Girl complains about being too pale. SRDines embrace the mayocide and tell her STFU because racism exists or something

106  2018-08-09 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


God forbid anyone have fun with words on the internet.

And no, I don’t think it’s fine to refer to yourself as a “pale princess” because tbh it’s kind of got racisty vibes.


Lol women subs

So it's only okay if SRD argues for mayocide. But when radical centralists do, ppl whine to the admins.

You can argue for mayocide all you want bby

i'm confused because i support the mayocide but everyone in that thread is making me really angry




honestly this is just another day for make-up subs. nothing sandblasts their vaggos as much as a white pale girl having some issues. its always the same...

Lack of makeup for darkness.

yeah I mean, have you ever tried drawing on black paper? there's a reason shit's white

patriarchy that is why.

its probably true

I'm pretty sure shit is brown.

I wish people would stop discriminating against my kind, the pale people.

There is a big difference between being a pretty pale porcelain princess and being a basement-bound neckbeard that never sees sunlight

I spend enough time outside, I just shouldn't spend too much time in the sun directly because of meds and have generally pale skin.

But you wouldn’t even if you could because you’re a fucking weeaboo

What kind of meds?

Immunosuppresant ones

Depends on if the penis is masculine or feminine

What I don't get is that the original post was specifically in the /r/PaleMUA. So there's /r/brownbeauty etc for non-whites, /r/MakeupAddiction theoretically for everyone but you will be shat on for mentioning that you're white, and /r/PaleMUA was supposed to be a quarantine/reservation sub for white people where their ghastly appearances wouldn't trigger strong women of color. Just kidding, haha, not allowed to be white there either.

I mean, I understand the original complaints that it's hard for WoC to discuss their specific makeup problems when vapid white women drown everything with their bimbo chatter. I could even understand conceding the main subreddit to them, to compensate for off-site oppression or something. But at some point you gotta realize that it's over, you won, you're in total power and have cumskins squirming under your boot? I guess not when you fetishize oppression and believe that being in charge automatically makes you an oppressor and a bad person.

You have a good point, but I can't fathom caring about white women in the year of our lord 2018.

Tru, tru, I didn't mean that I'm disappointed in this turn of events at all!

What about white women who used to be men, you transphobe.

Stay WoC sista ✊

Idk fam, I'm looking at /r/MakeupAddiction and I see like two PoC on the front page. Everyone else is a mayo.

/r/PaleMUA was supposed to be a reservation/containment sub for white people where their ghastly appearances wouldn't trigger strong women of color. Just kidding, haha, not allowed to be white there either it turns out.

The banner of that site has a (overly lighted) picture of an asian girl. Is it just full of asian women who are salty they aren't pale enough? Are they trolling the pale girls?

Ironically, most girls on SRD would give one testicle to be a porcelain princess for a day.

Underrated comment.

Overrated bratwurst

Dad, is that you?

Oral toilets are all gussyhavers are good for tbh

Lol that thread exploded....

A pale person calling themselves a porcelain princess is just someone trying to be comfortable in their skin in the same way a black person might call themselves an ebony princess to be comfortable in theirs. But if a white person does it, it's "racisty" because it "sounds like something you'd hear at a white power rally"? Get the hell out of here.

it literally just sounds like she's calling herself a toilet though lol

I never said it wasn’t a stupid as shit thing to call yourself. I’m just saying it’s a far cry from even resembling something racist.

it's not ok to be white, and you need to accept that.

Welcome back!

Please don’t kink shame

On the one hand, SRDines being smug pieces of shit, as usual. On the other, stupid mayo nonsense.


Poor girl, she's just trying to tell them they look like the Brendan Fraser photoshop meme and they just call her a racist.

Her username made my eyes roll out of my head. Sounds very tryhard and hipstery.

SRD is the same shit everyday I could close my eyes and what the comments say and I'd be right

Unlike r/drama of course

I don't like your attitude. May you be chased by feral ducks.

This sounds like some gay reddit meme talk.

Le decoy duck

Zucchinis at midday

May you be chased by federal cucks

We who live underground and eat rats to sustain ourselves, having gone blind long ago from lack of sunlight, should be able to get the same makeup options as everyone else

I mean ok the whole pale makeup circlejerk is annoying and all, and the femayos that engage in it deserve to be cided and made fun of, but in this case they're doing it in their own sub. Like if you're not pale and this shit offends you, why are you on the sub?

Anyway reason #88990 why gussy is a waste of time

Bringing up colonialism and muh oppression points in a thread about makeup trends?

Can pls

As an Hispanic, I absolutely love that “porcelain” skin color. It’s sexy af.

I once got taken out clam ... digging? somewhere out in the Adriatic with a bunch of Italians. I don't speak Italian, but I sure know what they meant when I took off my shirt.
