Drama in r/france

29  2018-08-06 by dogDroolsCatsRules

Drama in r/france over a mod demonding other mods.

So, effort posting is my greatest ennemy, so I am just going to copy paste in deepL the timeline.

Hi, everybody,

A priori we have to do com', nobody pushes himself to do it at home so I stick to it. We see all the crazy theories so I'll try to be exhaustive, for transparency's sake!

You noticed some time ago the wild demod of /u/hycanlox. This will be our starting point for this story which I hope will make your Monday.

Chapter I : RIP Hyca

So a little over a month ago, it was the middle of the day, surprise! A message for everyone: Hyca finds himself demod by /u/Stereo.

A brief explanation follows, after multiple complaints against the interested party and a consultation between "former" moderators, Hyca finds herself unemployed on the interns. The rest of the team didn't agree with the form of this decision, not necessarily on the substance, so we got together (yes I am illiterate daredevil) to put the points on the i.

A debate is therefore organized as a first step, to see what the grievances are. To summarize, it turns out that Hyca has an unfortunate tendency to go back behind colleagues to reverse their moderation decisions in addition to having a communication that is at the very least expeditious, if not totally aggressive with the rest of the team. Is this enough for demod a mod? That is the question that was put to the vote, whether or not she should be reinstated. After a good two weeks of nothing at all because of a tie in the vote (and incidentally the former moderators totally afk) and a record abstention, some of us decided to change our vote to unblock the situation.

Chapter II: nothing at all.

Yes, during these two weeks we were able to see several problems within the moderation. It turns out that our private conversations, especially our debates, are leaking elsewhere on the internet. We're not going to lie to each other, it doesn't create a crazy atmosphere when we know that everything we say is susceptible to leak. We can still see this today, with screens to pull the trigger... Finally.

Chapter III: Hyca's reintegration

The vote has spoken, Hyca is back in and we are working relatively normally. Right up to the big drama. Another leak, a long debate, a modmail and a confession! u/afrofagne admits having transmitted private information to others... BOOM, the sentence falls, Stereo punches, he demod afrofagne. The team remains in shock, /u/frensoaria admits in turn... Second shot. Confusion sets in. What does Stereo do? we try to talk about it, unfortunately many moderators are on holiday or on the move... We're looking for a compromise... Unfortunately no, nothing gets through, the parties no longer want to work together.

Chapter IV: the root of the problem and the current drama

As you can see, we have a team problem. There are clans in moderation, the team is not united and if it stayed there, we could always work together. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there and Stereo decided unilaterally to part with two historically loved moderators for these stories.

Why Stereo? He has been moderating the sub for over 7 years, reddit works like this, there is a hierarchy induced by seniority. Nobody can demod it in the state and its decisions find their justifications in :

Confessions of the interested parties
The team's inability to work normally, cohesively and consistently

He wanted to punch his fist, and show his shaving bowl with this atmosphere that continues in moderation. Yes because, know it, there was a recruitment of moderators because it is precisely this nazy atmosphere which made the elders flee.

PS: I could see a screen breaking here or there from a private conversation where I say "if we say everything, we'll get run over". Well, we say everything, it's not exciting, it's just a team that can't work together. It's particularly a shame for Frenso with whom I loved working and Afro who was an excellent contributor, but I at my level couldn't do much.

PS: we fire the other "megathread" you will have here a relatively official version at the general request, if I am wrong or I forget things it is possible, and you will have understood it even we, as good wankers, we do not agree on X version, so I have done something relatively neutral. I invite those interested to express their POV, no worries. And please, stay cordial, an internal drama shouldn't trigger so much hatred on the sub, it's a shame for everyone this story, especially the poor mods who didn't ask anyone and who see their workload triple on a Monday for something not very interesting.


Tldr? 🙄

Stereo go crazy ban loved modo and shitposters (frensoria and afrofagne) along with Hycanlox resident fash.


Is she an actual fash? Or jsut the local antifa retards calling her a fash?

Is she an actual fash? Or jsut the local antifa retards calling her a fash?

She always screamed about the "gauchiasse" (pretty much leftoid but in french), so I kinda assumed.

Also Thouny and monkey are great mods, fight me IRL.

Thouny is a retard. Most of them are.

"She always screamed about the gauchiasse"

Nothing wrong with that, if it's actual gauchiasse. Also pls post link.

R/france c'est quand même un sub où t'as un enculé au nom de Joseph_Stalion qui vient chialler H24 a propos des méchants bourgeois et du méchant capitaliste, en te crachant à gueule...et ce depuis plus d'un an, avec la bénédiction des mods.

Le dernier exemple en date : la mort de Dassault? tous les antifas à la cons et la gauchiasse qui viennent danser sur sa tombe et l'insulter tranquille sans modération. La mort de la noname femen? post épinglé pour faire savoir que le premier qui se tient pas à carreau, c'est ban direct mdr.

Des trous du culs.

Nothing wrong with that, if it's actual gauchiasse.

Surething fash.

Dassault est un salopard et sa mort est une bonne nouvelle pour tout le monde.

Le salopard était corrompu jusqu'à la moelle, a triché lors d'elections et a tenté de faire buter un type à cause de ça. Je suis un républicain avant tout, moi, alors les enculé qui trichent lors des elections, leur mort ça me réchauffe le coeur.

ok le débile, je vois à quoi j'ai affaire. Retourne donc sur r/france avec tes théories du complot.

DaSaUlt EsT Un SaLoPaRD ! VeNDeuR d'ArMe !!! votez méluchon camarade


Il s'est fait punir par la loi pour avoir acheter des votes, débile.

Non, connard. Va voir l'affaire, il a pas été condamné. Ni n'a jamais tenté d'assassiner quelqu'un puatin, les mensonges des petits antifas c'est vraiment ridicule : https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2018/05/29/corruption-fraude-fiscale-et-soupcons-d-achats-de-votes-les-affaires-dassault_5306547_4355770.html

Tout ça parce que le mec est ouvertement de droite. C L A S S I Q U I C H E.

Et en passant on s'en bat les couilles de dassault, le sujet c'est les cons de mod et leur sub marxiste.

En juin 2009, le Conseil d’Etat avait annulé le scrutin de mars 2008 et prononcé l’inéligibilité d’un an de Serge Dassault, élu pour la troisième fois. Il avait considéré que « l’existence de dons d’argent par le maire sortant à des habitants de la commune était établie », ajoutant que « cette pratique persistante, y compris pendant la période électorale, avait pu affecter la libre détermination des électeurs et altérer la sincérité du scrutin. »

Apprend à lire débilos.

Tout ça parce que le mec est ouvertement de droite. C L A S S I Q U I C H E.

Je suis de droite sombre abruti.

Un indice :

----> C O N S E I L D ´ E T A T <----

C'est pas un condamnation en justice, il y a pas eu procés ni d'enquête indépendante.

Je suis de droite sombre abruti.

T'es surtout très très con :/

C'est pas un condamnation en justice


Son second rôle est celui de plus haute des juridictions de l'ordre administratif (pour plus d'informations voir : dualité des ordres de juridiction : ordre administratif, ordre judiciaire).

Toi t'a été bercé à coups de parpaings.

Toujours pas

Va falloir expliquer un peu plus en profondeur, le débile. Je ne sais pas ce qui passe par tes trois neurones malformées.

🤮🤮 🇨🇵🇨🇵


That's not 🇫🇷🇫🇷


Cliperton emoji is subtly different from the french emoji.

It looks the exact same to me. Maybe only frogs have them as different pictures.

Oh, yeah it look the same, unless you are on a pc.

Is cliperton a French colony or something

Pretty much.

Putain prenez vous une chambre pour hate fuck les mecs là, ça commence à bien faire !

Il aime le foot. J'peux pas, déso.

Putain merci les gars, j'ai bien ri

De rien, je suis toujours là pour jouer l'abruti.

Elle n'est pas facho. Faut être à gauche de mao pour penser quelle lest ...

Oki, doki, le facho.

C'est toi le facho :)

Oki, doki, le facho.

C'est toi le facho :)

Oki, doki, le facho.

Désolé mais j'ai dit que t'étais facho en premier.

Oki, doki, le facho.

Echec et mat, socialope.

oui oui

Mods powertrip, some mods revolted against it in private.

Someone leaks the private mod convs (private mod convs lmao), got immediatly demoded.

Gotta understand r/france is 96% men, 60% left, 20% far-left, and 100% fat nerds.

I farmed sweet karma when I posted my passport pic showing I went from Amerifat to surrendering cheese monkey, lol

something something les DUM-TOM

Maybe I'm not understanding the full context, but what's wrong about what the top mod did? The first demodded person had, by your account, gone rogue. And the latter two were leaking conversations.

Now, does he sound like a complete powertripping asshole? For sure, but that's just something you have live with when it comes to people who "work" for free moderating internet communities.

While we're at it, what should visit in Paris/Marseille?

Maybe I'm not understanding the full context, but what's wrong about what the top mod did? The first demodded person had, by your account, gone rogue. And the latter two were leaking conversations.

Banning frensoria and afrofagne. It would like if drama banned ed and masterlawlz.

While we're at it, what should visit in Paris/Marseille?

In paris, beyond the louvre, the effeil tower and Versaille, I would say the guimet museum (the one consacred to asian arts), it has a lot of khmer art that is really interesting. If you are going there with kids, the great galerie of evolution is pretty great too.

In marseille, no clue, never went there.

Oh, they got banned, rather than just demodded? Then yeah, probably a bit too high on the power trip.

In paris, beyond the louvre, the effeil tower and Versaille, I would say the guimet museum (the one consacred to asian arts), it has a lot of khmer art that is really interesting. If you are going there with kids, the great galerie of evolution is pretty great too.


Banned then one got reinstated. I am not entirelly sure of what's happening now because the sub is on fire.

They all agree stereo should go (no ping here keep looking), but it's difficult to demod a 12 year old account. God damn this shit is juicy.

I actually think ed has been banned multiple times.

But never seriously

I'm staying in Lille for my fall semester, what is there to do there?


More seriously they have decent food, but the north of france is kinda boring if you just want to visit.

This post reads like a dyslexic wrote it

Boring baguette drama. Smh

fite me, it's great drama. Just check r/france front page.

I just see a bunch of your fellow frogs beating the "mods natsi" horse into the ground

I didn't say it was quality drama, only great one.

>defending mods in 2015+3 when they took away our pinging

Nazi mods are a universal constant.

That's true, but it's still boring to see it being repeated X times over and over again

If mods are nazis, then why is always hardcore right-wingers complaining about them?

Qu'est-ce que t'as putain de dit à propos de moi, petit merde ? Tu sais que j'étais le premier de mon régiment dans le GIGN, et j'ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids contre Al-Qaïda, et j'ai plus de 300 éliminations confirmées à mon compteur. J'ai été entraîné dans la guerre des gorilles et j'ai été le meilleur sniper de toutes les unités armées de France. Tu n'es rien pour moi, mais juste une autre cible. Je vais te faire dégager avec précision d'une manière jamais vue sur la Terre, souviens-toi de mes morts. Tu penses que tu peux partir en me disant de la merde derrière ton écran? Repenses-y, connard. Pendant qu'on parle, je suis entrain de contacter mon réseau secret d'espions d'à travers toute la France et ton IP est tracée donc tu devrais te préparer pour la tempête, vermine. La tempête qui va faire dégager la petite chose pathétique que tu appelles ta vie. Tu es putain de mort, gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de 700 manières et ça c'est juste a mains nues. Non seulement je suis entraîné intensivement dans les combats non-armés, mais j'ai aussi accès a l'arsenal de l'Armée de Terre, Air et Marine Nationale en son intégralité et je vais l'utiliser à son plein potentiel pour effacer ton cul de la face du continent, petit merde. Si seulement tu pourrais savoir quel châtiment impie ton petit commentaire allait t'apporter, peut-être que tu aurais garder ta putain de langue dans ta bouche. Mais tu ne pouvais pas, tu ne l'as pas fait, et maintenant tu vas payer, espèce d'idiot. Je vais foutre la merde autour de toi et tu vas te noyer dedans. Tu es mort, gamin.

Che cazzo hai detto di me, piccolina merda? Ti dico una cosa, mi sono laurato come uno dei primi nella mia classe nei Navy Seals, è ho fatto molte missioni segrete contro Al-Quaeda, e ho piu di 300 uccisioni confermate. Mi sono graduato come Guerriglia e sono il miglior cecchino nelle intere forze armate Italiane. Tu non sei niente per me, ma un altro bersaglio. Ti distruggeró con una precisione mai vista prima in questa terra, credimi. Pensi che puoi parlare in quella maniera di me su internet? Pensaci di nuovo, stronzo. In questo momento sto contattando la mia rete segreta attraverso gli Stati Uniti e ti stanno tracciando il tuo indirizzo IP--preparati per una tempesta, verme. La tempesta che finira' quella stupida piccola cosa che chiami "Vita". Sei morto, ragazzino. Io potrei essere in qualsiasi luogo, in qualsiasi tempo, è posso ucciderti in piu di sette cento modi, e questo è solamente con le mie mani. Non solo sono stato istruito in combattimento a mani nude, ho anche accesso all' intero arsenale delle Forze Armate Italiane e lo utilizzeró completamente per cancellare la tua miserabile esistenza fuori dal questo mondo, piccolino stronzo. Se avessi saputo che inferno ti fosse aspettato dopo quel tuo commento "Comico", forse non lo avresti detto. Ma non potesti, non lo facesti, ed adesso ne pagherai il prezzo, fottuto idiota. Faró cadere merda su di te e ne annegherai. Sei fottutamente morto, bimbo.

Et est-ce censé être une insulte? Juste pour info, j'ai 5'2, 125 livres, 50% de graisse corporelle. Des épaules charnues, glissantes, au dos graisseux (PR de 20 lbs), une jungle de poils de poitrine, une moustache percutante, des avant-bras rebondis, un double menton et la majorité de ma garde-robe est constituée de Logan Paul merch. Je suis le rêve mouillé de la fille Instagram, et je continue à tourner la page car j'ai de meilleures options qui se jettent sur moi presque chaque fois que je sors en public.

And is that ⁉️⁉️supposed to be an insult🖕👀🖕?🆗🔙🆙😩😤 Just ℹ️FYIℹ️, I'm 📈6'2,📊📈 195📊 lbs, 📈📊10% 📈body fat📉. 💪💪Broad 💪shoulders😎, very 🔥defined, 🔥😎powerful back 😫(deadlift 🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️PR 🏋️‍♂️of ‼️505 ‼️lbs‼️), 🐗chest 🐒hair, 🦁🦁full 🍑thick🍑🦁 beard🎅🏻🎅🏻, 🍆veiny🍆🍆 forearms🍆, a📐📏 protruding 📐and defined 📐jawline🎅🏻, and the 📊majority 📊of my wardrobe is made up of👕👔 dress👞🎩 shirts👔🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️.

I'm an 📷📸Instagram📷📸girl's 👩💦wet 💦💦😴dream😴💭, and I ⁉️still⁉️ turn that ⛔️shit⬇️ down ⬇️⛔️since I have 👸better👅👅 🍑options👸 🤽‍♀️throwing 🤽‍♀️themselves at me 📊nearly📈 every time I ✅go ✅out in public👯‍♀️🕺👯‍♀️.

mon dieu!

Mon état !


French culture is utter garbage. Frogs should be skinned.

Frogs should be skinned.

It's part of french culture to skin frogs. We even go further and eat them afterward.

The french people should enjoy the same fate!

Hon hon faguettes

I need a life beyond shitty localisation. If you do not rebel against / un / stereo, we will not be able to post our memes again.