If we're not getting them pregnant, is sex just a fancy way to jerk off? Existential crisis

40  2018-08-08 by QueenOfTheIncels


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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I love you and all, but you need to incorporate some lifts that target your lower-chain into your workouts if you want my alfalfa seed. Right now your ass is, at best, a 14/88.

What a bunch of masochistic losers

"Jerk me off with that gussy, babe."

Natural selection fascinates me. Recently I heard that soon, the only factor that will decide "survival of the fittest" is choosing to have children or not.

Imagine being so retarded that you think survival of the "fittest" factored into human evolution for the past 200 years.

Imagine thinking it didn't

Fuck off creationist

So you think "the he fittest" survived the black plague and shit?

It had way more to do with economics then genetics.

so genetics has no factor in your economic status then 🤔🤔🤔 stop being an antisemite to me

All the fittest men died in world wars. Mayos anywayd. Lots of asians too

Eyo, dont forget slavs, we fuckin zerg rushed by the millions in WW2

SLavs are mayo unless u tatar/cossack/ugyuar autisming and claiming they are slavs

Inb4 tatars & cossaks are actually asian / indigineous eurasians / mayan space commanders

With all due respect id like to ask you why you believe slavs are white

Jews are white too amirite?!?

SLavs are mayo

The absolute state of burger mayo. 😂

Slavs are barely human tbh

The slavs' fittest bailed from the motherland the moment commies started seizing power.

You need to balance between the alpha urges of fucking without remorse and committing to some type if relationship. Leaving alpha widows behind won't do because you son won't have tour values. He will have your genes but not your alpha values. So the way I see it is develop yourself in TRP fuck bitches. Commit to some sort of LTR and fuck bitches on the side if you need to. Always mqmaintain alpha but keep some relationship you g where your son or daughter can grow.

I can't get over the fact that someone typed all this completely unironically

Whats fucked is that alpha and beta and chad and stacy meme is fucking everywhere. Its no longer a 4chan or leddit meme

No meme is ever safe from normies, eventually they reach the mainstream

The virgin OC purist vs the CHAD Normie appropriator

I enjoy Virgin vs. Chad a lot because it's heavily satirical and missing that means you miss the entire point.

I think you read too mich into my post or are you drunk or somthing?

Alpha and beta have been misused by people who want to feel superior by pretending we're pack animals for longer than the chans have been around.

we're pack animals

um sorry sweaty this is truth

Sure, if you count cows or sheep as well.

>not counting lobsters

> meme arrows

Good god I'd punch my dad the second he said alpha unironically.

That's pretty alpha.

I'd fuck him

Jerking off to own the females!

Atleast be an alpha and swap to bussy.

It actually gets as much into her head as much as into her vagina and it stays there a LOT longer

Imagine being so against touching your own body to make you feel good that sex starts confusing you.

Recently I heard that soon

Test quote are yes the classic "i have this random fact with no evidence to back up to justify my actions" redpill

It is a worthwhile endeavor for any man to question his purpose. Or to quote Plato: For a man to conquer himself is the noblest of all victories.

thank goodness that post really got me questioning myself too but luckily that sticky was there to set things straight, existential crisis averted 😌😌


Get this guy in touch with the GOP because we got us our next VP for President Trump's next run. But it gets better. And then when RBG dies have Trump nominate himself for the Supreme court. So now we have ebaymasochist as president Trump forever and Kanye as VP.

Also if any of you were wondering I typed this with one hand if you know what I mean.....I masturbated to the thought of Trump being on the Supreme Court.

The Maoist Internationalist Movement believes that under the patriarchy, all sex is rape. So that’s something to think about.