FuckTheAltRight lolcow has a sperg out because people continue to milk his autism for laughs. He even stickies it for convenience.

79  2018-08-09 by Automatic_Meaning


My favorite part about this delusional digital janitor is that he thinks it's all the alts of one dude.

He doesn't realize he's the target of hundreds of individuals who think he's fucking hilarious.

He may think it’s me πŸ€”πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

I'm just glad I got my weekly Devavrata scat erotica fix in.

didnt devrata and his merry band of AHS boys plan to abandon reddit about six months ago, because its so full of harassment these days? or was that another one of those eternally butthurt mods?

OP I think we all know who the real autist here is.


is it both? both is the answer, right?

no it's you

shit i got cyberbullied

/u/justcool393, why did u have to ban pings? That was the best part of this type of thread


That guy turned off pings a long time ago by necessity.

I think we should have just pinged until the sub got banned, and then rebuilt somehwhere else. Is there a current pinging headquarters now?

Look at all that bold print this guy means business

With all the shit that little spergling causes, Im amazed he hasnt been banned from Reddit.

Well, not that surprised.

that guy seriously needs to talk to a therapist.

That guy got me suspended for harassment because I asked if he was stupid in a 1 sentence comment, but his 5 paragraph idiot of the day award he did shitting on me was fine.

Never change reddit admins, never change...

That dude cares too much about the internet. So many links and so much time wasted on getting upset by shitty memes

As if he’s ever seen a naked woman who wasn’t animated or made of pixels or paper. πŸ˜‚

u have never seen naked woman 


Why would anyone want to see something so disgusting in person?

Who the fuck talks about women in that way anyway? lmao

Dude is a fucking creep.

He got asshurt that I called thots out for being thots...and his male feminist tears streamed down his fast when I correctly stated no man is going to marry the town bicycle.


A progressive online spoken like a middle age delusional conservative, how shocked.

Holy crap he had a stroke.