Pizzashill is the worst poster on /r/drama, change my mind

29  2018-08-08 by QueenOfTheIncels


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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1) snowmanbg

Unironic bulgarian incel who listens to chinese music and has been so sexually frustrated he's had sex with another man

2) women-warriors

A drug fueled feminist who thinks all men are rapist

3) womens-warrior

Number 2 but worse

4) glenn1112

Un-ironic schyzo poster

5) Ed_butteredtoast

Emojii poster

leave Ed alone 😭😭😭

like he probably isnt even allowed to fight back right now

That's because he refuses to use deodorant. Rajesh neglecting daily deodorant use is as much a public health hazard as a Thai hooker not using condoms.


Thai hooker not using condoms.

I'm sure you're speaking from personal experience on that one, Grandson.

Don’t dare drag Ed into this! Smh.

It's the truth. Really sorry

πŸ’”πŸ’”. I want proof!

kippot and whatever name feepo is currently using

Whar about meeeeee???? 😭😭😭

Not forgotten 😘

I nominate Ed for number 2.

For the diversity.

women-warriors is a treasure

I love that the community here is so tight-knit

Multiple paragraphs of all caps ranting and seriousposting? Imagine getting this triggered over fucking PIZZASHILL.

He was put down, in the future pizzashill should refrain from discussing subjects he has no education in

You embarrassed yourself and all for /r/drama upboats. Please do continue.

TBH I'd tickle a tranny's malformed shenis for just one sweet /r/drama upboat

Pizzashill doesn't have education in any subject

The hell do you want from him

He has a PhD in convincing Mommy to make him tendies

You expect him to spend the rest of his life mute?

He stopped talking to me, I think that's just mean

He's just mad that I'm an Ayn Rand fanboy

likes Ayn Rand

calls someone else juvenile


To be fair you need a fairly high IQ to understand Atlas Shrugged or Anthem

I’ll upvote this every time it’s posted. So good.

Shia Ladowns

OUT: You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in

IN: Exactly what I thought bitch, take a seat.


So, if you are queen of the incels, and pizza is an incel, does that make you queen of pizzashill?

Yes and he should learn some fucking respect

Pizzashil - Bow down.

implying /u/queenoftheincels is an actual femoid and not a LARP


they definitely bring up the "i are kween of the braincels xddd" way too much to not be just a fag trying to rile them up

"""she""" pretended to be a black/Latina woman a while ago too. It's so clear that its a larp

Tbh we have way too many T_D, CA, MDE, Fortnite, JPeterson etc etc posters these days. really takes the wind out of the sail that is dramaposting when check a profile and realize its seriousposting-

p-shilly is at least established

He's great for exercising the seriousposters until they're ready for a nap

I don't know if the serious posters will kill r/drama or not. On one hand, they stir up the drama, on the other hand they're just more retarded redditors who think they deserve an actual debate with anybody they disagree with.

He's not wrong. Republicans are pretty stupidly racist.

Don’t tell him that. I mean he’s right but shhh. He might not put as much effort into his posts if he thinks he’s preaching to the converted.

Republicans are pretty stupidly racist.

And democrats thinks blacks are stupid. Its the circle of truth.

me too thanks

I don't know who to be angry at. Help anyone?

(Is it the jews?)

pizzashill is just his normal self but QueenOfTheIncels seems really mad at him

she must be a racist republican

pizzashill and omment score below threshold (76 children) name a more iconic duo

(76 children)

too bad this'll never be his real circumstance

why is that bad?

because imagine the drama generated from 76 spawns of pizzashill

Me and pojom will be having babies and trust me friend: they will control this sub.

Forced hermaphroditism through genetic engineering is the answer.

real life futa when?

It's not often I encounter someone with this low of an intelligence level.

even for /r/drama you take the cake.

Snowmanbg is easily worse than pizza

I really hate that guy. His whole schtick becomes unfunny after seeing it once.

Look how much drama he singlehandedly caused.

What have you done lately? Bitched about one of our most prestigious members?

People really need to start appreciating his pathological need to argue and also get the last word in. Also, he’s unironically the best effort poster here and actually backs up his arguments with citations.


Pizzashill is our king and we all should be willing to lay our lives for him

I love pizza and I will support him till the end. He's a much needed force to oppose the MDEtards and their fellow rightoids.

/u/pizzashill I love you baby, we all love you πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

We love him but only as a lolcow

He actually does a pretty good job of stirring up drama with his special brand of autism. People around here should aspire to be more like him.

This is a pretty weird cry for attention.

By default doesn't that make him the best poster?

/u/pizzashill is a treasure.