Just found out my grandfather buys into the Q bullshit

111  2018-08-06 by quality_bratwurst

Currently searching for a new grandpa. PM me application and resume.


Get a restraining order against gramps... you’re not safe.

Could you message me his reddit name? I'm preparing a dissertation on The Obtuse Psychosis Related to Babyboomers Who Follow Qanon

I actually dont know his reddit name. Ill trya nd get it and get back to you

Remember to ping him here.

Have you heard the news about pinging?

Do those rules apply if he's your granpapa

Depends on how retarded the mods are

Gotta earn your ban badge one way or another.

Grandpa Bussy

Ping him to r/pinging

No, is it a story an r/drama poster would tell me?

Something something lead in paint, pipes, and gas fucked them up


Sucks for you, my grandpa was a womanizer and once punched someone at the social security office

He worked hard for that government hand out damn it.

He actually worked there

^ look at this guy thinking that there's a difference between getting a government handout and working for the government.

implying any sort of compensation isnt a handout

I'm a taxpayer, you dipshit.

Heh. It's always funny to see the livestock chattering to each other.

Though it's also kind of infuriating to see you not being productive. So get back to work.

implying that you made a valid point

That’s customer service.

Did he still qualify for his full pension after that?

No he got fired lol

Damn. So close to living the dream.

Ah, yes. The dream of living off of a pension in a retirement home while Juanita beats you and steals your shit. Truly the most American of traditions

Nah, the pension let's you afford a decent retirement home that actually cares for you, especially if your family doesn't hate you.

Also the pension let's you retardedly early, so you probably don't have to worry about that for another 20 years or so.

my grandpa is dead

Work hard and you too will get there

You have a lot in common

My grandpa's birthday is tomorrow

Tell him I said happy birthday

he's living the dream

Based and redpilled

My dad grandpa and brother were/are womanizers and I feel like a beta in comparison 😔

you should try to get him to sperg out about it over a family dinner and record it for us.

Nah. Find his reddit name, then message him pretending to be a goverment agent and claiming "you know everything about him".

Send that before family dinner.

This is the correct course of action.

Nah, call him on a payphone, if they still exist, and drop his user-name and quote a comment to him. Then tell him to get rid of everyone else in the will.

He might not have a Reddit account. There are probably a bunch of normie boomers who jumped on the Q train after hearing about it on Fox.

He doesnt afaik. He is an avid Fox watcher and almost certainly heard it there

Teach him how to use Reddit.

The man is ill enough

We gathered that much from the fact that he's a qultist and the reason that you exist tbh

I'm sorry to hear that. Here are some resources to help

My grandpa had the (((Zheimer's))), 

he was sane compared to these loony fucks.

Did you call him a retard to his face?

I'll be your gradpa any day, if you ctch my drift.

You're gonna need a better model. Throw that boomer in a dumpster he's outlived his usefulness.

You need to explain to him it's something to be told to liberals as disinformation, not to be actually believed.

Can you get him to do AMA?

ELI5 what Q is please

"Grampa doesnt know what hes saying timmy, hes not well."

Check out the sidebar of /r/Qult_Headquarters.

Pull the plug.

pm me your grandpas #, i'll suck him so dry he forgets all about that nonsense





I’m in my 70s and need a new grandchild because my bitch granddaughter bugs the shit out of me. I’ll be a grandfather to you if you’re low maintenance.

Still don't know what any of this is, Q thing or the greatawakening.

I feel great.

you're missing out

my mom asked me about this shit on the phone yesterday.

“I’ve known about these people for half a year. I’m not sure what that says about me to be honest.”

I wouldn't expect anything less from your mom tbh

The quotes were what I said when she asked "wtf is this Q stuff?" But I don't care. What I DO care about is if I ever venture to the PNW, will you sit on my face just because it would a great story?

Apparently at the Trump rallies there's geezers everywhere with Q shirts and cutouts.

This is by far a better reality that previously predicted.

No, but I can be your new grandma tho.

If you're interested in trying to help him, over at r/Qult_Headquarters we've had a number of threads from other family members trying to figure out how to bring qult members back to reality, and there are a number of debunking resources like this great list that u/snallygaster compiled.

Alternatively, you could go make an 8chan post signed Q suggesting that every patriot should alter their will to bequeath their entire estate to one of their grandchildren as a way to combat the Deep State globalists, then send your grandfather a screenshot of it.

Either one works just as well.

Post pics of your grandma

Just put him in a retirement home. Preferably only with Spanish speaking employees.

Go down on him and he'll cry out 'O' instead of 'Q'.

Then Oprah comes in the room and fucks gramps.

He’s already figured you for a faggot and not ever delivering any great grandchildren .


Joining the Qult should be automatic grounds for assigning power of attorney to the next of kin.

switch his heart meds with tic tacs

grandpa is a lost cause

Got some popsicles down in my cellar

give me a time machine and i'll make u a new grandpa bb 😏

Ew no


disown him, but first sign him up on reddit

Q is a centrist

You post here and you're surprised there's retardation in your family tree?