Biggest videogame on the planet hates women, says Kotaku

24  2018-08-07 by Grindalid


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I thought Fortnite was the biggest meme videogame nowadays

yeah, pretty sure it's been at least three years since I last heard anyone even mention LoL

Still the most-played game, though, but... Definitely dropped in popularity in NA.

It's worldwide popularity is heavily propped up by it's extreme popularity in China. I think like 80% of the player base is in China.

Who keeps up with videogames anymore, it's not 1997

LoL has big tiddy characters, so they get targeted by Kotaku et al.

Do these people just fabricate sexism so they have something to screech over?

You're looking at an ocean and asking if it's wet

Other current employees, speaking on the record, disputed that account, with some top female employees telling Kotaku they had not personally experienced gender discrimination at Riot.

This line just shows up near the beginning of the article and gets glossed over for the rest of it.


Also let it be known that someone had the temerity to write this line as an argument:

Anecdotal evidence suggests that women who play League of Legends have been regular targets of harassment

Which more or less sums up the article. A bunch of unsubstantied stories and interpretations of events from already discontent people within the company. Seriously, a good portion of it is telling us what their sources thought of this or that.

won’t drive by Riot’s campus anymore

Triggered by a building.

Literally everybody who plays League is a regular target of harassment, this is not a gendered thing.

>bad PR hits riot

>riot immediately gives large, random buffs to two of the most popular champions in the game an hour later


>implying women don't deserve it