Enlightened woman declares herself the incel whisperer, reaches out to offer support. Bitch is legit tryna steal my crown, yall

78  2018-08-07 by QueenOfTheIncels


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Why is she whispering to someone wearing a headphones?

Roastie is more of a spiritual state of the vagina than a physical one.




/u/justcool393 we NEED this

get WOKE

That is a good quote.

"It's not about the roast beef between your legs, it's about the roast beef in your heart."

who are you?

Get raped, fascist

right, nobody. got it!

Shouldn't you be on 4Chan blaming the Jews for why you're such a disgusting loser or something?

It's not the actual boyoyong, u/queenoftheincels

Tbf, did not know there was a crown to steal and I have relieved myself of all efforts to steal it

You have joined us! Now tell us, where on the doll has the incel touched you. Don't be shy

Right in the pride


Real talk, wtf went wrong in your life where you swallowed "the blackpill?"

It’s less of the black pill more of “shit there’s real people actually doing the shit they complain about” and “shit unattractive people are actually treated like shit on the reg”

That's retarded, and while I'm far from a feminist, you are absolutely and totally betraying your own gender.

They act like only ugly men have it hard, which is a trash take. Ugly women, in some ways, have it exponentially worse because we're judged far more harshly on our looks.

Also, oogly ass mothafuckas have happy and fulfilling love lives all the goddamn time, either with other abominations or because they found other ways to make themselves appealing, be it wealth/humor/general interesting-ness, whatever. Look at someone like Casey Neistat. Literally the ugliest faggot on the planet, but he made himself famous and well-liked.

Incels are in a situation of their own making, so fuck it, let 'em rot.

Ugly women, in some ways, have it exponentially worse

Let it all out, this is a safe space.

Okay take a breather friend

I never said it was only men being treated that way? When did I say that?

And I want to let them rot but I sympathize. With women too, but the men vilify so much harder I just want to understand the anger.


how fucking ugly are you? you sound bitter as hell.

she looks like you, or so i heard

And is that supposed to be an insult? Just FYI, I'm 6'2, 195 lbs, 10% body fat. Broad shoulders, very defined, powerful back (deadlift PR of 505 lbs), chest hair, full thick beard, veiny forearms, protruding and defined jawline, and the majority of my wardrobe is made up of dress shirts.

I'm an Instagram girl's wet dream, and I still turn that shit down since I have better options throwing themselves at me nearly every time I go out in public.

you just described the skinny version of /u/QueenOfTheIncels

that was pasta, been waiting for an opportunity to break out that one, it's tasty.

please tell me this is pasta

It is

“shit unattractive people are actually treated like shit on the reg”

Thats just called being human. Its really just the very attractive ones that get special treatment.

Look, I'm no feminazi, but this is how I see it: Life is easier for hot women than it is for hot men, yeah, I give you that. I also think the bar is lower for what's considered a "hot woman," whereas the bar is pretty damn high to be a "hot man." Definitely. I agree with that.

But, I maintain that ugly men are given the benefit of the doubt, whereas I think people look at ugly women with almost a sense of revulsion. Like you can meet an ugly guy and if he's got confidence, people assume he's probably smart as fuck or rich or really good at something, whereas with an ugly woman who's confident, I think the reaction is "who the fuck does this oogly bitch think she is."

Thinks are harder for men than they are for women in some ways, but vice versa is true as well. That's why their notion that "all women live life on tutorial mode" is one of the many places where they lose my sympathy.

Beauty is more valuable to women yes, but I see plenty of ugly ones doing fine too. I think an ugly man has an easier time getting an attractive woman than a ugly woman does an attractive man due to what traits make "attractive" for a LTR.

So yea ugly people have it harder and not all women are easy mode? Don't forget I'm not an incel so I'm not arguing their points.

But, I maintain that ugly men are given the benefit of the doubt, whereas I think people look at ugly women with almost a sense of revulsion

This is why I treat all men with revulsion, no matter how wet they might make my panties. This is what equality is all about.

sounds like you're prepped for a hatefuck

Depends if the ugly woman is nice or not. Fat bitches have always been the bane of my existence, but some of the nicest people I know are fat women. Personality counts for a lot, but not in bed. I still would rather make love to my body pillow than any of them.

Maybe my standards are real low but, there have been very few women in my life that I've considered to be legitimately ugly. Most women if they're between 18-35 and are not morbidly obese can look decent if they want. Most men, not so much.

A lot of Reddit will still deny that ugly people are treated poorly though, they still claim it's all about personality and use that as a coping mechanism.

u/queenoftheincels Your crown is safe! Let us thank the incels for demoralizing to death the userpator!

Ping me harder daddy


post feet

C'mon put up a fight. Like you want compassion and understanding to be what people see. She... not so much?

Isn't that worth standing up for

My inner labia are still contained by my outer labia, nothing sticks out, it’s nice and smooth and such.

I'm already finished.

eww. Gussy.

I feel so bad for women who feel the need to whiteknight incels. Why waste your energy typing something out that will only be seen as slutsplaining?

You're called terf facts yet you cannot recognize behavior that's obviously caused by female socialization? Smh

/u/QueenOfTheIncels , now I am deposing you. I declare myself "Queen Himiko of the Incels."

Innies = best vagina.

Well, after that weird fake boomer post you made the other day for QAnon lawls, I kind of look forward to you getting replaced. I mean who actually tries that hard on reddit?

I tried to do the same once, when the pity became suffocating. They are not very nice. My feelings were legit hurt.

She's had more than 2 sexual partners but less than eight and her vag doesn't resemble the tastiest of sandwich meats?

we simply cannot allow females to invade incel safe spaces 😤

calls herself a normie.

Writes an essay defending the state of her vagina to incels on reddit.

Yeah sure

I can't imagine the imposter has different hobbies