that a sub is a sandwich but a hot dog isn't

I don't really know, but I feel the same way for some reason.

I guess it's because hot dogs form an established category of their own?

it’s just Amerrogance if you axe me

definitely not the taco

i switched sides in the hotdog war though. it really is just a rounded sub, when you get down to it.

Muslim Hotdogs are top notch.

Tacos and hotdogs are not a sandwich.

How are hotdogs not sandwiches

a pop-tart is a sandwich


I can be structurally or ingredient neutral, but not at the same time. A sub not cut all the way through is a sandwich. A chip butty is a sandwich. A hotdog is not a sandwich.

If you call a hot dog in a bun as sandwich IRL, go fuck yourself.

Okay but wait, hear me out...

Roll it on its side.

It’s a sausage sandwich now. Bread on top and bottom, hot dog in the middle.

What if you changed the insides? Put BLT stuff in it? Now it’s a sandwich with weird outsides.

Change the outside, sourdough bread, now it’s a sandwich with weird insides.

So, which part makes it not a sandwich?

Is it the bun? There’s a few sandwiches that use more or less the same bun. Is it the hot dog? Sausage sandwiches are absolutely a valid thing.

But no, no amount of examples will convince you, will they?

It’s the two together, isn’t it?

That’s what you can’t abide.

This is your line in the sand.

The line you don’t cross.

You’ve found it.


I hope one day we may all have that same clarity in all aspects of our lives.

All this post did was make me realize how much I love sandwiches.

Actually think has been decided in a court of law. I remember in my 1L contracts class that we talked about a suit involving a contract clause in a shopping center that allowed exclusive rights to one sandwich shop. It was challenged, if I remember, by a burrito joint moving in.

I feel like the existence of tortas should instantly disqualify tacos/burritos from even being considered as sandwiches.

WTF a girl literally showed me this picture on a date yesterday. Which one of you fuckers did I go on a date with?

haha u texted the day after?

you fucking idiot

that's what you deserve for trying to chase gussy

Wasn't a first date dawg.

i hope you didn't buy her anything

you'll never get rid of her

It was me, but I’m not a girl. I’m a six foot bearded man. You really ought to go get your eyes checked.

Oh and I didn’t text you yet because I want you to work for it.

Where does Taco Bell's Naked Chicken Chalupa fit into this?

The Structure Rebels are ruining this country.

Pop tart would be more pastry but pretty solid

This brought up way too many questions for me. I think I’m a flexible neutralist. So long as you move towards purest is one direction, you can move to rebel I the other.

Fuck, now I want an ice cream taco.

As a French, I want to burn those so-called "purist".

A "chip butty" and here I am, who thought that us Turks are the only ones weird enough to have a french fries sandwich. We normally use a bread that is more like a sub bread and normally drown them in ketchup and mayonnaise though.

Is breaded chicken a sandwich?

What if I think multiple squares are accurate?

Unsurprisingly enough, true neutrals keep on being annoying as hell.

Structural rebel, ingredient neutral.

only the top row are sandwiches. you would have to be a retard to think any of the others are.

It depends on the intent of the hold.

Who in the world would argue a sub is not a sandwich? It's literally called a submarine sandwich.

it always irked me how they went with “chip butty” for their lawful neutral example. use something that exists in the real world, there’s gotta be a better example.

but still, at least it supports my hot dog theory. no one argues with subs.

How about egg rolls or lumpia?