Mike Pence sits alone in his smoking room surrounded by bookshelves stocked with reading material Mother deemed appropriate,

7  2018-08-07 by ArtisinalVapist

The dim flickering of light dancing out from his fireplace the only motion in the room by causing shadows to dance across the floor and walls. One such shadow comes from the massive rubber phallus sitting upright on its cock and balls like a floppy toy soldier. In place of a dick head, there is a fleshy likeness of Trump squinting at him and rocking ever so gently back and forth from ambient movement in the air.

Mike "We promise our cyber is secured" Pence ever so slowly begins his crawl to the latex idol as his salivating mouth quivers and opens more and more as he closes distance. The head pops into his mouth and his skin dances with goosepimples in response to his body's excitement. Yet he continues moving forward. Downward. Feels his throat expand to contain every centimeter of Trumpdick, his years of repression making it seem as though his gag reflex doesn't even exist. And when his lips touch the floor, he voids his bowels between his milky hamstrings and yearns for his gay conversion therapy session tomorrow.

Vote democrat in the upcoming elections. Avoid right-wing propaganda bullshit from thedailycaller and nationalreview and other similar sources. And remember that a man who just wanted to do his fucking programming work took time out of his lunch to write a brief and terrible Mike Pence fanfic to make you laugh at the absurdity of everything going on.


I don’t want story time. This is r/drama. I want ass kicking, not a book.


Tbh, as much as I want to ship them, I just don't feel the chemistry.

I am very good at cyber.

puts dick pics on Facebook's wall

Lol, vote democrat

Didn't feel it too much. How about one where Pence locks himself with a little twink inside his gay conversion camp?

Ahh programmers, a bunch of dime a dozen children who like to think they are a bunch of rock stars when their job can be done by a sufficient number of monkey's hammering on a key board.

You should write porn for work, I almost got a chubby.

high effort garbage post

Wow I hate everything you just said. So I downvoted a shitload of your posts. It took a while, because you can't downvote one after another. There's an algorithm that catches that and prevents it. So you have to alternate with some other vote each time. But I'm not working today and only sleep about 6 hours a day, so I have lots of time.

It turns out my girlfriend doesn't agree with you either, so she will be downvoting your posts too. And same with my best friend. And of course, all of our throwaways disagree with you too. So I figure between us, we are going to give you about 600 downvotes a day. Then we'll see how smug you are.

PS: Look at my post history, you will see I don't care about downvotes at all. In fact, I believe they are just as valid as upvotes. I hope you think the same, because you are going to be getting lots of downvotes from now on.

Wow I hate everything you just said. So I downvoted a shitload of your posts. It took a while, because you can't downvote one after another. There's an algorithm that catches that and prevents it. So you have to alternate with some other vote each time. But I'm not working today and only sleep about 6 hours a day, so I have lots of time.

It turns out my girlfriend doesn't agree with you either, so she will be downvoting your posts too. And same with my best friend. And of course, all of our throwaways disagree with you too. So I figure between us, we are going to give you about 600 downvotes a day. Then we'll see how smug you are.

PS: Look at my post history, you will see I don't care about downvotes at all. In fact, I believe they are just as valid as upvotes. I hope you think the same, because you are going to be getting lots of downvotes from now on.

Wow I hate everything you just said. So I downvoted a shitload of your posts. It took a while, because you can't downvote one after another. There's an algorithm that catches that and prevents it. So you have to alternate with some other vote each time. But I'm not working today and only sleep about 6 hours a day, so I have lots of time.

It turns out my girlfriend doesn't agree with you either, so she will be downvoting your posts too. And same with my best friend. And of course, all of our throwaways disagree with you too. So I figure between us, we are going to give you about 600 downvotes a day. Then we'll see how smug you are.

PS: Look at my post history, you will see I don't care about downvotes at all. In fact, I believe they are just as valid as upvotes. I hope you think the same, because you are going to be getting lots of downvotes from now on.