5 Months Ago, I made about a paragraphs worth of posts dunking on the emo kids of r/nihilism. Today, I get seven filled-to-the-brim posts from someone offended by the idea of living.

72  2018-08-07 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


That's weapons grade autism there that is

They allow this shit on the internet?

I agree. People like that should be forced into a self imposed seclusion so they can't bring the rest of us down with the bad vibes

You just want us to jack you off because of how smart you are?

You could literally solve world hunger with all that pasta.

His post history has a whole lot more.

If I had ideas like that I would want to fucking neck myself too.

The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Digital watches are a pretty neat idea tho.

DAE TOWELL??? lol only nerds get dis refrnce ;;;;))))

reproduction is murder

Hot take

Jesus Christ, I never understand why faggots like this don’t just off themselves. Stop trying to convince the rest of us life sucks and just end your own, and our, suffering.

I know a faggot like this who loves to post shit like this and I just keep asking when he’s gonna put his money where his mouth is.

These nihilist children don't actually believe half the shit they spout. Life may be suffering but it's nothing a good knob-gobbling from a fellow pseudo-intellectual can't fix.

jesus christ, thats a lot of text

What were your initial thoughts on reading "Part 1 of my reply"?

I initially responded to him thinking it was only two parts or something. I was already surprised that this dude was responding with multiple posts to a 5 months old comment, but it just blew my mind seeing “Part 7”.

Admit it, you got utterly DESTROYED.

Fuck, that sub completely misunderstood the basis of nihilism. Suffering and joy doesn't matter if you are actually a nihilist. Making people suffer is just as good (or bad) as making them feel joy.

Fucking reddit and fucking 14 yo.

Nobody who calls themselves a nihilist understands what they're saying, it's analogous to saying you're going to count to an imaginary number. I blame the "haha I want to die" trend in humor for creating so many of these fags.

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Actual nihilists exist, but you can only find them in academia.

Eh, personally I think nihilism is the objective truth since God doesn't exist, but believing it is incompatible with human nature. I can't even imagine what sort of life a true nihilist would live.

All philosophy is retarded. Anyone who cares about it should chop their genitals off.

Did a philosopher take your husband buddy ?

Kant killed my dog

Wtf, I love Kant now.

Anyone who cares about it should chop their genitals off.

Ahh I see you subscribe to arthur schopenhauer's philosophy

Your arguments were retarded af tho


Even capeshit would scoff at the notion of a retard calling themselves the nonexistent.

He might be delusional but your arguments were just as bad as his. If you want to post here to be taken seriously and get affirmation of your views, dont start your posts with "dunking on emo kids", especially when your username is TheSmugAnimeGirl lol.

If I bold random parts of my sentence, they must be true.

Oh great, who let more furfags in?

I don't know exactly what a nihilist is but too many retards under 30 call themselves that and that cannot be a good thing.

ligotti was right about human consciousness being a curse, and those posts are proof

Those people need some Kermit, pronto.

Well, he's not entirely wrong. The "growth mentality" that economics advocates only ends one way - an overpopulated Malthusian deathtrap, aka "the race to the bottom." People who put their faith in "science" thinking that new scientific breakthroughs will somehow allow infinite population growth are even more stupid and delusional than those conspiracy nuts who think everything is some secret plan of the Illuminati. At least the Illuminati nuts have quasi "facts" they can point to attempt to substantiate their beliefs, but brainwashed 💜Science💜 fetishizers have no such excuses... because Science has never been able to solve all the world's problem, yet they still insist on believing it's some magical panacea. "Hey, let's subsidize stupid people procreating, surely this will NEVER go wrong."

Yeah, science has done nothing for us ever. Get real ya homo

What the fuck is wrong with you all? Why didn't anyone archive it?
