"As gay as this title sounds hear me out" - Absolutely not gay completely 100% not homosexual RedPiller talks about how to run game on bussies

7  2018-08-09 by QueenOfTheIncels


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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You beautiful sentient bitch

Is the red pill literally just "don't be a bitch"?

The meat of social/dating advice forums are always in the specific instructions. Which are all autistic as fuck because trying to explain/understand interpersonal dynamics from a how-to guide.

Trying to explain how "don't be a bitch" works is inevitably gonna get you shit like the linked thread, and it's not something you can use a step by step guide for. "Don't be a bitch" is something you either get or you don't.

Yeah, I guess "appear to be a worthwhile person to the opposite sex" cannot be taught on an internet forum. You needed good parents or something.

Redpillers are the only group I'd rank lower than incels.

MGTOW tho.

It's close tbh. MGTOW is where redpillers go after they realize the redpill is really "the bluepill."

At least TRPers have fantasies where they're winning and present some sort of presence to other people. Being MTGOW is a total admission of defeat. It's being an incel to own people who literally do not give a shit if you're gone.

I honestly think the redpillers are worse. You have tons of short/ugly guys over there that unironically believe they can go pick up a stacy by calling them fat or "having good game."

That's my point. They're more delusional but at least in their minds they're winning. MGTOW can't even imagine a fake world where they are not completely pathetic in their own eyes.

unironically believes Stacy meme exists irl

Are you claiming stacy doesn't exist?


You know stacy/chad are just terms that mean "attractive/popular" person right?

it's more of a high school character archetype meme than anything that makes sense

You're a cuck.


MGTOW is the "you can't fire me because I quit!" approach to sex

Tbh that post is pretty good

I started my own business a couple years ago and quit my old job as a pharmacy technician. I made nothing the first year, but ended up making quite a lot in the second year and my small ass local city made a few stories about it in the newspaper.

So, as I read it, this dude runs a moderately successful e-juice company.

Aka: guys trying to overanalyze basic social skills.