A furry wins the largest fighting game competition in the most popular game.

83  2018-08-06 by Ghdust2

Context: EVO, also known as Evolution, is the largest fighting game competition in the world. This year the most popular game was the new, popular fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ. One of the most well known and best players is a queer, black furry by the name of Sonicfox5000. Last night, Sonicfox won EVO 2018's Dragon Ball FighterZ competition against another popular player by the name of Goichi.

Drama on the subject of Sonicfox being openly furry : https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/94xtby/tfw_an_american_wins_an_evo_game_but_hes_a_full/e3oor4i/

Drama about Sonicfox asking to switch sides after the first set : https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/94xssk/when_you_realize_that_youre_losing_to_a_man_with/e3on6qb/

"The SJWs of Waypoint and co are rallying behind Sonicfox winning because he is a "gay black furry"": https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/94ysdt/two_different_evo_champions/e3osq0w/

Is switching sides parts of the rules?: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappa/comments/94xr43/fuck_you_sonic_fox/e3olgcv/


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Well is his fursuit any decent?

Has there ever been a furry that has an eye-pleasing colour scheme?

How otherwise are you going to get attention?

/u/lilmarco please respond

/u/PoorlilMarco please respond

My flair is gorgeous and no-one can tell me otherwise.

I actually do like your flair, although I'm afraid to ask what the rest of the wolf looks like

I tried looking once, but searching for one specific blue wolf furry pic is like looking for a needle in a shit-filled haystack.

reverse image search is your friend

ahem. what he means is saucenao is your friend.

https://i.imgur.com/jN3TXLw.png not sure what you guys are doing wrong

We don't have your extensive history of googling furry porn.

Not in partial image searches. It's godawful at that.

Oh shit, thanks bb 😍😘


blushes, but goes brown instead of red

I hope you like my post.

Fuck I've never thought about it before but you're so right

For a fucked in the head, full-time art history grad there's a solid essay about the origins of the bizarre and almost entirely consistent furry aesthetic.

It went from Disneyesque to Thundercats at an emo teenage rave. The fuck happened?

It amazes me the amount of black guys you will see who are all about looking gangster as possible but turn out to be a Naruto obsessed weeb with actual headbands from show.

what, did you just meet black people? this has been the case since like the mid 90s

There a reason The Wu got drafted by the Asian delegation

nah, just always a damn surprise when ya run into one is all. Cool as fuck dudes usually

Take a listen to Ultimate (yes, the meme one), by Denzel Curry. If you pull up the lyrics, there's a line where he mentions the senzu bean, a bean from DBZ that regenerates people.

He also mentions turning into Broly later on in the song. Also a random animorphs mention.


More that gangsta rappers aren't usually associated with animus.

oh dear god not a broly fanboy

Wait why are black people cool again

Denzel Curry is the last thing I think of when I hear "hardcore gangsta rap"

I knew a nigga that was 14 and looked like a grown ass Terry crews and all he did was watch Initial D and Trigun

Anime is literally chink propaganda to make proud alpha whites and blacks into twink submissives

...and that's a good thing!

He needs safety.

well, his name checks out

Aww it’s adorable

Is this the panda dude?

"degenerate wins degenerate contest" ok and?


No no, you don’t understand, this guy is super duper double mega degenerate.


The wrong side won World War II.

yes the country that made anime and the country being run by a meth head that raped his niece

very clean of degeneracy

Would anime have been a thing if the Japs didn't get nuked? πŸ€”

Probably not, but I like to pretend my great gramps helped firebomb tokyo for a good cause

country being run by a meth head that raped his niece

Kraut pornotopia president raped his niece ?

probably not just him making shit up

I looked it up and Geli Raubal being raped by Hitler can only be attributed to a dailymail thing which makes it likely bullshit hearsay that I parroted, but it's hitler so who gives a shit

i love how angry everybody is about it

of course that DBZ fighting game is super popular.

fuck that game.

Dedicated pre existing fanbase + halfway descent fighting game = success

Haven't played it but it looked pretty decent to me.

it's made by the guilty gear people so it's definitely a competent fighter but DBZ isn't a property for a balanced tagfighter like that.

remember all those 3 on 3 tag matches in dbz that were over in 90 seconds or less? yeah me either. and the characters in the series don't have distinct enough fighting styles to make a half-decent fighting game roster, so you end up with 9 Gokus and 7 Vegetas

You're not wrong. Game is great, but the roster is super limited.

DBZ isn't a property for a balanced tagfighter like that

they came up with a functioning excuse plot tho

is hercule even in it yet?

I play ASW games, there's a cute/hot but pissed-off woman behind the plot in every game they make. Blazblue has like three.

Lmao xenoverse fags incoming. Fighterz is one of the best fighters in this decade. Highest viewed game on twitch ever. Even if it wasnt db related its still a technically sound competitive fighting game of which i am the 1%. Oh yes this game is fun

implying i play shitty weeb games, neck yourself.

Dumb kike its not shitty at all

brags about being good at a fighting game

don't talk to me.

stop defending videogames on r/drama you underage retard. they're all trash and the stupidification of consumerism

Niggs what



there. this should be on your level of intelligence. smh the youth of today and their virtual toy fried brains..



No single stream ever reached 250k people. Fighterz went beyond that.

imagine being such a retard that you use twitch viewcounts to defend your casul animu fighter game.

oh you mean just during evo

Smash bros is the only fighting game scene worth paying attention to tbh. No furries at top level play there iirc

uh huh


a literal party game for children, which's creator said that its not a fighting game, but autists keep denying and create custom rules to fuel their autism

high level play

the only high level there is on the autism spectrum lmao

why are gamers so bad at hygiene?

the only progression in their lifes is virtual. you can bet your ass that they keep their virtual asses as clean as possible if the game gives them the option to while smelling of ten day old cupnoodle themselves

Autism is accompanied with a lack of social understanding

smash is the worst about it tbh

Hbox bathes though, and he's been pretty dominant for awhile. Maybe that's his strategy.

Here's a relevant comment that I came across a while ago:

There are so many people that attend fan conventions and do not bathe/shower. If you know any friends that attend any of those conventions (SF/Fantasy, Anime, Gaming, etc...), ask them about it and then prepare yourself for some jacked up stories.

I used to do gaming reviews and the company I wrote for released "Hygiene: The Game" at one year's GenCon (biggest gaming convention in the US). It was literally a bag filled with no-name/generic hygiene items (bar soap, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, and body spray) and point sheets where you checked off boxes for each day of the convention that you used the included items. Every day of the con, you stopped by the booth and got your sheet for the day stamped by someone that worked at the booth. And the booth had "volunteers" that checked to make sure that you used the items (and yes, you could substitute other items for the ones in the packet).

On the last day of the con, if you brought in all four sheets that were stamped, you got a box filled with gaming products contributed by various publishers/manufacturers.

Now...here's the most jank thing about this. We had a significant number of people that would show up to the booth trying to get their sheet stamped while not having used any sort of hygiene products. And then they would argue about it. Okay, yes there are people that sweat profusely and the like...but if you bathe regularly, you can tell the difference.

Sorry that I dragged this answer out, but yes; hygiene is a serious problem at many fan conventions.

a literal party game for children

as opposed to the superior arcade games for children that attract chads

videogames aren't for children, they're for retards

that's fair

which's creator said that its not a fighting game

if you're gonna hop on this shit, at least get it right.

he calls it a fighting game, he just think playing it the right way is boring

When's the last time you showered


Test πŸ™„

/u/DarqWolff where is your kirby?

Melee is the only fun fighting game. Every other oje feels super claustrophobic.

That's not Melee.

That's not SSBM you retard

Do you really need to specify gay and furry?

Now straight furry, sure.

nah "queer" means something weirder and vaguer than "gay" now, it's not the 90s anymore

Queer is only for straight people, tho. And furries love the dick.

I have yet to meet a straight furry, maybe a iffy 2 on the kinsley scale

if he was born in the hood and his hood friends knew about this he would be fucking dead

no, hood niggas just keep their distance these days

it's not like we live in Jamaica where you gotta smear every queer you see

So I'm guessing you don't know about homothugs?

I’m glad we live in a time period where he can be himself Who cares if he likes to dress up like an animal

nice username furfag



You have to go back.

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

when do we reach decadence

The joyous brass music and cheescake from the WWII era strikes me as pretty Golden Age. Admittedly it was short.

If you mean continent you may be right.

He is just being who he is. The big point to takeaway from this is /r/kappa is more conservative then i imagined.


so what's these people's excuse for all losing to a furfag?

autists usually have some kind of superpowers.

The japanese guy was just irritated with the fact he chose to switch sides, that is something I've never saw before, much less in the middle of the finals. Otherwise he didn't care.

I think most people know he's good at fighting games. They just don't really like him.

At least this was less ridiculous than when he competed in full fursuit a month or two back.

At least this was less ridiculous than when he competed in full fursuit a month or two back.

well that's just giving himself a handicap. classic BM.

Imagine if all the money invested in making EVO happen was put towards something that wasn't a giant spergfest for adult children who take video games too seriously

I went to highschool with him and he was my stand partner in orchestra. Had a lot of other classes too. He was a pretty decent guy, humble but weird as fuck. Ama I guess.