Antifags bravely force KKKandace Owens away from her capitalist breakfast

178  2018-08-07 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Communism will win.

sing it loud, sing it proud tavarich!


I hope so, I want my free money ASAP..

There's no money under Communism.

Then what do I get?!

A feeling of deep moral satisfaction!

Oh good! I can feel superior then and die of hunger.

And a free weight loss program.

Ahh I think that’s just hunger pangs.

No, that's a different feeling. Before the Soviets the peasant had two feelings: the feeling of hunger and the feeling of cold. Now the peasant has three feelings: the feeling of hunger, the feeling of cold, and the feeling of deep moral satisfaction!

Ahh yes I forget how great that glorious communist patriotism can give them that great feeling!

Now you're getting this Conrad!

Bread. Maybe.

Some peanut butter as well I hope

"If wishes had wings, we'd all live like kings."

I don't want no communism if I'm not getting peanut butter with my bread!

Occasionally a potato

I mean Its Dog Eat Dog world and communism has the biggest EXP at killing so This seems pretty accurate.

Win what? Seems to most often end in starvation and genocide.

Hopefully only in Amerifatland and nowhere else thanks.

Only under communism will the fatties lose weight.

Truly the best solution to America's obesity epidemic!

Every thorn has its rose.

Only if ripe production is somehow cut off.

Communism is not real communism so it's actually capitalism if it works.

This but unironically

Inshallah brother

Inshallah brother

Literally no one can touch their kill totals, that is for sure.

I'm not used to you being rude to me, Circo. You forget yourself.

That's what you get for stepping out of gayboi posting and entering the antifa/hick arena.

If you don't know that I am 1) gay 2) Scottish and 3) a commie then you are a fucking tourist.

Well yes, but it's undeniable that you engage in one type much more than the other. You can't be attacked for what you don't post, right?

Besides, you're acting kind of sensitively right now.


Let me back 🆙 Basically, people can't be rude to your commieposting since you hardly ever commiepost.

It was as mild as I could make it on account of it being you.



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American cops are pussies.

Depends on the city really. If your in Berkeley they won't do shit, if you are in Portland they stormtrooper your ass down. I mean Portland cops kick ass when dealing with rioters.

Cops in general are pussies

People in general are pussies

Not in cities that still have Irish and Italian cops in them.

But seriously... if American cops are pussies, then UK Britbobbies are free bleeding vaginas.

Oi! You got a permit for that opinion?

Excuse me! Do you have a license to be asking for a license on exercise of opinion?

Moy loycense is none of ye biz

In that case I'm placing you under arrest for evasion of a lawful opinion license. Stop resisting!!

In comparison to the polizie? Ohhh fuck yes!

I've seen the polizie make the rodney king beating look like a trip to Disneyland.

One time when I was still stationed in Germany I got to witness the commies go on a anti nazi March. (Lol). Once they got to the city center they were met with a line of polizie that made our riot cops look like Buddhist monks. These motherfuckers straight up looked like they were straight out of starship troopers. Anyway once they got to the city center the polizie just went HAM on those dirty commies. It was a sight to behold. And a beautiful one at that!

*Polizei :^)

and yeah, american riot control is really sad. compare this to stuff like this.
American cops simply have no Idea how to conduct crowd/riot control. You can see it in the Chrlottesville clip, after the 56%er pickup-of-peace'd the soytifa, they brought out their SWAT with MRAP and M4s, which is pretty fucking useless and counterproductive. It seems american police really doesn't understand that they have to use different strategies for riots than for gang shootings or bank robberies.

That German shit looked like something out of Robocop.

These young whippersnappers really have their finger on the pulse.



beat me to it

Are you black?

Masked white men rushing into restaurants to yell at blacks to get out?

My buddy Jim Crowe is excited.

Did you just change the comment after you got the upvotes?

lol no, it used to have "You WILL pick my cotton" but i got rid of it

lol no

I used this have

So, yes?

I changed it immidiately after I posted it so, it wasn't after i got upvotes.

Also kill yourself unironically


well thats just not very nice

Neither are you

That is some quality drama.

I to support the exclusion of black women from public spaces.

Generalize it to women and I'm on board

Sign me up when it's for all spaces.

Incel, voluntary human extinctionist or just mpreg fetishist?

The second one. I'm the pinnacle of human existence, so any further breeding is a mistake.

Is this the civil rights era all over again?

Literally she is Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross

1 lost breakfast = 1 spear wound

Remember to subscribe and smash that Like button.

RIP breakfast. RIP white sjws.

She'll dance on command for some retweets like a good tom

The part 2 video is literally a bunch of mayos shouting “FUCK WHITE SUPREMACY” at a black woman and a bunch of black and Hispanic cops. Time for some new material maybe?

but candace is a uncle tom nigga

Pretty much

Wow it’s almost like what you’re sawing is completely void of nuance

Shut the fuck up.

That's exactly what (s)he said

Claiming “nuance” is a great way of pretending to have a good explanation for things that apparently make no sense. You should also look into “intersectionality” it pretty much does the same thing, plus it will impress the girls-with-blue-hair-and-black-glasses demo.

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That's a good one.


Shut yo dick hole retart

No, this material is a real winner.

You know much money Candace "Candy" Owen's is going to make from milking this? They could have just handed her a check instead and saved everyone some time.

Exactly. I’m sure she blasted out a fundraising letter to her email list immediately after.

It's the circle of activist life

Nope nothing like that, check her social media outlets.

FYI she was offered a million dollar deal to stay with TPUSA so it's not like Candace isn't already in demand. All she wanted was some breakfast.

Life isn’t about getting money, it’s about getting a goddamn Denver omelette when you want one.

Life isn’t about getting money, it’s about getting a goddamn Denver omelette when you want one.

My inner Ron Swanson agrees with you.

Breakfast is serious business.

Where is TPUSA getting all of this money to spend on their token black girls?

Another racist. TPUSA seems to make them show their true colors.

This is why they need to do violent terrorism and kill those fuckers instead

love how the post is downvoted there despite it being exactly what the sub it about-public freakouts

Hide the evidence of our retardation! Quickly!

has t_d and MDE been shut down?

oh no, theyre still there, your retardation still shows very well :/

What if told you there are people that don't post on MDE and think Antifa are awful?


ahh, youre a centrist laughinggirls.png

The right in my country is too racist and the left is too retarded. I have nowhere else to turn unironically. I'm the homeless of the political world, taking political stances in return for coke and tik.

🤔 do you live in South Africa by any chance?

Yebo yes, baas.

I see. Coo! Is there a trend of RADICAL CENTRISM in South Africa? Or are the leftist and rightist regards going unchallenged?

The left is currently getting dangerously retarded (, which is only stoking the right "coming race war" types (

Our clickbait garbage media, much like the Americans, gives the crazies like JuJu far too much coverage, which isn't helping. Cyril - ANC big cheese - seems to be playing a dangerous game of schrodinger's no-pay land reform where it might be limited to abandoned buildings (I don't trust these government fucks not to exploit things though) but stealing radical EFF (Economic FreeDumb Fighters) rhetoric to try to re-absord the lost "racist black vote" (i.e. the 8% vote the EFF got).

Those who aren't deranged radicals generally want to live and let live and are pretty disillusioned with politics.

Thanks for the detailed post brother.

Hahaha I remember the EFF. Weren't they the ones who trashed h&m stores over a black kid modelling a shirt saying "coolest monkey" or something similar.

Hopefully radical centrism will rule in our time

Inshallah brother 🙏

Hahaha I remember the EFF. Weren't they the ones who trashed h&m stores over a black kid modelling a shirt saying "coolest monkey" or something similar.

Exactly. There was a good Puerto Rican manlet video on the subject:


Imagine being a leftist or a rightist in <CURRENT YEAR>

The Sub is devolving into Trumpfags and leftist soyboy antifas duking it out with internet points. All Agenda posters must hang

My favorite part of that sub is that if you post Trump supporters freaking out (like when they were chimping out at a rally at that one journalist) people on that sub get extremely caremad and start shreiking about how it's not really a freakout and it's the unfair media's fault.

You mean giving the finger to jim acosta when CNN went to a trump rally?

I mean like, a trump rally on itself is its own public freakout, I have a hard time believing they didn't know exactly what was going to happen

hello srser

That is the ideal sub layout, a careful balance of extreme spurgs.

But you just decscribed the whole internet.

It's been posted like 10 times

It's probably because of the title conveniently not mentioning who "black woman" is, which would've made the screechers look slighly less retarded.

Because it's co-opted by leftist faggots who agenda post. They downvote chimpouts too if people point out that just maybe niggers like to chimpout.

I'm glad Antifa heroes are finally saying what must be said. How are we supposed to stay woke and progressive if these blacks keep showing their noses in public like they've got some kind of god-given right to be there?

She was acting upity. She wasn't keeping it real. She is dissin her culture.what's the problem?

"The More You Know..."

>tfw no qt conservative black gf

Retards will never understand optics when they are so desperate for their own crusade.

If you're going to combat fascists you should pick better fights. Attacking the "house negro" is never going to look good.

I, 2, 3! Fuck the bourgeoisie!

Yelled the bourgeoisie art students.

bourgeoisie art students



Unironically wish either the extreme right or left took over so the military can swoop in after and exterminate all these faggots.

Widespread brutal slaughter, starvation, and destitution for the memes.

For the future*

We need a Noah's ark 2020

I mean the military is basically defacto in charge. John Kelly is chief of staff. Several former generals are in trumps cabinet.

I would be willing to don a burka if it meant having a New World caliphate swoop in to murder the irl agendaposters.

How do you know they are Burgie?

They're clearly in Americlapistan, are you blind?

In Marxist philosophy the bourgeoisie is the social class that came to own the means of production during modern industrializationand whose societal concerns are the value of property and the preservation of capital, to ensure the perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society

So since when do college kids own the means of production?

oh my dude miss me with that seriousposting shit

burgie = burger = americlaps

why am i explaining this to you

Just so we don't have to a 19th-century philosopher's framework: They're upper-middle-class kids.

Why call them Burgie then

Because it doesn't just have the strict Marxist meaning, and god forbid we should restrict ourselves to that lingo. M-W's first definition is "of, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class." Originally it just meant "people who live in the city" anyway.

Yeah but if you call apparent socialists who protest bourgeoisie also Burgie but use a different definition for it the hypocrisy is no longer there

Not true at all. They should know better about language if language is going to be the chief weapon in their arsenal. And most of their parents do actually control the means of production.

And most of their parents do actually control the means of production

how do you know that

Go somewhere else, sea lion.

Go somewhere else, sea lion.

>makes claims about people he doesn't know

>ask about how he knows

hurr durr muh sea lion meme

fuck off retard

your a gay fag in a bad way



your a gay fag in a bad way

hurr durr your argument


Regardless of what side youre on, isnt it kindof weird to see a group of white people harass a black woman in public and force her out of an eating establishment?

It's a lot of things.

Uh...yeh. The optics on this is bad. It’s not kinda weird, it’s surreal.

If this had been Michelle Obama being forced out by some of those Proud Boys, we’d be drowning in, “racissss alt-right!”

And this is just as racisssss. Antifa has lost its fucking mob mind.

Rule n. 72 of the left : it's ok when we do it.

Antifa has lost its fucking mob mind.

This implies something that was never there to start with.

I think we would have also have had a very different police response and people would be in jail right now.

For whatever reason the cops don't ever seem to take the gloves off with Antifa. They're at the very least disturbing the peace there, arrest the lot of them and get them off the street.

This but ironically

And to watch a line of minority police line up to protect her.

Who cares if she is black or not. She is a cunt a liar and traitor to the working class. Hang her

Lol this faggot is completely serious

wew lad

Damn communist! Don’t you have a society to go starve to death?

So I guess we can add megaphones and whistles to the scary leftoids' list of deadly weapons alongside bike locks. Who even needs guns when you can pack this real heat?

bike locks are p f dangerous though, i've been told for about a year now

Must have walked into those No Coloureds Allowed restaurants smh.

Apartheidifa tactics, SMDH.

This shit gives lefties a bad name and you know the righties are just going to milk the fuck outta here. I can't stand Candace Owens though. She's an opportunistic fuck who cries racism whenever it benefits her but roams around as a white conservatives' lapdog.

lefties give lefties a bad name. Nothing to milk here except the continued hypocrisy of the leftist elite.

Hopefully the mayocide starts on the west coast.


leftist elite


If you don't think antifa are the brownshirt hitler youth of the leftist elite you're too retarded even to post to r/drama

If you think anyone that could be classified as "elite" is out there protesting you may literally have shit for brains.

try a little harder, re read the comment and come to a conclusion that isn't completely retarded. Also, happy cake day you useless twat.

Just because you throw insults around it doesn't negate the retardation of your original comment, maybe rub a couple of neurons next time before hitting "Save" if you're going to get so triggered by people pointing out you're an imbecile.

No. You imbecile. You fucking moron.

You might be retarded, did your mother have you checked? Either way, you're in good company on this site.

American antifa are an embarrassment to leftist protestors of old. Although it is true they're far from elite in all capacities.

With such members as: the kid of the guy who lost the VP.

leftist elite

I don't know what else you call a bunch of overprivileged white kids who LARP as Che Guevara on the weekends?

Antifa can choke and so can Coondace. She is a total aunty Tom and you can not convince me otherwise. She lives off off being the token black chick that all these white conservatives bring up. She's nothing but an attention seeking Ho. FFS she sued her highschool for 40k because someone crank called her and said shit to her.

Antifa can choke and so can Coondace. She is a total aunty Tom and you can not convince me otherwise. She lives off off being the token black chick that all these white conservatives bring up. She's nothing but an attention seeking Ho. FFS she sued her highschool for 40k because someone crank called her and said shit to her.

you seem upset, maybe go get a snickers

Bitch I'm in Taylor Swift's place of worship, if I can't be over dramatic here I can't be over dramatic anywhere.

shake it off then, I don't want to fucking hear about it

"Bitch" is a tool of the patriarchal machine of oppression. Stop using it plz. Kthx

So What You are saying is we need more strong black women to join the republican party. Nice.

blessed comment

This was in Philadelphia, on the east coast....

let's not confuse the issue with the facts. I have my conclusions with or without any of this so called evidence

The best political move seems to be calmly stating your opinion and just doing nothing until the other side reeees itself into complete retardation. I'm glad extremists aren't capable of restraint.

Wow that's racist.






Is this the same lady who fought about climate change with Joe Rogan?

All JRE guests should be forced to compete in a fighting tournament.

I would pay to watch this.

i already do considering most of his guests are in MMA


Get woke, son. Fat, addicted to video games, and misinformed is a terrible way to go through life.

i like this guy

Absolute state of American mayo women.

mayos being racist

Tsk...Horseshoe theory at it again

I haven't seen this many white Democrats kick a black woman out of a dinner since the 1950's


Ok, I’ll admit it, I really have no idea what Antifa is or what they stand for. It seems like it’s just a bunch of losers yelling at people.


Why does that sub hate anti-fa so much? They're provided some of the best public freakout moments that sub has had in months.

Ok this is clearly a false flag operation...nobody can be this retarded. How is it even medically possible?

Antifa, it's to my utter consternation that you're targeting the wrong livestock for potential consumption under the communist rule. We will cannibalize the mayos, not the mayo sympathisers.

I understand its an arduous task to distinguish between belligerent mayo and yourselves as the useful agitators but please be courteous towards the cannibals in our tenuous alliance. We have delicate sensibilities that if violated, we'll eat you too. Communist or not.

Even I can't comprehend autism of this intensity and style

AntifA are just Trump supporters in masks.

Oof right in the ideology

So many Boot lickers. Kill all Americans tbh

Imagine being a wannabe anarchocommie that spends money on a fucking free to play mobile game.

Their entire argument is situated upon the idea that a black woman is a white supremacist

And? Coons do exist.