Conservathot straight from central casting gets ratio’d when she tweets the hottest of hot takes

181  2018-08-07 by Strictlybutters


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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For her unbelievable retardation and inability to understand private vs public sector, I hope the mayocide takes her first.

I wish these morons would stop shitting out takes so mind-numbingly stupid that they make me defend corporate tech titans.

yeah you know you have a terrible opinion when people agree with Facebook over you

Verily. May the great tide that is mayocide crash upon her with the fury of a thousand fists!

Publisher versus platform.

She’s a writer for Infowars. I hope she’s unemployable after this

Even Alex Jones knows the difference between publicly traded and public sector, at least I hope so.



batshit crazy conservative ideology

nah she'll find work

Don't worry, she will always have simps donating money to her patreon or whatever else attractive women use to pay the bills.

She’s got more likes the Retweets. There are some funny as shit responses but she didn’t get ratioed. My personally favorite.


It’s the ratio of comments to likes/retweet’s famalam

You young kids, I don’t know your god damned lingo any more. Get off my lawn and leave me in peace with my mayonnaise sandwich.


now Quake, THATS a shooter

this but unironically

That's exactly what (s)he said

Shit bot

i was memeing but not ironically

Stfu bog

dømp it

Pull that up Jamie

But what is ratio?

Sounds exactly like something from internet comment etiquette

I love watching all these conservatives fall over themselves to support government interference in business.

If an idea is so good, why does it need government assistance???

On the other side

Net Neutrality is good because it prevents internet providers from choosing who they allow on their network.

This is good because Facebook should be allowed to choose who is on their network.

I dont think you know what net netrualitu is bucko

unintentional anime

Correct. That way, if Alex wants to start to host his own videos, he can.

Now if an ISP blocked from being accessed, even I would take issue with it.

if Alex wants to start to host his own videos, he can.


We should collectively decide that he's gone too far, and he needs to be "deplatformed" as you kids like to say.

90% of what he says is complete horseshit, he's endangering his own health, mentally and physically, the health of those people who believe the worst of what he says, and inciting people to have thoughts and beliefs that are grossly out of line with reality, and contributing to those people's lives and their loved ones to be much more miserable than it needs to be or should be.

But Republicans got rid of net neutrality, so they should be in favor of ISPs doing whatever they want, even if it means banning Alex Jones websites. He would have to lay his own wire lol, or just go back to crank mailers.

Oh man, I wish an ISP would do this, that would be so delicious.

Durrr, on the other side:

wtf facebook, why u no accept everyone on your platform?

hurrah Donald, kick them Mexicans out!

We forced businesses to open their doors to the blacks, now we must take that next step in the civil rights struggle and force them to open then to the klansman. Only then will we be truly free.

It's like forbidding the postal service from refusing to carry certain newspapers vs forcing the newspaper to accept certain ads.

Net Neutrality is good because it prevents internet providers from choosing who they allow on their network.

I mean kinda sort not really. There's a lot more to it than that.

This is good because Facebook should be allowed to choose who is on their network.

Facebook isn't anything like an ISP tho

What she said on Twitter was stupid, but you're right about the hypocrisy from the left. It's also funny to compare this to the gay cake thing, and to their position on corporations in general (corporations not being people and therefore not having the exact same rights, vs. the argument that a corporation has 1st amendment rights).

There's also their stance on monopolies being bad.

They also usually love antitrust protections. The Shermon antitrust act is quite succinct. A "conspiracy" it says, ironically, which limits trade is illegal. Several companies conspiring together to prevent a crazy guy from selling crazy might be ruled illegal.

And if course, there's that supreme court case from a century ago where an entire town was owned by an oil company. The company put up "No solicitation" signs and tried to keep Mormons from going door-to-door. The company's arguments will sound very familiar: "we're not violating your freedom of religion because we're not the government- you're free to be Mormon anywhere you like, just not on our property." The court sided with the Mormons and prevented the company from kicking them out.

There's a chance a court would side with Jones based on the precedent above, or based on antitrust, or any number of other reasons. And if the tech companies were owned by right wingers and if they were censoring the left, these arguments would be all over the media.

I don't understand protected classes.

I'm not able to actually argue for the things I believe, so instead, I will allude to an argument, but keep it vague enough to be meaningless. Sorry to hear that buddy. If that situation ever changes, please let me know.

I don't understand the civil rights act

I just got called out for my inability to argue. Better double down.

Wait! No! That just makes you look stupid!

I don't understand the difference between political opinions and religious and sexual orientations.

I'm only pretending to be retarded.

I know. I know that you're not retarded, but I'm correct in my assessment of you as someone who cannot defend the things he believes. You desperately want to say, "here's why you're wrong ____" and fill in the blank with something meaningful. But you can't, and that bothers you. So instead, you're doing this fake quote thing.

I don't understand natural monopolies, monopolies on a case by case basis, and market power in the social media sector

The thing is, you're never going to learn to defend yourself unless you try. You could try it here - shit, you could create an alt and try it!

Unless you make an effort to learn to defend yourself, all you're ever going to be able to do is hide behind these rhetorical straw men.

Have courage! I promise to be gentile with you.

I don't understand deontology

It's normal to believe things very strongly. It's human nature. But what you ought to be able to do, on reaching adulthood, is go further than simple belief - you ought to be able to give a reason for the things you believe.

I don't understand the categorical imperative

It's also very common to be defensive when someone highlights your failure to go further than simple belief. It's common, but that's no excuse. You ought to strive for more.

I don't understand the second principle of justice

It's only when you choose to remain in that childish state, where you feel that you're right but don't test your beliefs exposing them and defending them - that's the only real failure.

Le debate me on r/drama

Fuck off retard

calm down Francis

There's also their stance on monopolies being bad.

You don't think monopolies are bad?

You don't think monopolies are bad?

The mistake you're making here is assuming that my critique of the far left is a result of my personal politics.

I'm a liberal on many issues. I'm pro-choice, I'm in favor of universal basic income (have you heard of this guy? He makes a very compelling case), universal healthcare, strong environmental regulations, and yes, breaking up monopolies. Had the government not broken up AT&T for example, I firmly believe we would still all be using rotary phones that don't unplug from the wall.

On other issues, I'm conservative. For example, I'm big on the right to bear arms and freedom of speech (which is hilarious that this now makes me literally hitler). But the point is, you shouldn't read the post above as me saying, "here's a list of things that I disagree with."

Rather, you should read it as me pointing out what I see as hypocrisy. I really do believe that if these companies leaned right, and if they were banning leftists, there would be wall-to-wall media coverage making the case that they're monopolies that need to be broken up. Remember MicroSoft's antitrust case? At the time, MS was seen as being a standard evil corporation (which translates to, right-wing). So they got no love from the media. It's a really strange contrast to what's going on now. These companies are seen as staunchly left-leaning, so they're getting support. long as they toe the line. I see this morning that Twitter has said it's not going to ban Infowars, and the left is hating on them.

I really do believe that if these companies leaned right, and if they were banning leftists, there would be wall-to-wall media coverage making the case that they're monopolies.

Yeah, I more or less agree, The right would probably be praising it and saying they can do whatever they want since its a private business too. Political discussion these days is just yelling everything you can think of to see what sticks.

The idea of breaking them up is pretty interesting, I wonder how it could actually work. the main benefit of these social media sites is that everyone else is on them. Even if they were to split the accounts between the two new businesses everyone would just migrate towards one of them. In that sense maybe they should be a government regulated monopoly?

I'm don't agree that most of these tech giants can be hit with antitrust or be "broken up" in a way that makes sense, but I do agree with you that Google/Alphabet in particular is at the very least border-monopolistic. YouTube will never face any legitimate competition in the video sharing space as long as they enjoy a privileged relationship with their parent that dominates online advertising, has advanced cloud hosting infrastructure at its disposal, and seems willing to eat any of YouTube's losses. YouTube being spun off would solve a lot of problems and probably give its competitors a fighting chance.

They love government power when it's directed at those they don't like. Even with policies like free trade, they shut up in the face of trade wars and tarriffs.


You should take further security measures, OP.

Be more online

Verified blue check mark twitter users, rise up!!!! ✊✊✊

Damn she's thick in the head. She can't understand even the "data" that she provides.

Once again several beatings are the cure to such retardation

this just in, white woman doesn't understand things more at eleven

If that is a real woman behind that account I will eat my MAGA hat.

Eat that hat, ya lil' bitch.

America needs better schools smh

Schools can't fix conservatism.

Ben Shapiro isn't considered a Giant by anyone, he's 5'3

He's not even playing a character like Ann Coulter the real genius

yes yes we know he's a manlet.

are you trying to deny his influence on the shitstain that is the right wing?

Please tell me more about how knowledgeable of the Right Wing you are Kippot

You aren't a uninformed raving lunatic who thinks a Jew is in charge of a bunch of racists

who thinks a Jew is in charge of a bunch of racists

i don't get this argument, there are a lot racist jews

You think racists care what the Jew thinks?

Top Tier Drama mind

racists jews care about what racists jews thinks yeah, and most mayos hate brown people more than they hate jews.

you're not the only racist on earth you know

you're racist because I disagree with you


sure surprised the guy who thinks Racist Jews is such a large population they could support Ben Shipros career is such a retard.

You're making no sense and aren't even intelligible





reading is hard but you must have missed this part:

most mayos hate brown people more than they hate jews.

I don't read but keep posting your great posts

knowledgeable of the Right Wing

in charge of a bunch of racists

Out of the mouth of babes 🤔

like i'm gonna seriouspost with a centipedo ;)

Kippot the unironic stalinist apologist. Purge of 1937 for you burgy scum

oh yes, im a stalinist :D

nice one, weak ass coward mdegenerate

Ur mom gay

is this the mdegenerate "humor" i've been hearing about?

lmao mayocide now amirite??? :))))



Insh'Allah brother!

Literally nothing else more so



not one of those, but ok, since we playin the projecting game and i started it

centipedo/mdegenerate whatever the fuck ever, just keep safe out there

im gonna blast ur bussy in /r/drama meetup 2019 boyo

you just keep on dreaming, incel manlet

downvoting in drama

wow thats a yikes mydude

keep yourself safe in world of warcraft.

Do you invoke lolcow protection?

We can't bully the retards too much, that's discrimination against a protected class.

haha yeah incel manlets!

fuck yeah stalin imprisoning all intellectuals and gays:)))

checkmate mdegenerates

oh wow, this is a first for me!

thank you so much for letting me live rent free in your head :D

everyone lives rent free in communist utopia ;D

only chud mdegenerates refuse to accept that ;D ;D ;D

you seem a bit bussyblasted?

lmao bussy :D

so are you too much of a weak ass coward to post on your main or did you get banned for shitposting badly? i wonder

lmao mdgenerate incel chuds you know

stay safe out there ;)

so you're a coward, got it

lol sounds like something a coward would say

oh right, so I made an alt after I got mad at you?

lmao bussyblasted ;D

you're really not good at this :/

i'm not good i'm incredible at this :/

Took me a second, I thought you were having a stroke

ah yes i could have been more clear but i got so excited, fingers racing over the keyboard

Stalin was really able to rock that stache. There, I said it.


Not knowing the meaning of words is the only way any aspect of contemporary conservatism makes sense.

"No one is illegal. They're undocumented." "Some women have penises. Get over it."

Which political beliefs are supported by misunderstanding what words mean again?

Two swings and misses

Thank you for illustrating my point.

Nor can it fix liberalism.

Nor can it fix liberalism. no u


Triggered are we?


Yes. Shitty bantz are a war crime


Posts in srssucks, uses ded memes.

Are you stuck in a time warp bucko?

Says the one that spends all their time in /r/Drama,

Is that supposed to be an insult? This is some weak tea sweetie 😴

Hun it wasn't like yours was any stronger. Bud Light is a strong beer than your insult.


Ummm sweaty

Bud Light is a strong beer than your insult.

Adding this to my cringe Pinterest board

I didn't know you love me so much.

If the parade of mincing, boy-hungry "uncles" your mother kept bringing home can love you, practically anybody can.

Why so triggered?

I just complimented you, friendo. I realise this is novel for you. Maybe next time you'll respond appropriately. Yay you!

Na I think not.

It's very unlikely you'll ever get another compliment, true.

Do you actually have a cringe Pinterest board? Cause I’d follow the shit out of that.

Liberalism isn't the problem. I get conservatives are increasingly upset over the fact they have no credible academics or intellectuals, valid policy goals, and they've lost every culture war for the last 40 years, but "both sides" are not the same.

That's just something conservatives repeat themselves to avoid admitting they're dumb people.

Well its a good thing I ain't a conservative then. And last time I check they are winning the current culture war, not like the democrats are doing much of anything to block republicans now are they? As far as academia goes you do realize academia is overall is against conservatism right? But hey the left is all about tolerance and more so diversity right?

I don't understand. Did a child write this? Of course academia is against conservatism. Academia is reserved for people who know things and can orate them without dribbling dip spit into their overalls. If the left championing diversity means having to pretend your ideas aren't jaw dropping retarded then I guess call me Adolf and throw up a salute there chief.

Thanks for proving my point.

You don't have a point, you have fentanyl and an irregular number of chromosomes. They're not the same thing.

1/10. You got a one for attempt to troll.

Where do you think you are? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Apparently a sub full reddits trying to be edgy trolls and failing hard in the process.

You're seriousposting in /r/Drama. Maybe you should stop.


No, petal, it's not a joke. Maybe you should stop.

So serious now? I was just starting.

Somehow I don't think that's the case. 🤔

Academia makes me pay 40 dollars for a paper on bees lol

last time I check they are winning the current culture war, not like the democrats are doing much of anything to block republicans now are they?

i dont think you know what a "culture war" is

No I don't think you do.

hint: culture wars are fought in the cultural sphere, and as such involve politicians only indirectly

But the results are measurable in who we elect and how we govern ourselves.

Who has more influence on American culture, the big four or the government?

I’m not sure who or what you mean by “the big four”. Can you clarify that?

Big four in tech. Or even FANG.

if this were true tipper gore would be an icon, not a punchline

Every single cultural and social trend since WWII has gone the way of progressivism. You have no argument that's not stupid.

This sub seems to turn into /r/iamverysmart.

If you think conservatives are winning any culture war you're more deluded than I had thought tbh.

As far as academia goes you do realize academia is overall is against conservatism right? But hey the left is all about tolerance and more so diversity right?

Academia is against conservativism because it's a shit tier worldview that can't be supported with anything approaching facts.

Praise be to Allah for fentanyl and type-2 diabetes.

Inshallah, some day we will all get to live in a world with far fewer flyover peasants dragging the rest of us down.

One day it'll come out that the fentanyl crisis was engineered by the (((deep state))), and the world's faith in American government will be restored

I get conservatives are increasingly upset over the fact they have no credible academics or intellectuals

But but but muh DOCTOR Memerson!

theory of room cleaning


wanting to fix liberalism as a conservative/Trumpist

the absolute state of burger education

Remember kids if you aren't with them you must be on the opposing side. FYI I ain't pro trump or conservative, I am worse than either of those things.

you’re an admitted pedofile then?

You can't just ask someone if their a libertarian...

he’s an an-cap, not a lolbertarian. They’re almost two completely similar things

Is this like pedos and eboheebogreebophiles?

more like Amerimutts claiming to be “white” when they’re only half Potato-Nigger 🇨🇮

Other way round, surely? The generic white mutts always pretend to be full-potato on St Paddy's day and that's it.

An cao? That's a new one for me.

He's a male feminist

school is for fuckin nerds lmao

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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School is for the gays and libs, though.

be eurocuck

go to school most of your life

still be everyones bitch

No thx

White, Christian and least not a pedo (I hope).

We need to bring back eugenism.

wow the baby is the smuggest one

Man, that baby got the worst of both parents' features huh.

She married Smeagol?

There's a bunch of posts about Millie on The Dirty from like 6 or 7 years ago.

She apparently started gold digging at a pretty young age, and I think this guy is actually her second husband.

She's definitely getting some attention from this shitshow. I had no idea who she was.

This is like the ugliest conservathot I've seen. Come on there has to be more to it than being blonde and throwing in a red cap. Have some standards guys. Lauren Southern is A++, I would literally pretend to be a Trump supporter so that I could get rejected by her. This? Nah.

Somehow unsurprisingly, the hottest Trump supporter is actually an immigrant 😂 😂 😂

LOL her husband is like 30 years older than her hahahahaha what a useless whore

That baby looks like the embodiment of "my father will hear of this"

Funny, I just thought it was missing chromosomes.

she married Evil Jeff Goldblum?

the absolute state of centipedos

MillennialMillie on Youtube

I think we found the source of the retardation.

I must be getting old because I didn't understand half the words in your title

The fact that right wingers screech about privatization and don't even know what private ownership means is pretty unsurprising though

I'm on a slightly different part of the "spectrum". I'm becoming ashamed of myself for even recognizing part of them.

A better version of this take is that they've accepted too much government money and too many kickbacks and tax breaks to qualify as private

The only argument i see that its public space is that there will never be a rival to facebook that isnt its own thing entirely, unless it was state supported. It would be like reinventing the wooden plane and showing everyoje you can fly

MySpace would like a word with you.

Myspace was like a weird prototype, halfway between geocities and facebook.

Not necessarily. Everything crumbles and falls eventually. The question is just if it's within a timespan relevant to our life, and I think this one will be.

The only argument i see that its public space

It unquestionably is, and you've identified the reason why. The internet is analogous to a physical location. Banning people from your site is equivalent to blocking them from all the conversations happening anywhere, especially if your site is as big as Twitter and YouTube. The constitution wasn't designed with the internet in mind and we need extra protections so that rich assholes with friends in the media can't memory-hole whoever they want.

Then most of the Fortune 500 is public

But taxation is theft.

Kind of like what Obama was going for when he said: "you didn't build that"?

What a dumb ho. Just straight up DUM DUM

Straight STOOPID. Dumb ass BROAD. WOW!

Public doesnt own those servers, bye bye sweety!

tfw you agree with Kurt Eichenwald

I know someone can be horrible and still be right about basic facts, but I still feel immensely dirty being on his side.

At least he has good taste in hentai.


She makes a convincing argument for repealing women's suffrage.


I hope more women realize that there's mountains of patreonbucks waiting to be made off of thirsty rightoids.

It's ironic how morons from both the right and left will crowd around figureheads.

Americans are notorious for this.

Where can I donate to her patreon?

That strip joint behind Applebee's

She probably trips over the pole.

I don’t know what’s better, her pre-6th-grade understanding of economics or her confidence about the whole thing

She's right, of course. You look at websites that ban Democrats and they get sued. Eharmony didn't allow fags and got sued. Starbucks can't ask a black person to leave when they are loitering without getting sued. But the government can call these companies in front of Congress and sanction them if they don't do what they say. It's state sponsored censorship. Hopefully, Trump gets to put this new Supreme Court together and restores our Constitution.

Shit-tier bait

Shit-tier post by someone who is undoubtable in the majority of Democrats who support criminalizing speech.

Your heart's not in it

Too much fentanyl or too little?

I think they get crabby when it's too little

You're just tossing the entire fishing pole in m8.


Mate, you're not allowed to ban people on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or sexuality, but you definitely are allowed to ban them for their political stance.

Apparently, "Progressives" can't read.

o i am laffin

Apparently, "Progressives" can't read

o i am laffin

Andddd she resorted to the battlecry of all Conservatives who even begin to realize they might be wrong about something...


Amazing, it's always like a script.

It's hard to argue with someone that stupid.

It's so easy to make money off the conservatives.

I'm surprised how she hasn't been banned or deverified yet considering she's wearing a MAGA-hat on her Twitterprofile.

Intelligence sources are sounding the alarm!

Deep state coup attempt coming.

Social media was originally designed for regime change by deep state. Think Arab spring.

Ammo, guns, water disinfectants, & storable food, -get prepared.

Apparently she is a "jounalist" for infowars.

user reports:
1: <no reason>

Every goddamned time.

user reports:
1: Kill yourself.

I'm too retarded to figure out how. Plz demonstrate.

user reports:
1: sex negativity

Michael Hutchence was an early believer in the Mayocide. He'd be cool to hang with.

no government interference in business - epic conservative

can the government interfere and prevent facebook from banning alex jones - also epic conservative

Lol she work for infowars.... that say a lot!

Pretending Facebook is a platform and not a publisher is dishonest.

where the hell do they find these women

did Dad not fuck them hard enough or something