r/philosophy advocates for genocide because climate change is leading to dangerous levels of fags and black people

34  2018-08-08 by Fiat-Libertas


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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I was wondering how my wife was having so many half black children.

Global warming and chemtrails turned my cum into black cum.

The black gold

Yes. That must be it.

See, calling for VHEMT because icky icky negroes is why people don't treat climate change as they should.

🤔 son I think we need to talk.

I know we can't ping anymore, but can someone rise to the ranks of admin, so you can make an announcement for everyone to KYS to save the environment?

I know we can't ping anymore Don't be a gussy, do it faggot.

Is it a permanent ban tho?

Mods are too ban happy right now.

I just got ban from r/news yesterdayfor no reason

l'm a good boy :(

just crosspost it to /r/pinging and ping them there

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Both climate change alarmists who think the Earth will turn into literally Venus and climate change deniers are fucking retarded.

To be fair, anything between literally venus and +5 degrees C is an apocalypse.

But lol, who cares I'll be dead by then

Nigga just move to Antarctica lol.

If Ice Is Real How Is Global Warming Real, Like Open Your Eyes LOL

In 2070, 48th American President Samuel Jared Taylor ( 118-year-old hwite cyborg) will establish the Anglo-Saxon ethnostate in the interior of Antarctica. Leaving the scorched ruins of North America for the now fertile and temperate Antarctic.

Finally the mecha-nazi from Antarctica that 4chan kept promising but never delivered