Steel Panther release controversial guitar pedal named "Pussy Melter" r/guitarpedals users aren't impressed by this "totaly not a parody" band

137  2018-08-07 by voicelesshoodwinker


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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TY for your hard work Snappy😘

For a minute there I thought I was in r/negareddit.

Check out the all comments... you know, just in case you thought people who post in a subreddit literally only about guitar pedals might not be absolutely pathetic.

name a better use for reddit than talking about your hobbies

Aggregating instances of online drama to bitch about?

Drama is my hobby

Get hits of external validation by counting imaginary internet points?

convincing white people to kill themselves?

extolling the virtues of gussy and the sins of gussy?

creating and sharing emojipasta?


Seriously though lol

Laughing at all the socially awkward neckbeards trying to talk about their hobbies.


> Devolving into a literal retard so hard that you believe everything is done to trigger the libs

absolutely pathetic.

only thing absolutely pathetic there is the thinly veiled anger they have towards a spoof band. There's got to be something ideological going on there.

Don't you get it man? They encourage women to show their tits when they get up on stage! Masculinity so fragile.

Get our misogynist rapist.


Man, with songs like the classic 'gangbang at the old folks home' and 'my dong is community property' i can't understand how a mention of the band doesn't send them running for their fainting couches.

Steel Panther are at least self-aware. These guys probably still think playing 'eruption' in Guitar Centre is considered cool.

I remember a few weeks ago when this news broke, and some chick band was talking about how insensitive it is and how they'd be boycotting the company who made it.

I listened to some of their music and they never once used a distortion pedal, they are just outraged at a product that's a joke but not even marketed to them.

The controversial patch was for a delay pedal

Subreddit literally only about guitar pedals might not be absolutely pathetic.

Says the guy who comments in a sub devoted to a single video game.

Subreddit literally only about guitar pedals might not be absolutely pathetic.

Says the guy who comments in a sub devoted to a single video game.

Subreddit literally only about guitar pedals might not be absolutely pathetic.

Says the guy who comments in a sub devoted to a single video game.

Is literally every person in that thread mentally ill? Was it brigaded to all hell by Chapo or something? I mean honestly, what is happening in there? The political mouth foaming just doesn't seem normal for what that sub is, right?

I mean it's a subreddit that will basically tell you that a different brand of resistor in a pedal makes or breaks it. I'm not surprised they're retarded enough to think Steel Panther gives a fuck about identity politics.

I mean dont get me wrong, I know gearheads have the 'tism, I just don't usually see it expressed like this. I mean they're reacting to the NAME of the pedal like a bunch of middle aged suburban housewives. Who are they signaling for? Are they delusional enough to think there are any women on a pedal forum? And even if there were, are they under the impression that acting like a turbo prude is an attractive feature?

I realize I'm setting up a bunch of easy answers here. But still.

But if they defend women they will come and join in with the discussions about the smooth buttery toan they get from running their klone through a blues junior!

As if women weren't already scared away from their responses on the Korg Miku, which is 1000x worse than anything Steel Panther would release.

That's what the problem is. The music gear community already has a fuckton of gatekeep-y shitlords that fetishize their equipment and condescend to women because they automatically assume that they can't possible enjoy music.

The company that released the patch is one of the largest gear manufactures, and the response was more of a collective "what the fuck?" than REEEing. Our board was split by people that roll their eyes (like myself) at the guitar-bro nonsense and people that were defending Steel Panther/ don't even understand what the issue was.

Gearheads condescend to everyone. What the fuck is with this obsession with framing people who are "gatekeeping" as only doing it to women? That behavior is not gender-specific.

And holy fucking shit, Steel Panther made a crude joke. I am so shocked and appalled! How could we ever have prepared ourselves? And how will we ever move on from this horrendous violation? I mean give me a fucking break dude.

There isn't an "issue" beyond everyone reacting to a crude joke 1. by clutching more pearls than suburban soccer moms and 2. by projecting insane levels of politics into a guitar pedal made by, again, a band that is literally an extended joke/parody of a genre and time period.

What's this obsession with framing people as "clutching pearls" when they are offended by something you like/aren't offended by? Both are buzzy, signalling nonsense.

But, you're right, gatekeeping by definition isn't gender specific, but can be gendered depending on the context (which it is, in this case).

I don't give a fuck what Steel Panther does or what they pass as "jokes". The Pussy Melter Distortion is being released because the Pussy Melter delay patch released by TC Electronic for their Flasback Delay was met with criticism and the patch was pulled. The real controversy was weeks ago when that happened.

Is, there is an issue: why does a multi-million dollar company think releasing something that could possibly alienate 50% of the population is chill? Probably because of the culture of their customer base.

Do some people overreact? Sure. One might even say there are people in this thread reacting outrageously to other people's outrage, but I don't think the perceived "size" of an issue should preclude it from being discussed or acted against.

Only middle aged white mayo rapists give a shit about metal bands so maybe we're all just not into how outted you are for being a middle aged mayo with bad taste in music.

It's becoming normal for reddit.

Why bother making such a product at all? Their music send parodic enough to sell the brand.

the day when even metal heads come off as fucking soyboys, jesus christ.

The sports subreddits are like this too. These aren't Brads and Chads that go to football matches and tail gate, it's a bunch of dorks who love nerding out about statistics.

Can we get some more gems of insight Captain Obvious?

It's still Reddit at the end of the day.

have you ever seen what metalheads look like in real life? greasy ponytails and battlevests are soyboy incarnate

i agree this is why you need to join the chadcore brigade!

This post gave me SYWH flashbacks, you've made me go and listen to hatebreed again

i used to hang around metal heads quite alot, the elite snobish kind too, who would argue over what counts as true metal, nerdy as fuck about their music.

while they were skinny and greasy looking, they certainly didn't have soyboy personalities, and have extended debates over parody lyrics and how misogynistic they are.

Metalheads are the fucking worst. It's their music or it's nothing lol. The worst was the metalhead +butrock people

The loser metalheads I hung around with were definitely soyboys. They all seemed to have a gore fetish but were also "pacifists" (terrified pussys) and male feminists. They also loved to make racist jokes even though every one of them was a flaming democrat.

Remember your earplugs!

Metalheads?...I only see indiehead there mostly...or art rock heads.

Every metal show I go to is full of obese manlets in cargo shorts that definitely pump nice guy tokens into girls.

Imagine getting triggered by a contemporary 80s metal band's joke pedal

"haha libtards" contingent is a pretty big share of the guitar gear scene

When you spend so much time immersed in political echo chambers that you actually can't engage with any topic without projecting your one-dimensional politics onto it first.

Steel Panther was doing their thing before those retards were even born. How could they think this whole thing is about them?

It's not just distasteful. You're not really getting the point. It's more like if there was a pedal with an offensive stereotypical racial joke on it. Even if someone of that racial profile finds it hilarious... They don't represent the majority, and regardless, it's objectifying and singling out that group.

... Jesus Christ, save us.

Whitey has colonized language

that thread has been invaded by the gussy defense brigade

The only pussies it is melting are the fucking pussies that frequent that lame ass sub.




Imagine being so shit at guitar that you think male feminism is your best shot at getting laid.

Wow didn't know musicians were such puritans.

Big Muffs, Swollen Pickles and Camel Toes are ok though. I guess.

too bad there's no literal pussy melter to use on that subreddit's commenters.

both metalheads and ironic hair metal need to be purged off this earth

The ever-broadening definition of the word "troll" really gets my autism boiling. It used to be that trolls would take controversial opinions they didn't really believe in, just to rile people up. Then it was anybody who had a controversial opinion and expressed it emphatically. Now it's just synonymous with makings crude jokes.

We need to take back trolling.

SJW's and anti-SJWs are the exact same types of people, all actions are perceived as being explicitly taking a side on the binary.

i pity the people who exist with a worldview that compels them to feel upset at innocuous shit like this

Looks like these dorks don't even understand that their instrument of choice is literally a phallus poisoning popular music.

Cmon, really? The toneprint thing, while still kinda gross

There we have it.

When your genre defines itself against God and all that is holy but you can't bring yourself to say anything bad about women.

Most of these things are used by self proclaimed “worship musicians”. The only venues they’ve ever played is the church they’ve attended for the last 30 years.

These people are reacting like the pedal was named "Nigger Blaster". Jesus christ.

I cant

Good. I'm glad those "literally who" musicians that were sperging out about this ultimately didn't matter in the end.

People are shitting themselves over a band that is a spoof of 80s hair rock and excess having an outlandish guitar pedal. Some women would have loved to been around during the days of getting passed around like a party favor and consisting on the four major groupie foodgroups of Marlboro Reds, vodka, cocaine and semen. Get the fuck over it.

Some of the outrage is probably coming from people with a financial stake in the pedal

There doesn't seem to be many corners of reddit left that aren't infested with self important pearl clutchers.

god i fuckong love steel panther

Anyone who uses the term "meme band" instead of "parody band" needs to get off the internet, and swallow a tide pod

When will idiot pearl clutchers learn that the butt of these "offensive" jokes isn't the offensive thing in question, but the idiot pearl clutchers sperging out over it?

Meta thread coming up about how r/drama doesn’t understand guitars, guitar pedals, metal music, r/guitarpedals, or pretty much anything, come to think of it.

who exactly is the... "target demographic" for this? aren't these guys like a hair-metal meme band?

People who play electric guitar in the current_year mock a genre of music for being for out of touch boomers without any hint of irony...

Goddamn mods really nuked that entire thread.