40pc of women are taking days off. Should we have paid period leave? • r/GenderCritical can't decide.

30  2018-08-09 by wisty


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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God I love Drama, you guys have the best links

No, I'm worried that by pitching a normal bodily function as a disability we are saying that women are inherintly unable to deal with their own biology



I don't get how so many of them want like three times the number of days off men have and then don't understand why companies tend to hire more men.

The paygap among women and men graduating college is net favorable to women. So now they want more vacation on top of more money.

TERFs aren't exactly known for rationality.

Most of them are arguing against this idea for exactly that reason tbf

I propose that men be required to take three times as many days off, so that companies will be discourages from hiring them.

Wtf uses "pc" instead of a "%"?

Retarded Euromayos

This is why we need a wall on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Euros go home!

"How can we become even more undesirable employees?"

How about we make it so women should be able to take a job and get paid to never have to actually show up to work so they can just stay in the kitchen all day instead?

Personally, I'd be in favour of free bleeding in the workplace.

Randy over in marketing got colon cancer (which i bet is from all the junk food) and he gets time off?! This is just more evidence of socially ingrained discrimination!!

Equal days off or you'll never get hired.

I wish I could ping so I could recommend more folic acid. Heard it helps

Why do women view themselves as a special interest group?

In any skilled labor job taking days off isn’t generally an issue, just do your work at home or something. Take a break, work on it whenever. Even if you take a week off every month you can realistically meet deadlines.

Nope. You can, however, get paid sick leave to have a hysterectomy which will stop periods in their tracks. This also negates the need for abortions.